Supreme Demon

Chapter 3291: A generation of evildoers!

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The immortal punched out, and the wind and rain changed for a while, although the power of the immortal was not used, only the power of the immortal could disintegrate the void, and the space would wither in fragments.

The fist of that battle burst open the sky, and directed towards the crescent moon of the Emperor Sea Moon.

This is a duel between the immortal and the **** emperor.

With a punch, the crescent moon was dimmed.

The roar of the sky smashed the heavens, and the space flew down like snow flakes, which became the embellishment of this battlefield, and the picture was extremely magnificent.

That immortal has a strong aura, never seen any waves, cold and strong, and vividly and vividly shows the creatures of the immortal level. The immortal should be like this.

The Sea Moon God Emperor couldn't help taking a breath, his face was slightly ugly, because the strength that the immortal showed just now was incomprehensible.

With just one punch, the crescent moon can be grayed out, and the light and rain will fade away, and its strength is evident.

Although the Sea Moon God Emperor did not intervene in this battle, he knew how strong that Sea Moon was, and he was still suppressed by that Immortal.

So, does it mean that Ling Feng really sacrificed a true fairy?

of course.

At this time, he didn't have time to consider these issues, because the immortal had already flown towards that sea moon and fell from the sky, and the point where the double pride landed was exactly that sea moon.

He wanted to suppress it directly under his feet.

"A fairy, not a real fairy, you can fight!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor's eyes burned, and he really came to feel that he had fought against ancient gods and heavenly kings, but he had never fought against immortals. Now, Ling Feng gave him this opportunity.


That crooked sea and moon galloped in the void, and the light rain flooded the sky, bursting out the strongest light, and the entire world became gray and dark, just because of that crooked sea and moon.

The void trembled, and around the sea and moon, the void fluctuated like sea water, igniting ripples, but the ripples were a picture of the destruction of the void.

At this moment, Haiyue broke out in the strongest state, which belonged to the heavenly power and divine power that the **** emperor should have.

Haiyue Yingkong attacked, smashing the void in an instant, plowing open a series of black and white holes, and the picture is more fragmented.


Ling Feng squinted his eyes and yelled. The tree of all things took root in the immortal body, driven strongly to make it collapse, his hands blasted out at the same time, and he blasted towards the crooked sea and moon with unparalleled power. .


The huge sound wave pushed away the void, causing it to violently fly away like a lake. The immortal's double fists attacked with great power and incomparable power. They destroyed the moon rainbow of the crescent moon on the spot, like a bamboo The bang towards that crooked sea and moon.

In an instant, Xianwei blasted on that crooked sea and moon.

The void was gone, and there was a moment of pause, and then there was a sudden explosion, tearing the silence of the world, and making many people's eardrums pain, and the corners of their eyes twitched.

Because the sound was too strong, like a phoenix humming, like the destruction of heaven.

The sound waves blasted down one after another, causing the tens of thousands to collapse, inch by inch withered, and the void became a piece, and then annihilated.

This is just sound.

One can imagine how terrible the central scene of the real confrontation between that fairy and that crescent moon is, it is definitely a thunderstorm that destroys everything.

A wisp of blood spilled from the corner of Ling Feng's mouth, and his face was a bit pale, but this was not because of the fierce fighting between the two sides and he was bombarded by the aftermath, but because the blood, immortal power, etc. were ignited and his body became collapsed.

The Sea Moon God Emperor took a step back abruptly, even though he was unwilling, he had to go back.

With a horrified expression on his face, he stared at the immortal eyelids and jumped, just now he clearly felt Xianwei, which was fundamentally different from Xianli.

Like a true fairy flying down, only fairy power can suppress him.


The crescent moon was bombarded and became much grayer. Although the light rain was not annihilated, its momentum was damaged.


This is just the two fists of the immortal, really using the immortal-level heavenly power, the ghost knows how powerful it is.

"Quick battle!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor murmured in his heart, if Ling Feng was allowed to use the immortal-level heavenly power at this time, perhaps he didn't need the immortal-level heavenly power, as long as it was the supreme-level heavenly power, he would have enough to drink a pot.

The problem can only be solved by using all his strength as soon as possible and suppressing Ling Feng before he can react.


He found himself thinking too much.

It was because Ling Feng's eyes were shining, and his aura was like a rainbow, and ray of light and rain were flying towards the immortal, and quickly merged into the body of that immortal with lightning, making it gleaming and imposing like a tide.

The Sea Moon God Emperor didn't dare to wait, he wanted a quick fight, so what about Ling Feng?

He dare not wait!

That immortal is not under control. If it weren't for the tree of all things, it would be difficult to say whether the immortal was dealing with the Sea Moon God Emperor or Ling Feng at this time.

Therefore, Ling Feng cannot wait.

However, that immortal is different. It is not a real creature, and it is difficult to have heavenly power, but without heavenly power, it does not mean that the strength of the immortal has no qualitative transformation.

Others can ignore, how can characters like Ling Feng ignore?


This ancient blade is in Lingfeng's hands, and it is difficult to exert its due Tianwei. That is because Lingfeng's strength is limited, but this immortal obviously wants to look down on Lingfeng. Its strength is unpredictable. Once the immortal falls here In the hands of Zun Xian, what kind of qualitative change would be unpredictable.

