Supreme Demon

Chapter 3260: Heaven!

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The world is turbulent.

Everything collapses!

An extremely awkward scene happened under the hatchet. The solid and immortal colorful starry sky made Ling Feng vomit blood and pessimistic, difficult to shake, but at this moment a suction force poured out and Ling Feng sucked into it.


The dazzling starry sky once caused the top figures of the ancient domains to sigh unparalleled, and its solidity can be imagined. It can be said that even if the main body of Ling Feng came in person and tried his best to use various treasures, he would never break open.

But now that such a shocking change has happened, it really surprised Ling Feng.


The colorful starry sky made a slight trembling sound, like a water wave suddenly disintegrating, emitting faint ripples, it was the ripples that surprised Ling Feng, a little unbelievable.

Because he could see a hatchet in the colorful starry sky.

The hatchet that is not decayed or broken.

It burned in the colorful starry sky, emitting light and rain, and the cloudy sky exploded the sky. When it hit the ten thousand roads and tore the gods, it encountered a terrible enemy.

The enemy looked dimly at the sky and looked down upon the sky, and there was endless immortal power between his hands. Unlike Ling Feng's immortal power, the man's immortal power was like a huge mountain, and there were immortals soaring, and it was incalculable.

When Xianli suppressed and fell, the world collapsed for it.

The hatchet collapsed, there was a crack, and a hole was penetrated, even the tip of the knife broke.


This colorful starry sky is to reveal the truth about the hatchet, because after the hatchet collapsed, it fell into the world, the light and rain were wiped out, and there was no glory of the past.


A voice came mistily and resounded in the colorful starry sky, which made Ling Feng wonder whether the voice came from illusion or reality.

"The universe?"

"What does this mean?"

Ling Feng was slightly startled, because he didn't know where the sound came from, let alone what it pointed to.

Is this the sound of the hatchet, or the voice of the owner of the hatchet?

Is the universe of this gorgeous starry sky?

Ling Feng had no way of knowing.

His gaze fell into the colorful starry sky, where the light and rain were scattered, sometimes black as ink, sometimes bright as day, just like the real universe.

"where is this place?"

Ling Feng's eyes frowned slightly, and he didn't know what this gorgeous starry sky was. Now that he was sucked in, what happened?

At first.

The starry sky was very calm, and Ling Feng stepped forward, wanting to know what happened here.

When he went deep into it, Ling Feng's eyes gradually became cold, because he felt a deep and solemn heavenly might in it.


That day, the prestige became stronger and stronger, and the evil spirit of Yin and evil pierced the sky, coming from all directions, heavy and unimaginable, as if the power of the entire starry sky was suppressing.

Is this to annihilate him?

Ling Feng's face suddenly fell cold, and he couldn't help but sacrifice the tree of all things, and all four leaves were vacated to defend against the mighty sky in all directions.

"This colorful starry sky seems to be full of malice for me?"

Ling Fengyin chuckled coldly. He didn't know if God Sense was born in this starry sky. If God Sense was born, I'm afraid it might really deal with him.

You know, now Ling Fengxu came in with the tree of all things, and the fairy blade.

Even the ancient sage characters are crazy when they see it, like the fairy blade, the evil blade, etc., which are special and have no effect on the starry sky, but it is quite effective for the hatchet.

Ling Feng once suspected that the hatchet wanted to annihilate him, and then used the fairy blade and the evil blade to fill the crack.

of course.

If the starry sky has divine consciousness, it will also be tempted by the tree of all things, and it is difficult for the power beside it to act on it, but the tree of all things can nourish all things and is still useful to this starry sky.

"If you want to be hostile to me, I'm sorry, I don't agree!"

Ling Feng's eyes were chilling, and he used fairy blades, evil blades, etc., to disintegrate the heavenly powers from all around him.


He threw a punch and rushed directly to the edge of the starry sky, trying to split the light wall and escape.

He picked the tree of all things and planted it in front of him, and the four leaves gave out hazy light and rain, like a strong and immortal shield, not afraid of the surrounding majesty, it was like a fine gold armor, and the surrounding majesty was like raindrops.

The rain is intensive and violent, but it is still hard to hurt Dunjia.


The power of the "raindrops" is getting stronger and stronger, changing from raindrops to hail, and from hail to hurricane, and the trees of all things are becoming stronger, more sluggish, and darker because of that power.


This starry sky is indeed aiming at Ling Feng, to sacrifice him and become the "resource" and energy in the starry sky.


Ling Feng Lightning rushed out, stiffening the tree of all things, and at the same time offering various secret skills, even the six-character mantra and ancient Wu Tianwei were beaten out, causing the whole world to tremble.


This is a full-scale showdown. The endless mighty sky rushes across the sky, bursting out ripples, knocking the starry sky gloomy, and stars withering from the void, like petals.

Ling Feng tried his best to break through the starry sky.

