Supreme Demon

Chapter 3281: I am supreme!

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The cold mountain is slightly cold, just like people's hearts.

Because the cold mountain was shaved off a lot and the cold mist was swept away, people could have a panoramic view of the battle. When Ling Feng swept Han Yu and the overture of the fairy suddenly appeared, I don't know how many people were dumbfounded and unbelievable.

"That's... the overture of the fairy?"

An old man asked in amazement, although they had never seen Xianli, that unique aura and power were the only one in the world, even if they wanted to imitate it, it was unrealistic.


Just now they clearly heard the prelude war sound, which penetrated deep into the soul, as if to make all beings in the world bow their heads and look proud of the sky with a high posture.

Only the overture of the fairy has this kind of heavenly power.

"Is there really a fairy in the world?"

"Now you can be sure that the first Tianzun is a ruthless person!"

The overture of the immortal comes out, the world's deity, who dares to stand up?

Not to mention the Spirit God Realm, even if you look at the entire God Realm, as long as the fairy prelude blooms, it will detonate a frenzy, and any Heavenly Lord will have to bow its head, even those top-level domains and ancient domains.

"The overture to the fairy?"

The Four Sovereigns of Dongtian looked ugly. They knew that Ling Feng was very strong, and they knew some of Ling Feng's combat skills, but the appearance of the Immortal Overture broke their cognition of Ling Feng.

This person is like a moving treasure. When you think he is the limit, you will find that it is just his bottom line.

Ling Feng looked directly indifferently and did not respond.

"Oh, it's a bit of a trick, but these alone are not enough for me to shoot!"

The leader of the Supreme yelled coldly, and screamed at the other Supreme, indicating that he could do it.

"Hey, the overture of the fairy, just don't know how long you can hold on?"

Wang Yu is here.

The ice space falling from the sky is fundamentally different from Han Yu’s space, and the overall strength is not one level at all. If the supreme is divided into four levels: elementary, medium, advanced, and ultimate, then Han Yu only It can be regarded as the medium supreme, while Wang Yu belongs to the high supreme.


A cold light broke through the sky and pierced the wind directly. In that cold light, a space flashed out, like an ice palace, reflecting all kinds of colorful light. The cold force penetrated through the sky, far away, there was something to be frozen. feel.

"Yeah, good stuff!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and he directly took out a bowl of Shenquan, blended it with various medicinal and herbal juices into the bowl, turning the Shenquan into a light blue jade liquid. When the bowl of jade liquid fell in the ice and rain, it became instantly A bowl of sorbet.

"Sorbet formed by the supreme cold force, there are not many things in the world."

Ling Feng was holding the bowl with his face full of intoxication and contentment. Sorbet is not easy to eat in this world, and it is also frozen by the supreme cold force. The delicacy is not something ordinary people can taste.


Ling Feng shouted, with a smile on his face.

He took out various divine springs with different colors, and offered various medicinal herbs, crushed them into juice, blended them into the divine springs, decorated with sweets, and then used the supreme cold force to freeze them, instantly turning into various exquisite carvings.

Ling Feng sculpted it with a small knife, turning it into a variety of creatures, lifelike, although it was a bowl of sorbet, it was unbearable to swallow.

"Sister pet weapon!"

Ling Feng smiled, he somewhat despised Wang Yu. With such a powerful weapon for petting sisters, it is not easy to use them all day long. Is it not good to pet sisters with this time?


Wang Yu's face was gloomy and dripping with water. Dignified supreme, he was so humiliated, he felt like he could only make some sorbet or something, just like Han Yu was insulted earlier, he could only be a barbecue cook. .

It feels worse than killing them.


Wang Yu burst into anger, and his power spewed out like mountains and rivers, and light rain covered the sky, carrying the icy sky and space, pressing down from the sky.

The icy heavenly might and space condensed into a sharp arrow, shot down in the air, hovering and exploding in the void, turning into snowflakes in the sky.

one flower one World!

The sky full of snowflakes can be seen as a sky full of small spaces, each space carries natural pressure, extremely sharp, and the speed is even harder to catch with the naked eye.

This kind of speed, not to mention a piece of space, even a leaf or a grain of sand is enough to erupt the unimaginable terrifying majesty, and when the small space full of sky falls, the void suddenly becomes red, it is a small space The scene of destruction caused by the friction of the atmosphere.

It is conceivable that when all the small spaces in the sky fall, the scene of destroying the sky and the earth must be very shocking.

"Flower space, kill all gods and demons!"

Wang Yu showed sharp-edged eyes with a playful smile. Once this space fell, it could make it possible for him to cross-level battles. If he was caught off guard, even the top supreme would be unlucky.

He is quite confident in the Fanhua Space, and the space blends into time, which gives Fanhua a time span, which is extremely terrifying.


Soon, he was tragic.

Ling Feng sat in the pure land, and the overture of the fairy sounded slowly, with a touch of sorrow and a touch of sharpness, Dingdong like a mountain spring water, and when it is agitated, like swords and swords.

Immortal power is like smoke, cloud steaming Xiawei.

