Supreme Demon

Chapter 3290: Xianli, there is a problem!

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The sky is boiling.

Beams of light sprayed out from Ling Feng's body, causing all the spaces in the four directions to collapse and become part of the flames, making the flames burn more intensely.

Fairy rain is hazy, adding a touch of light to the world.

The whirling light and rain made the world more powerful.

In the fairy rain, a figure slowly emerged, as if formed by light rain, and gradually became clear, like a solid entity, but its face was a little fuzzy, making it difficult to see the true appearance of that fairy.

The figure was bathed in fairy rain, holy, he was wearing a saint armor, his eyes were full of fairy flames, and he was full of heavenly majesty that made all living beings bow their heads.

He is like a born king!

He is like a fairy in the sky!

This is a fairy!

At this moment, Ling Feng closed his eyes slightly, and the beginning of all things boiled completely, separating the immortal power from it. This is not only the immortal power of the virtual body, but more of it comes from the main body.

Want to transform, want to cut off the power of immortality.

What's the use of just being empty?

Only by using the main body to make it boil, make it more immortal powers, and all of the Lingfeng, the background of the galaxy river, make the fairy rain more vigorous.

The fairy flame can burn everything.

When it burns completely, the characters in the flames become more clear, but the fairy flame is too dazzling, and people can't see what the characters in the fairy flame look like.

Cranes flew out one by one, and the colorful fairy clouds soared into the sky. They guarded the fairy, making this picture even more magnificent.

At this moment, Ling Feng's power surged geometrically, directly breaking through the supreme limit, stepping into the realm of the **** emperor, and becoming so strong that the Sea Moon God Emperor couldn't help changing his color.

no doubt.

At the cost of burning immortal power, Ling Feng's strength is now fully qualified to challenge the true God Emperor.


Ling Feng let out a scream of sorrow, and the burning of immortal power was not something that could be easily ignited, but it required a huge amount of blood from Ling Feng.

Essence and blood are oil, and Xianli is an item.

Of course, the essence of blood ignites the immortal power, and it can end, but if the immortal power is to burn more intensely and terribly, you need the oil of essence blood.


There is immortal power in Ling Feng's essence and blood. If he wants to completely cut off the immortal power, he needs to burn his essence and blood.

That immortal was in the fairy flame, and Ling Feng was even more in the fairy flame. This was a situation of two injuries.

Just for a moment.

Ling Feng's flesh and bones turned black. If there is no qi moisturizing everything, I am afraid that Ling Feng will burn at this moment. Even so, Ling Feng's flesh and blood will be "cut" off a lot.

The already thin body became thinner.

His hair is burning.

His eyes were burning.

Everything about him is becoming ashes.

Mo said that the Sea Moon God Emperor, any Wu Xiu present was shocked by this scene. Ruthless people are really ruthless, not only ruthless to the enemy, but even more ruthless to himself.

For a battle, he would not hesitate to turn himself to ashes.

Tang Jiu and other gods rebellious all clenched their fists tightly, and their faces were full of suffocation. The Sea Moon God Emperor actually forced the lord to this level, and it was almost dead.

of course.

They also knew that when Ling Feng did this, there must be a reason to do so. It wasn't because of the big bet between the lord and the Sea Moon God Emperor, but because of another intention.

The situation changed so quickly that they did not react. When the fairy flame came out, even if they wanted to contain it, it was impossible.

However, they firmly believed that the lord Ling Feng would definitely survive.

The owner has killed the immortal, how could he fall at this moment?


What they didn't know was that Ling Feng's main body was experiencing all this at this moment, and the terrifying fairy flames were burning in the Jingfeng Garden room, making the Quartet Space annihilated.

If it hadn't been for a series of prohibitions and suppressions, I'm afraid it would destroy the space of thousands of miles and alarm the entire city of glory.

"Cruel, are you crazy?"

The Sea Moon God Emperor finally returned to his senses, and couldn't help but yell at him. This man was really too cruel, he could turn himself into ashes and would not want to hand over the Qilin magic medicine.

"For this battle, is it really worth it?"

"worth it!"

Ling Feng grinned.

When he took the initiative to ignite the immortal power and let it burst into the strongest light and rain, the doubts and contradictions in his heart were all turned into ashes, because he firmly believed that the gloom at this moment would be reproduced in a stronger way.

For the Sea Moon God Emperor, this was just a battle of gambling, but for Ling Feng, it was a battle of urgent change.

What else is not worth it?

"That's Xianli!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor has lost his temper, I am afraid that only Ling Feng in this world dares to play like this.

The immortal power is burned and ignited in the way of essence and blood. Once burned out, it is equivalent to exhaustion of the immortal power. How easy is it to get together again?


Ling Feng looked at the figure above her head, eyes deep and unpredictable, and others could not see clearly, but he could see clearly that the figure looked like him.

The same dime!

Is this immortal power in its own form?


A sorrowful scream sounded from within Ling Feng's body, making Ling Feng stunned, and the immortal shadow in the void also made an equally screaming scream.

This is the cry of the fairy!


This is not Ling Feng's wailing!

