Supreme Demon

Chapter 3261: Heavenly soul elixir!

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The void trembled suddenly.

The surrounding scenes also changed. In front of Ling Feng, besides the Taoist, there was another hatchet.

The hatchet was illusory, with the void as the main body, dripping a little bit of red, flowing with a faint light rain, not strong, but weirdly appeared in front of Ling Feng.


The ethereal **** sounded, with a kind of anger and resentment, and said angrily: "You are the hatchet, and your whole family is hatchet!"

Hatchet is angry!

It is the world's treasured sword, once confronted with the immortal. Even if it is banished to the world, it cannot be shaken by ordinary people. Is it an ordinary hatchet?

No, it is not a hatchet at all!


Ling Feng was stunned. He didn't expect this to happen. He really wanted to force the hatchet. Only in this way could the problem be solved, but the problem was that the hatchet appeared, but he was full of resentment.

Because he is worthy of the hatchet, which is an insult to the hatchet.

"You are not a hatchet, then what are you?" Ling Feng asked.

"The deity is the universe!"

The hatchet said coldly and deeply.

"The universe?"

Ling Feng smiled slightly, not much surprised. He had previously guessed that Tianzhou might be the hatchet, but it has now been confirmed.


Ling Feng had never heard of Tianzhou hatchet, but he did not have a strong sense of awe, but Tianzhou had fought against immortals, which showed that it was powerful and extraordinary.

It should be understood that the immortal that Tianzhou faced directly was not the same as the immortal that Ling Feng cut down.

The celestial being cut off by Ling Feng was just a reflection of the celestial being, but the real celestial being confronted by the celestial hatchet.

Because of the immortal's targeting, the sages of the past dynasties were brutally murdered. Ling Feng didn't have a good impression of the immortals, so he admired the heavenly hatchet.

"What you said earlier, have you ever cut a fairy shadow?"

Zhou Zaidao asked that day that this was a matter of great concern to it, otherwise it would not be willing to come forward.

"Not bad!"

Ling Feng nodded and said.

"Does it depend on you?"

Zhou Zai didn't believe it that day, with Ling Feng's strength, even if he faced the immortal mirror, it was far from enough.

"not me!"

Ling Feng's eyes were burning with a hint of enthusiasm: "It's the power of the gods!"

"Of course, there is a ruling!"


Zhou Zai was slightly surprised that day, because it didn't know what a ruling was. It was just the weapon of the Taoist man. In that fierce battle, it destroyed some parts and hurt the consciousness, even if the memory was incomplete.

"Well, ruling!"

Ling Feng solemnly nodded, it was the power of the ruling that allowed him to punish the Immortal Mirror and enter the realm of God alive.

It's a pity that the ruling is left elsewhere, otherwise would it be necessary to be so passive at this moment?

Judging the supernatural power can absolutely stubborn Gu Xian, and even shake the celestial hatchet.

Tianzhou Hatchet tried to meditate, trying to remember something, but couldn't remember anything.

"Does the sharp blade in your hand come from an immortal?"

The Cosmos hatchet shook violently, and finally did not think again, because it really couldn't remember it, and it didn't want to remember the past, but it couldn't remember anything.


Ling Feng knew that the Celestial Hatchet had a natural hostility towards the fairy blade, and that the hostility came from the immortal, so everything related to the immortal, and even the breath, would be hostile to the Celestial Hatchet.

"Why does that come from?"

Tianzhou's hatchet said with a chill: "It is naturally accompanied by immortality, I am afraid it is a weapon of immortality!"

"It does come from an extraordinary origin, but it is not a fairy weapon!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled: "It's my weapon!"

"I gave it immortal power!"

"It was I who made it into a fairy blade, but it's a pity that it's just a rudiment now, and there is no real flying fairy!"

This is Ling Feng's regret.

If he is stronger, maybe he can really make the fairy blade seal the immortal, then he can definitely compete with the celestial hatchet.

"You are Guwu, why do you need Xianli to be close to you?"

Tianzhou asked.

Obviously, it knows some truths related to Gu Wu, and Ling Feng also heard the taste from it, as if Gu Wu was born with no immortal power, let alone immortal power, and was born to confront.

"Why ask?"

Ling Feng was a little puzzled, Xianli and Guwu should not conflict, just two powers.

Although the immortal was unfavorable to Gu Wu and wanted to suppress Gu Wu, this did not prevent Ling Feng from comprehending the power of the immortal, and then exploded the ancient Wu's heavenly power, making it stronger.

after all.

Know thyself, ever-victorious!

If you don't even know what kind of power immortal power is, what kind of heavenly might there is, how can you deal with immortals positively?


Feeling the power of immortality can allow him to transform and strengthen, and to use the power of immortality to temper himself and detach himself, so that he can suppress the power of immortality and exercise restraint.

This can be seen from the sigh of the immortal and the eighth refinement and transformation.

The birth of the tree of all things is the all-encompassing, transforming ancient martial arts, serving the Tao with the body, and immortal power.

Strength is the root and the blade.

But this blade is not fierce or fierce, in fact, it depends on who is holding it.

