Supreme Demon

Chapter 3280: Barbecue is very important!

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"Come to fight!"

On the cold mountain, Ling Feng looked directly at the five supreme figures of Dongtian, with a smile on his face, how do you say?

it's fate!


The headed Supreme opened his mouth, and his eyes signaled that the Supreme Heavenly Cave would suppress Ling Feng and express his evil anger on behalf of the Spiritual God of Cave Heaven and the others. At the same time, his eyes flickered, suggesting that the Supreme Lord could use a soul-suppressing weapon to completely solve Ling Feng’s problems .


Han Yu nodded and looked at Ling Feng indifferently, with a sneer in his eyes. This ruthless man is really ridiculous. Do you really think that the eight ancient forces are weak in the sky?

Do you really think that the eight ancient forces in the sky can't kill him?

What a naive idiot.


He flew out of lightning and directly hit Ling Feng. In the course of its speed, a jade medal was unfolded in the void and turned into a divine bird, spraying a blazing flame, igniting the void, melting the space, and slowly dripping down. .

The supreme-level flames are not capable of resisting the sky, once they are contaminated, they will be swallowed instantly, dissolving like space.


The area of ​​the flame is quite wide, spanning hundreds of miles, dispelling the cold fog, the cold mountain boulders turned into lava, red, like a purgatory on earth.

Ling Feng was in the lava, as if to be swallowed and melted by the terrifying supreme flame.

But he stood still, letting the flame burn, even if the clothes were never lit and melted, the supreme flame was like a distant mountain view, and Ling Feng was just a viewer.

"Very good, you can barbecue."

Ling Feng pursed his mouth and smiled, really took out a piece of fat beast meat, placed it in the flame, and grilled the beast meat with the supreme flame. In just a moment, the fragrance of the meat floated out, and the golden fat was evenly spread over the beast meat.

"Add cumin to make it more delicious!"

As an authentic foodie, no matter how full the Spirit Devouring Orb is, all kinds of seasoning and animal meat must be readily available. If the main ingredient is missing, the taste and texture will be much worse.

"Black pepper, my favorite!"

Ling Feng was very busy, busy adding various seasonings to the beast meat, such a supreme flame is rare, and the taste of barbecued beast meat is quite delicious.

"The smell comes out, you need to brush a layer of honey!"

Ling Feng was explaining to everyone that the difference between an authentic foodie and other foodies, the characters on the ladder were all surprised, with a look of dementia.

They are here to fight, not to come to see this foodie.

"No, there must be a problem with the opening method."

Someone closed their eyes and shook their heads vigorously. When they opened their eyes again, they saw that an authentic foodie was eating.

I pour!

This opening method seems to be wrong.

Not to mention the other people, even Tianlan was blinded, his beautiful eyes fixed on Ling Feng, and his mouth opened slightly, as if he had seen Ling Feng for the first time. Is this still the God of War of the glory country?

She has seen the coldest appearance of Ling Feng.

She has seen Ling Feng look invincible.

But he had never seen Ling Feng's greasy mouthful of eating.

"The God of War is crazy, right?"

Tian Lan thought viciously, because she really didn't dare to merge the foodie in front of her with that cold and invincible God of War picture.

She felt that there was a problem in this world.


Ling Feng squinted his eyes and said, "What fight? Isn't barbecue fragrant?"


Everyone felt that a mouthful of old blood was gushing out of their throats. They were the same as Tianlan. They really hadn't seen the appearance of Ling Feng, so that cold and invincible image had collapsed.

They want to ask the question: Is it not fragrant to be cold and invincible?

"you wanna die!"

Han Yu's eyebrows jumped straight, and blue veins appeared on his forehead. The deep lethality penetrated the void and burst into an invincible aura. The crimson flame became even more crimson, and a low force was awakening.


The earth collapsed, forming a fire-colored abyss.

Suddenly, a phoenix roar came from the fire-colored abyss. Along with that sound was a fire-colored phoenix. The feather of the gods was completely burned, and there was a dark color in the crimson, as if from hell. Come.

Fire Phoenix!

This is Han Yu's second law of space, gestating time and showing the mighty power of life. When it falls down, all matter is crushed and annihilated. Han Shan instantly becomes a purgatory on earth, and is cut by life by three thousand feet.

A **** bird.

A fire phoenix!

The two creatures looked down at Ling Feng, their eyes twinkling, and they were extremely agile. They didn't look like dead things at all, but really came alive. This is the greatness of the law of time.


Han Yu screamed, his power was fully suppressed, the cold mist was annihilated, the cold mountain was smashed, and the sky was turned into the strongest purgatory. All matter became his power.

The divine bird hit the sky, and the fire phoenix screamed.

The laws of space and time complemented each other, illuminating the ten thousand heavenly domes, dispelling the mighty power of the heavens and the earth, and blasting towards Ling Feng together.

"Hmph, do you know how bad it would be to interrupt a foodie to enjoy the delicious food!"

