Supreme Demon

Chapter 3279: The battlefield of the self!

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Thrilling Garden!

After Ling Feng returned from the Wanshan battlefield, he was immersed in the Thrilling Wind Garden. Even if it was the glory bestowed by the Kingdom of Glory, he did not come forward. Although his injuries were not serious, he could be healed with medicine stones, but he was about to act well.

He was seriously injured and returned home, how could he heal casually?

At the beginning, he forced the King of Glory to nod in the form of forcing the palace, which is equivalent to stating that as long as the Yaotian group can take off the crown of the Five Kingdoms God War, then the ancestor of Glory must heal Shen Lie and put it back.

This is a knife.

It can make Ling Feng stand on a moral stand, look down on the kingdom of glory, make the King of Glory discredit, and slap the emperor of glory under his feet.

However, this knife is extremely fragile.

It is difficult to really hurt the Glory Son, Glory King and others. Perhaps this knife will cause them a headache, but over time, people will "understand".

But as long as he stands up and stands on the opposite side of the kingdom of glory, he has to endure the anger of the ancestors of glory and suffer the strongest damage from the kingdom of glory. Does he have the courage?

If you want to hurt the glory kingdom, you must have enough strength.

After Ling Feng came back, he didn't really heal his wounds, but digested his income from under the celestial hatchet. The Celestial Soul Eternal Medicine has been taken off, and the celestial hatchet can help, making Ling Feng secretly happy.

Now, the only thorny issue is how to rescue Shen Lie safely and without injury. If he wants to persecute the King of Glory, Ling Feng can do it, but if he wants to persecute the ancestor of Glory, Ling Feng thinks this is a big problem.


Ling Feng smiled bitterly. He sat cross-legged in Jingfeng Garden, thinking carefully. The Kingdom of Glory is too strong. Not only half-step ancient sages are sitting here, but there are also several **** emperors who want to deal with the **** emperor with his strength. Yes, but how about facing so many **** emperors at the same time? What's more, the Kingdom of Glory is not only God Emperor.

Supreme is not enough to see after all.

Ling Feng urgently wanted to ask the **** emperor, that is, the celestial pole.

At the time, Po Meng, Huang Jingjing, and Celestial Reincarnation saw through the celestial pole. He had even fought against celestial creatures, but this was not the celestial pole that Ling Feng wanted.

What he wants is the invincible celestial pole that breaks all limits and escapes!

"Where is my limit?"

Ling Feng asked himself, trying to get a glimpse of the Dao of the Self.

He sat in Jingfeng Garden for a month, and when he opened his eyes, two lights flashed by.

"it's time."

Ling Feng got up, before breaking through the supreme limit, before asking the **** emperor, he didn't want to tear his face with the glory kingdom, it was not good for him, so he needed to ask success as soon as possible.


The Dao of the original self is too different. How easy is it to break through?

During this month of meditation, Ling Feng suddenly understood a little bit. If you want to build the Dao of the Self, you must dare to break the limit, break and then stand. The Dao of the Self does not need to borrow any law.

This is an unprecedented step!

This is an unprecedented step.

"Here, I have a lot of inconveniences, but there is no limit in one place!"

Ling Feng smiled, he was very grateful to Tianlan, the jade medal was going to play a big role.


The realm of the sky.

Ling Feng is back again.

When it appeared on the huge altar of Zi Lan Yu, it immediately attracted the attention of the Lan Yu gods.

These days, because Ling Feng disappeared, Lan Yu calmed down, no one was looking for their trouble, but there were still people staring at it, obviously coming towards Ling Feng.

However, as time goes by, people's enthusiasm is gradually diminishing, because Ling Feng hasn't appeared for a few months, and the "eyes" of the major forces are also diminishing. This makes Lanyu gods secretly relieved.

It is very uncomfortable for anyone to be "eyes" stared at every day.

In fact.

Even the enthusiasm of the gods of Lan Yu is decreasing, Tian Lan is a person who knows it, but it is a pity that she does not want others to know about some things, but she did not expect Ling Feng to appear at this time.

There was a momentary silence in Lan Yu, as if a picture was frozen, but the picture only lasted a moment before it was broken by a ghost call. The little fat man looked at Ling Feng in disbelief. It was none other than Fatty who appeared when Ling Feng appeared.


Ling Feng smiled and dropped to the altar, nodded slightly to Tianlan, and then slowly flew out of Lan Yumen Court, forbidden to travel far.

"what's going on?"

Not only was the little fat guy dumbfounded, but the others in Lan Yumenting were dumbfounded as well, not knowing what Ling Feng was going to do.

Tianlan opened his mouth, trying to say something, but in the end he smiled and shook his head.

Ling Feng left.

The demented gods were left behind.



There is no sloping stone path here, but a huge mountain straight into the nebula, an ancient road straight into the top of the mountain like a ladder, like a ladder to the sky.

The cold mist was boiling, drifting in the strong wind.

They guard Hanshan into an ink painting, which is so beautiful that it is difficult to look away.

This mountain is not too famous in the Lingshen universe. It has no qualifications comparable to the Eight Great Mountains and the Sixteen Tianshan Mountains, but this mountain has its unique beauty.