The power of the immortal is in the hands of the immortals, which is a killer to slaughter the sentient beings in the world, but in the hands of Ling Feng, it is the supreme blade to restrain the immortals.

"Why does Gu Wu need Xianli?"

Tian Zhou said faintly, but there was also a kind of doubt and incomprehension in his words.

Obviously, this sentence did not come from him. Ling Feng felt that it should come from its owner.

Because weapons, even fairy weapons do not have the ability to think about problems, especially in the perception of martial arts, no matter how powerful the fairy weapons are, they are only divine consciousness, without deep feelings.

And the reason why people can detach themselves is that they have the ability to think, have the ability to work, and have the power of cultivation.

"What does it mean?"

Ling Feng was a little puzzled. To tell the truth was in his philosophy, he could use the power of immortality to complete the transformation. He himself still valued the power of immortality very much, but Zhou's explanation today made him confused.

"That is, Gu Wu doesn't need immortal power!"

Zhou was also incomprehensible that day. This was what its owner had sighed, but it was a pity that he didn't understand it.

"Senior, please solve Ling Feng's confusion."

Ling Feng asked earnestly and sincerely: "I am a descendant of Guwu. I want to know more truth, and I also want to know what happened in this land."

Since the emergence of Tianzhou, it has mentioned Guwu several times.

Ling Feng came from the small universe and never thought that he would meet the ancestors of ancient martial arts in the gods' realm, let alone learn about ancient martial arts here.

At this moment, he desperately wanted to know that fierce battle and whether the Taoist was an ancestor of ancient martial arts.

"do not know!"

Tian Zhou sighed, with a taste of vicissitudes, and explained: "I'm just a tool, I can be considered a spiritual sense. The fierce battle that year was seriously damaged and lost a lot of memory."

"Then how do you know that Gu Wu doesn't need immortal power?" Ling Feng asked with a frown.

"This is... my master said."

Tianzhou's voice fell into a low tone, thinking of his former master: "Unfortunately, the master fell in that battle."

"Your master is Gu Wu ancestor?" Ling Feng asked with a flash of eyes.


"Then how did you know?" Ling Feng was a little surprised this time.

"My master once had a close friend, and he is an ancient martial artist!"

Tian Zhou explained truthfully: "That character once said such a sentence."


Ling Feng's eyes were overjoyed, and he couldn't help asking, "Dare to ask the senior Gu Wu where is it?"

To be honest, in Guwu, he couldn't help Nishen too much, because his body-serving Dao was different from Guwu, but in God's Domain, Nishen could not set foot in other martial arts, so he must go to the ancient martial arts.

Then, the road ahead is fog.

This is different from the small universe. At that time, they had the secret skills and insights of the ancient martial ancestors. They got twice the result with half the effort. They didn't need to worry about anything. But when they got here, the realm was even better than before, and the secret skills and insights required them to explore step by step. When something goes wrong, it is a waste of all previous efforts and even death.

How serious is this problem?

This is a problem that Nishen and Guwu urgently need to solve.


Tian Zhou said sadly: "All died in that battle!"

"What is the battlefield?" Ling Feng's eyes dimmed slightly, and the hope he had just raised was shattered again.

But he was even more curious, what kind of battlefield would there be immortals, ancient martial arts and Taoists?

Is it a battlefield like them?

Tianzhou looked at Ling Feng very humanely, but didn't say any more.

Ling Feng understood.

This is a battlefield that he still doesn't know, this is a battlefield that he is far from reach.

"Does Gu Wu need immortal power?"

Ling Feng frowned and thought, this is a good question, but it is definitely not limited to not being able to perceive immortal power. Perhaps the character wants to say detachment, free from the shackles of immortal power on ancient martial arts, or the power of ancient martial arts can give birth to detached immortal strength The terrible power of God.

But that is obviously not understood by Ling Feng's ability. He only wants to advance to the rank of **** emperor and get the anti-aging medicine for heavenly soul.


Tianzhou Hatchet asked some more things, such as how Ling Feng got the six-character mantra, where did Ling Feng come from, where did Gu Wu come from, and so on.

Ling Feng didn't conceal it, and answered one by one, but he was more cautious and did not explain too much.

"That's it!"

Tianzhou jumped for a while and asked, "So, did you want to get the elixir of the soul?"


"There is indeed an old medicine here. It should be the anti-aging medicine you are looking for!"


The universe trembled, an ancient medicine flew from the distant void, and after a few breaths, it fell in front of Ling Feng.

The whole body is like ink, very dark, but there are golden holy sun and silver crescent moon on it, lit like day and night, and full of terrible heavenly power that makes people tremble.

It was only slap high, almost unable to smell the fragrance of medicine, only a little bit of refreshing air escaped, but it had already made Ling Feng relaxed and happy, and the soul almost shot out, which really surprised him, and then he was ecstatic. Get up, because this is exactly the anti-aging medicine he needs.

"Is it?" Tian Zhou asked.

"Exactly!" Ling Feng nodded.

"You are a descendant of Guwu, and you have a six-character mantra, and you have a predestined relationship with my Taoist school. I will give you this eternal medicine."

Tian Zhou said with deep sentimentality.


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