If it is just a virtual body, Ling Feng can still be annihilated directly without harming the main body, but now the things that the virtual body brings are too important, and the tree of all things cannot be lost. How can he be willing to fall like this?


During the previous attack, Ling Feng had consumed a lot of power. Without the primordial qi galaxy nourishing everything, his power was rapidly drying up.


Just when he felt that he was going to fall in this gorgeous starry sky, the tidal pressure suddenly extinguished.

It came suddenly and left more suddenly.

At least, Ling Feng didn't know exactly what happened at this moment, what exactly this starry sky wanted to do.


The starry sky trembled, as if torn apart, what appeared in front of Ling Feng was not a colorful starry sky, but a gloomy space.

This space is much narrower, with only five hundred zhang squares, and its interior is empty. There is no turbulence, no terrible murderous charm, and no endless treasures.

There is only one person in the space.

He sat cross-legged in the void with his head slightly lowered. He could not see his face from Ling Feng's angle, but it was certain that he was a Taoist.

The Taoist robe on his body is old, although it does not fall in dust, it is only caused by aura.

Ling Feng discovered that the robe was extraordinary, not an ordinary item, at least equivalent to an ancient sage-level treasure, but now it has been transformed into a mortal thing, without a strong breath and invincible defense.

Ling Feng's gaze fell on the hair of the Taoist, the long hair that had been **** was already loose, and there was a faint smell of blood in the hair.

Ling Feng looked at it, couldn't help sighing.

Just because there was a blood hole on the top of that person's head, the **** aura wafted out from it, even after many years, the **** aura still remained.


Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyes shuddered, just because he actually felt the celestial power fluctuations in that blood hole.

He walked forward slowly with a tree of all things, even if that person had fallen for many years, Ling Feng was still not at ease, let alone the intention of this colorful starry sky.

"Dead to Xianli!"

In the end, Ling Feng discovered the truth with divine consciousness. The Taoist in front of him was indeed vanished, and the fatal wound was the blood hole on the top of his head.

And that blood hole was injured by the immortal force, penetrated directly, and then annihilated the Dao Soul.

" it him?"

Ling Feng remembered the voice he suddenly remembered when he first entered the colorful starry sky.

"If the Taoist has fallen, who is going to deal with me?"

Ling Feng frowned, and in the state of a Taoist, it was absolutely impossible to deal with him, so in all likelihood it was the hatchet.

Its spiritual consciousness has not dissipated.

"Why is the situation so good, but it suddenly disappeared?" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes.

He doesn't feel that the other party is kind.

I will never feel lucky anymore.

There must be a reason for this, and it is most likely that the other party has a bigger plan.

"Gu... Wu..."

A voice sounded, with a heavy smell, and a heavy memory.

"Who? Come out!"

Ling Feng became more awe-inspiring, and the sound reappeared, proving that there were indeed living creatures in this gorgeous starry sky.


"Unfortunately, there are still two words..."

The voice was sad and sad.

Ling Feng's goose bumps are about to come out, the sound is creepy, and it rang in this empty starry sky. How can it make people feel uncomfortable?

"You want to deal with me, why not show up?"

Ling Feng forced himself to calm down, his senses were in full swing, and he had to find out where the opponent is.

However, there is one problem that he cannot solve, that is, he is too weak.

"This is Gu Wu, why is Xianli close to him?"

"This is unreasonable!"

That voice became majestic again, full of questioning and killing.


The owner of that voice was full of hostility towards Xianli and Xianblade, Ling Feng frowned slightly, and then it became clear that the owner of the hatchet and the hatchet were both tragic because of the Xianli force.

This proves that the sound comes from the hatchet.

after all.

The owner of the hatchet and Shenyue could not speak aloud.

"I became Taoist with ancient martial arts, but I am not limited to ancient martial arts. I am surrounded by immortal power, but not limited to immortal power!"

Ling Fengyi said righteously: "Have you been hostile to Xianli because you once hit the immortal?"


The voice became more cold and solemn, and a chill fell from the nine heavens, making Ling Feng's body cold.

Ling Feng calmed down, analyzed everything in it, and suddenly became clear.

When he first came to the Kingdom of Glory, Xianbian wanted to fly to this hatchet, and when it appeared, he felt that way. Even the hatchet that the ancient sage couldn't shake, he was able to come in.

Is this just luck?

It would be much easier to explain all this in terms of Xianli.

The hatchet released a terrible suction force because of the fairy blade aura, and Ling Feng was sucked into it because of the fairy power, and because of the fairy power, he was going to completely destroy him.

But when the six-character mantra and ancient martial power appeared, the hatchet did not crush it anymore, but wanted to find out with questioning.

"I'm a descendant of Guwu, who once killed the immortal, why not come out with the hatchet?"

Ling Feng looked at the sky with a smile on his face.

Problems that were difficult to solve in the past may not be impossible to solve now. This hatchet really hates the immortals, and in this regard they are allies.


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