Ling Feng's eyes suddenly stood upright. As an authentic foodie, the most annoying thing was to be disturbed while enjoying the delicious food. It was rude and it would easily ruin the delicious atmosphere.

Ling Feng was very angry!

Shouldn't Wu Xiu have good qualities?

Waiting for someone to eat something delicious will die?


He stamped his feet on the ground forcefully, took advantage of his force to vacate, and blasted out with one punch.

In places where no one can see, the dusk of the gods and the first star appeared faintly, hidden in Ling Feng's fist.

Although Ling Feng didn't care about Han Yu, he should take advantage when he should hide and take advantage. Exposing himself prematurely would only make the situation worse, and he had to be wary.


As soon as Ling Feng punched out, he blasted directly at the divine bird, bursting out incomparable bright light, the blazing flames were suppressed on the spot, followed by the divine bird slowly, and were directly broken up.

at the same time.

Ling Feng punched with a backhand, and the light rain completely exploded, emitting the most dazzling divine light, swallowing all the power from all directions, and the gods of the evening pure land appeared and pushed out in the fist.

This punch directly broke through the flames of the fire phoenix, burst the endless rain, and finally strangled the neck of the fire phoenix and lifted it up.


Ling Feng severely snapped Huofeng's neck, causing it to disappear.

"Isn't it fragrant to use this flame to grill it?"

Ling Feng curled his lips and said, "I have to die, is this really good?"


Han Yu's face was cold and terrifying. He did not expect that Ling Feng would be able to break his laws of space and time so easily. The flames of the fire phoenix and the divine bird, not to mention Tianzun, even the Supreme is difficult to deal with, ruthless How do people do it?

Of course, he didn't have time to think about this issue at this time.

What he wanted was Ling Feng's life!


The **** thunder of the heavens, the ground bursting with flames, the red flames disappeared, and replaced by the deep dark flames, like the demon fire awakened from the nether, with natural corrosive power, which can annihilate everything.

When it appeared, the surrounding world was sinking. The terrifying majesty of the sky further annihilated the cold mountain. Now it has reached halfway up the mountain, and the surrounding cold fog has dissipated. From here, you can clearly see the foot of the mountain.


Just as Han Yu was about to push the flames forward, a strong sense of danger suddenly appeared in his heart.

A pure land appeared in front of Han Yu. It was very magnificent, with a faint mist burning in it, like a dream, with cranes flying in the faint, and a divine phoenix flying into the sky.

The beauty is like a fairyland.

And Ling Feng was in the realm of immortals at this moment, his precious appearance was solemn, without the previous image of cynicism and food-eaters, but in that kind of cold and invincible state.

A guqin came out slowly and landed in front of Ling Feng.

In the mist, there was a little red light, and when you got closer, you could find that they were petals.

Falling Ying is colorful at this time.

When a star slowly rose into the sky and landed at the top of the space, people could see the pure land thoroughly.

"That's... the overture of the fairy!"

Tianlan's eyes flashed suddenly, bursts of light and rain burst out, and he couldn't believe that this kind of enchanting combat skill had been damaged and disappeared?

Didn’t it mean that the ancestors of Honor had nothing to do with this?

How can it appear again?

"Then Han Yu is afraid it will be miserable!"

Tianlan's eyes burned, and suddenly the worried heart calmed down, because Ling Feng used a kind of enchanting power, that is the terrible Tianya that made the Supreme can only sigh the tragedy!

As if to confirm what Tianlan thought, the overture of the immortal was directly pressed down, and the real immortal power rushed out, fully restraining the demon fire gushing out of the ground.

This is natural restraint and suppression!

No human can reverse it!

When the Immortal Prelude brought down the town of immortal power, the magic fire was extinguished, and it was difficult to exert its effect. If Han Yu used other powers, then Ling Feng might be more troublesome to deal with it, but Han Yu It was the flames that were used, this kind of material and power was too familiar to Ling Feng.

However, what made Ling Feng even more dumbfounded was Han Yu's use of magic fire.

Indeed, Demon Fire can overcome other forces, especially some martial arts space and time forces, but Ling Feng uses immortal power.

Treat all kinds of magic fire!

It can be said that Han Yu lost from the beginning.


When Ling Feng was cold, there was no need to worry anymore. He shot out forcefully, fisted down, shot down Han Yu's body, knocked him out on the spot, and then before he fully reacted. , Pierced his body with a punch, and the soul shattered.


Han Yu let out a sorrowful cry, glanced at Ling Feng desperately, and completely dissipated in the sky with full of unwillingness and shock.

Although Ling Feng didn't hit the killer in pain, but the methods were extremely harsh. Although it wouldn't make Han Yu fall, it was definitely enough for Han Yu to drink a pot. At least during this time, he didn't have the time and energy to fight again.

This was a total shocking battle. No one would have thought that Han Yu would lose so miserably. It was simply being beaten by Ling Feng.


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