In the pure land, the first star shone with faint ripples, but it exploded with extremely strong heavenly majesty, making the four heavens and earth sinking, and the petals in the pure land fluttered up, setting off the small sky full of space, inspiring invincible aura.

Ling Feng took the initiative to attack, using the pure land space, directly pressed forward, looking down at the opponent with the strongest posture.

The overture of the fairy, annihilate everything!


This is a big explosion, the immortal power in the Pure Land transpires and annihilates all things, while the blossoming space is full of the most dazzling light. The two powers are in the ultimate duel, blasting the world.

The two sides are a bit stalemate.

At this moment, the star in the pure land fell, and the sky suddenly dimmed, and at the approaching dawn, the darkness in the pure land suddenly became dark and dark, so that people watching the battle around could not see clearly, and their vision became blurry.

The darkness waved out, covering all directions, including Wang Yu who was pressing down from the sky.

Suddenly, a low-pitched piano sounded slowly.

It was like a sigh.

Sigh of the fairy!


The light and rain are shining and the sky is clear.

Dawn was dispelled by the light, and people's vision was unrestricted, but when they looked towards Hanshan again, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, because the unbelievable Wang Yu had a hollow chest and a black hole appeared on his forehead.


It was not Ling Feng who fell, but Wang Yu!

The darkness at that moment blurred people's sights, and when everything was over, they were completely confused about the battle.

"what happened?"

The head of Dongtian Supreme looked astonished. He was in a daze just now. He didn't see what was happening in the darkness, but he didn't care, because he didn't think any accident could happen in this moment.

But an accident happened.

Wang Yu is down!



Wang Yu wanted to say something, there was an incredible light in his eyes, but in the end he let out a sigh and fell completely.

His body slowly dissipated, drifting like rain.

"Dongtian Supreme, but so!"

Ling Feng curled his lips contemptuously. When he should contempt the opponent, Ling Feng never knew what humility was.

But when it comes to fighting, Ling Feng would not think so.

Just now, he covered everything in the void, and then used the supreme power to end the battle with the sigh of the fairy.

I can't do it without using it.

With the posture of Tianzun, how easy is it to go against the Supreme Supreme?

Even Ling Feng used the sigh of immortality without any certainty, so he used the supreme Tianwei.

Why does Ling Feng hide his strength?

Because there are not enough people coming, not enough casualties, and the situation is not fully formed yet, he needs a stronger battlefield, a slaughter battlefield.

But he is not going to be a dead end!

"Go on together!"

Ling Feng defeated the three Supreme Masters and said proudly: "Barbecue, sorbet, I am looking forward to your surprises!"

"Try hard!"


The Three Sovereigns of Dongtian's face straightened, and his lungs were about to explode, but there was nothing he could do.

"Don't waste everyone's time, there are still people waiting in line."

Ling Feng contemptuously said: "The deity needs a little pressure!"

"You... are ruthless!"

The head of the supreme eyelids jumped, the killing intent was completely substantive, and it came out from the body, sharp as a knife.

"Then don't say that we are bullying the less!"


The three Supremes stepped forward together, with exactly the same momentum, showing a crushing posture, disregarding Ling Feng.


The next moment, they flew out with lightning and hit Ling Feng directly.


The light rain is set off, the petals in the pure land are flying, facing the void, shining in the heaven and the earth, bursting out beams of light, igniting the void, and releasing the vast sea of ​​heaven.

The three supreme shots together, the scene is as gorgeous as it is, and as powerful as it is, they are like a frenzy, overturning all things in the world and directly attacking Lingfeng.


Ling Feng's eyes were suddenly cold, and the most powerful sharp gleam in his pupils.


A self collapsed, the pure land instantly became dark, and the low power awakened, covering Ling Feng in it.

When the Three Supremes smashed in front of Ling Feng, the mighty heavenly might fell down, and even a mountain was about to collapse, but Ling Feng remained cold, not shaken or discolored because of it.

He used the Pure Land to defend, but he couldn't prevent the attacks of the three supreme beings, and he tore it on the spot, and the three supreme powers attacked Lingfeng like a broken bamboo.

This is to tell him, to tell everyone that even the overture of the fairy is useless!

The cave is stronger!


There was a smile on Ling Feng's face, with a sneer and coldness, these idiots.

When the sharp knife of the first heavenly respect was about to fall on Ling Feng's body, Ling Feng raised his fist, fist gushing out.


Only one punch!

But this fist knocked the head Tianzun directly out of thirty li, blasted down the cold mountain, disintegrated his flesh and blood, and died on the spot.


Ling Feng punched with a backhand and hit another Tianzun who was attacking, causing his flesh and blood to be shattered and wiped out on the spot, killing him violently.


Ling Feng raised his foot and kicked it out, and the scene instantly freezes.

It's all over!

It's simple, there is no punch to the flesh, there is no gorgeous battle scene, only simple and direct, cold and powerful three blows.

As strong as the Three Supremes of the Cave, he was also beaten into a dog.

"I am the Supreme!"

Facing the cold wind, Ling Feng said clearly and indifferently.


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