"It's over!"

Ling Feng was vomiting blood, and too much blood flowed out. His handsome face became thinner a few times, and his face was pale, like a living dead, but now his eyes became distracted, as if he were going to die.

He can't hold on for long.

After expelling Xianli, he was not filled in time. Any big medicine is useless, there is nothing to fill Xianli.

Weakness is normal.

Dying is normal.

This was a decisive battle that was put to death and reborn.

He didn't know what he had to face after expelling Xianli, but there were some things he had to do.

"Even if this is the last battle, what can I regret?"

Ling Feng smiled elegantly, like a scholar, not a soldier.


The fairy flew up into the sky and fell into the hands of that fairy.


The entire world was set off at this moment, and the turbulent weather exploded into the sky, causing thousands of ripples, all with the void as the ripples.


A word collapsed.

The immortal carried the ancient blade of the immortal evil, and slashed it off with one blade, and everything was sinking, the void was cut open like tofu, time solidified, and only one ancient blade crossed the void.

"The sea rises and the moon rises!"

The sea moon **** emperor's face changed suddenly, and he passively used his strongest strength. That crooked sea moon rose from the bottom of the sea, with turbulent weather, with unmatched combat power, and with the strongest fighting will of the sea moon.

The space in the Quartet is solidified, and people fly upside down in amazement, afraid to contaminate this cause and effect.

next moment.

The crescent moon rising from the sea greeted the unsolvable ancient blade of immortality.


The surface of the sea broke apart, throbbing the waves, tearing the sky apart.

People's eyes were full of tingling pain, and they couldn't see the entire battle. The world turned upside down, everything collapsed, and the crescent moon on the sea stunned the tens of thousands of layers of space and confronted the immortal.


An ancient blade spans time and suppresses space, as if it has come from eternity, with the will of eternal warfare, with the immortal power of heaven, splitting all obstacles and crushing all will.


The vast sea was split open by Shengsheng.


The invincible moon rainbow disintegrated inch by inch, and an ancient blade fell along the moon in front of Crescent Moon.


One hit!

The picture was completely torn apart, turned into a blurred image, and turned into a broken world.

Cracks appeared in the crescent moon on the sea, completely gloomy, and the Sea Moon God Emperor also flew upside down five thousand miles, his mouth was full of blood, and cracks appeared on his chest and forehead.

The meniscus on the sea feels the same with it.

An ancient blade suppresses the audience!

The immortal and the ancient blade were suspended in the void, and they were not cut down, but they had a clear attitude and a stalwart record.

At this moment, who can fight?

At this moment, who dares to stun the front?

God Emperor must bow his head!

This is Ling Feng's strength.

There is no doubt that this is the strongest record that can be recorded in history, and the most successful case of the Supreme Rebellion God Emperor.

The Glory Son, the Goddess, the Little Spirit King, and the Xuyue Goddess were completely stunned. They stayed in the field, it was difficult to remove their eyes, they were dumbfounded, and it was difficult to close their mouths.

This is the cruel person?

The Eight Spiritual God sighed, I'm afraid I will look up in this life.

Such ruthless people do not die, and in the future will be the most terrifying enemy in the world.

But who dares to fight now?

The Sea Moon God Emperor is a figure juxtaposed with Lie Baiyuan, etc., and his strength is extremely strong. Although he can't compete with the half-step ancient sages, there are few characters among the God Emperors who dare to be enemies.

But such characters have to bow their heads, is there such a Tianjiao since ancient times?

"A generation of evildoers is born!"

Tianlan pursed her mouth vigorously, her face flushed, just now she was nervous for Ling Feng.


Ling Feng still shook the Sea Moon God Emperor with his strongest strength.

The rebellious congregants headed by Tangjiu clenched their fists, their eyes were firm and cold, and they tried their best to look at the person in the sky.

Then, bowed his head respectfully.

This is the man against God!

That forever legend and myth!

Whether it is in the small universe or in the heavens of God!

Suddenly, the sky is full of wind and clouds rolling, carrying mountains, seas, and sky. The thunder from the nine heavens is different from the sky and the sky of the Sea Moon God Emperor, with natural pressure.

Clouds of gods emerged, and huge mountains came out.

Layers on top of each other, it is sacred.

The divine cloud changed and the huge mountain rolled, forming four ancient seals on the void.

"First Supreme"!

Those four ancient characters shining through the ages, spanning thousands of heavens, shocked the world.

A war song sounded in the void, endless petals flew down from the void, and a cloud of gods guarded the wind, the picture was beautiful and magnificent.

This is Skyland’s praise for Ling Feng!


A box flew down and fell into Ling Feng's hands. The box was simple and banned and sealed.

This is Skyland's reward to Ling Feng.

People have fiery eyes, but no one dared to fight for it. That immortal is the strongest proof.

Tianlan, Glory Goddess, Glory Son, Xiaolingwang and others were horrified, but in the end they just sighed. If Ling Feng's record is not the first supreme, then who else in this world can be called respect?

The eyes of the eight spirit gods and others are gray.

They have witnessed the birth of a generation of evildoers, they have seen the first supreme, but they are just a small grass to foil.


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