The chill comes through the body and sprays thinly in the cold mist. Even if you are wearing a thick cotton coat, the chill will still come through your body, as if the flesh and blood are about to freeze.

Of course, this kind of chill is nothing to Wu Xiu, but it adds a touch of bleak aura, which makes people feel a bit sad in the cold winter.


Just today, Hanshan has caused a sensation in the realm of the sky of the spirit god, not because of the coldness that adds to the beauty of sadness, nor because the cold mist is poetic and picturesque, but because of a person.

Ruthless people, Tushen came.

I don't know who came out of this news, but like the first thunder in spring, it detonated this heaven in an instant, and in this heaven, only Ruthless People and Tushens have such great influence.


The cold mist broke open, and a figure passed through the cold mist, causing the cold mist to appear turbulent, surging from both sides to the middle, suddenly bumping, exploding a cloud of mist.

The image of that person was a stone thrown into the lake water, and the cold mist was "ignited" in an instant. The turbulent area of ​​the cold mist became larger and larger, and a strong air-breaking sound could be heard, resounding on this empty cold mountain.


Rays of light and rain broke through the sky and shot straight toward the top of Hanshan Mountain like a sharp arrow.

"A ruthless man, can it be on the cold mountain?" asked a full-hearted voice.


After this sound fell, the sound of breaking through the air around Hanshan became much more intense, roughly estimated to be as many as hundreds, but this is just the beginning, under the Hanshan, there are more people surrounded, but there is no movement.

"It's crazy, what exactly are idols going to do?"

The little fat man looked surprised, and Ling Feng came when he came, but he appeared extremely high-profile, sitting directly in Hanshan, is this deliberately encircling people?

"do not know!"

Tianlan frowned slightly. At this moment, she didn't understand what Ling Feng was going to do. Sitting in this way would not do any good to Ling Feng.

"Go, look up the mountain!"

The little fat man didn't want to wait any longer and urged Tianlan and others to go up the mountain to watch.

They knew that these people were not good at coming, but they didn’t want to talk to Ling Feng, at least not at this time. Maybe some people in the gate court wanted to win Ling Feng, but more people didn’t want to see Ling Feng being drawn in. .

The top of Hanshan Mountain.

The scenery here is infinite and unique. Except for the scattered old trees and stones, the top of the mountain appears empty, and a person stands at the top.

He was standing on the edge of the cliff with his back to the ladder, looking at the mountain scenery. He seemed to be intoxicated by the mountain scenery, but no one saw his burning eyes.

How can we break the limit of martial arts?

Ling Feng thought of the realm of the sky and the eight ancient forces.

These are all "resources".

These are all "benefits".

"come yet?"

Ling Feng said to the mountain view: "You guys are really slow!"

He was distracted and was able to capture the situation around Hanshan. He was sitting in Hanshan at this time. It was a signal: If you want to suppress him, then come.

He is waiting here!

Therefore, most of the people who dare to come at this time are to disadvantage them and to watch them die.

When these people penetrated the cold fog, Ling Feng already knew, but these people actually thought they were hiding well enough to be able to cross the sea without hiding.

"Cruel, I didn't expect you to really dare to show up!" A voice sounded, and the person was hidden in the cold mist.

"I said, I will come again."

Ling Feng smiled and said, "People, keep your promise!"

"Slay me in the dojo, kill my supreme, and if you dare to come, then wait for death!"

"Then you have to work a little harder, but don't let me underestimate your Heavenly Sovereign."

The other party was silent for a moment.

Obviously, I was a little surprised that Ling Feng was able to reveal their origins. They erased the breath when they came, and didn't want Ling Feng to know about it. Otherwise, Ling Feng would not die, and there would be endless troubles.

But now there is nothing to hide.

"Hehe, Ruthless people do have some ways!"

The voice rang, and with a sense of relief, he broke through the cold mist and appeared in front of Ling Feng.

He is a middle-aged man in brocade clothes, and his hair is bound by a black scarf, and the hair is scattered and scattered on his shoulders.

The burly figure is full of confidence.

There were also four figures who appeared together, all wrapped in black, wrapped in coolness, and their eyes shone sharply, like two sharp knives, looking at Ling Feng like a dead person.

"Heh, Dongtian attaches great importance to me."

Ling Feng smiled: "Five Supremes, why don't you have Tianzun?"


The corners of the five supreme characters' mouths twitched, and their faces seemed to have been slapped. The Eight Spirit Gods were defeated. Ling Feng slaughtered many supreme characters. At this time, let Tianzun come over?

That's not fighting, it's looking for death.

But it was really embarrassing to be asked by Ling Feng at this time.

"The ruthless man's combat power is shocking, how can Tianzun reflect your strength?" The leader of the Supreme smiled coldly: "Dongtian really values ​​you very much."


Ling Feng seemed to not understand the words of that Supreme Zhu Xin.

In fact, for him, the more supreme who comes, the better, and the stronger the supreme comes, the better.

This battle is his own battlefield, he wants to use the power of the gods to escape the supreme.

This will be his supreme last battlefield. At this time, he no longer wants to hide. It is time to put some pressure on the side of Glory Kingdom.


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