The wailing comes from his body, from the essence and blood, from the tibia, from the limbs, and from the unpredictable power.

It seems to be conscious!

It seems to be born with divine consciousness!

But this is obviously problematic.

Xianli is only a part of Ling Feng's power. How can he give birth to divine consciousness when he blends into his flesh and blood?

"Is there a fairy hidden in my body?"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes, his eyes burst out with infinite killing intent, and he stepped directly into the endless fairy flame, causing it to burn like a destruction, and then burned towards him.


The sorrowful cry became clearer, like a baby crying.

This is obviously not Ling Feng's voice.

"Xian...what the **** is it?"

Ling Feng's eyes were cold, and he looked inside coldly, trying to find out the source of the sound.

There are two kinds of guesses in his mind.

The first guess is that although he killed the reflection of the immortal in Biluo, the immortal did not really fall, and a remnant soul survived and was hidden in his body.

This situation is extremely likely.

With the strength of that immortal, it is easy to hide in Lingfeng's body without knowing it, but there is also a problem in it.

At the beginning, Ling Feng's eightfold Nirvana used transformation to create new power. That kind of refinement was too terrifying, and Ling Feng almost didn't refine it. If the immortal is more terrifying, far better than Ling Feng, he can indeed survive, but If you really have this level of strength, you can completely play Ling Feng between your hands, there is no need to spend a lot of time.

The second guess is Xianli!

The birth of Xianli is extremely difficult, making people ignore its more terrifying side, the birth of divine consciousness, hidden in the body, when it is strong enough, it may be the occasion of the birth of the immortal.

But it's not necessarily Ling Feng after all this fairy is.

"Is Xianli really Xianli?"

According to various circumstances, Ling Feng felt that the second guess was closer to the truth.

Xianli could give birth to divine consciousness, but it didn't show it, let alone let him know it. What does this show?

Ling Feng once thought that he had completely controlled the immortal power, integrated it into his body, and became his own strength, but now it seems that he is a bit whimsical.

Xianli may just be the seed planted in the body of Peerless Tianjiao!

"Why does Gu Wu need immortal power?"

Ling Feng couldn't help but remember what the ancestor Gu Wu had said.

The ancestors of ancient Wu knew about the issue of Xianli, but they shouldn't be very clear about it, and they would never understand without personal experience.

Ling Feng knew more about this than they did.

Gu Wu didn't need Xianli, but Xianli had a problem.

Ling Feng guessed that Xianli was a curse, and it was very likely that he would pick Dao Fruit directly after he became Dao.

"Xian...Are you the real murderers behind the scenes?"

Ling Feng's heart was cold, he didn't know whether this was Xianli's own problem, or Xianli was originally serving the immortal, but anyone who stepped into it might become a puppet of the immortal.

no doubt.

This strengthened Ling Feng's determination to cut off Xianli.

"Xian, has ever been respectable?"

Ling Feng looked ahead, revealing the coldest killing intent, and the blood in his body was completely burned and turned into ashes.

this moment.

He wants to get rid of the immortal power in his body at all costs, because this is a thing that can pick his Dao fruit at any time. It may be weak now, but one day I am afraid that it will be uncontrollable.

In case, Xianli is the "fierce sword" of that immortal, and he just happened to be in front of that immortal, one can imagine what the result would be.


Ling Feng found that little fairy rain in the center of the soul sea, like a baby, really formed a sense of God, without revealing it, with a gloomy and dangerous smell.


Ling Feng exploded the soul sea and suppressed and annihilated it with the tree of all things.


Ling Feng howled miserably with that fairy rain, like a wolf.

You know, what he annihilated is the core of the Tao Soul, which is equivalent to annihilating his own soul. The pain almost bury him.

But Ling Feng persisted.


The soul sea was turbulent, and Ling Feng's whole body seemed to be exploded. The roots of his hair were upright, and his head split on the spot. The fairy rain was extremely tenacious, and it was not annihilated on the spot. It burst out with a fairy-like light, and Ling Feng paid for it. cost.

"Damn it!"

The tree of all things flowed directly into the soul sea along with its essence and blood, sprinkling thousands of rays of light and rain, burying the fairy rain divine consciousness, causing it to struggle violently, erupting with terrible power, and piercing Ling Feng's head.

It is a pity that the fairy rain divine consciousness has not yet formed, and the strength is not enough. Under the suppression of the tree of all things, it will soon be annihilated and turned into the purest fairy power to flow toward that figure.


Using the tree of all things as a weapon, Ling Feng used the fairy light to cover up, and directly blasted into the body of the immortal, controlling it strongly and not giving the immortal a chance to backlash.

Whenever Xianli was involved, Ling Feng was not at ease enough.


Void trembling, the immortal stepped out and blasted directly towards the crescent moon of the Sea Moon God Emperor, bursting out incomparable heavenly power, like a true immortal falling into the world, with a punch that blasted away the universe, causing The crescent moon became gray.

The momentum and strength are completely different.


Ling Feng yelled, and directly drove the immortal to attack forward. The power of the sky increased sharply, and everything collapsed, and it could shake the earth with one punch and kick.


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