Supreme Demon

Chapter 3292: Send you to Qingyun!

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The void sinks!

This is the most dazzling battle in history.

Ling Feng defeated the Sea Moon God Emperor with supreme strength and became the first supreme in history.

This is not the first supreme in one domain, but the strongest supreme of creatures in the history of the world. It is the most dazzling and most enchanting one in the record of the sky domain.

no doubt.

People think that a few months ago, the person who got the reputation of "First Heavenly Sovereign" should also be Ling Feng. It is not that he is the only one with such strength, but that the time, place, and strength all match.


People found that Ling Feng was not unfamiliar with the visions of heaven and earth and rewards, and he seemed extremely familiar, but when the box appeared, Ling Feng's eyes lit up.

Obviously, that box should be very important to Ling Feng, even if he was seriously injured and dying, he had to look at it more, which further explained the importance of that box.

What made people speechless was that Ling Feng dragged his seriously injured and dying body, and hardly put the box into his body. Although he gasped for breath, his face clearly showed a smile.

This girl deserves to be exhausted!

People thought viciously.

"you win!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor's eyes were burning, staring at the box until it disappeared into Ling Feng's body. Then he withdrew his gaze, stepped forward to look at Ling Feng and said, "But, is this victory really that important?"

"If the immortal power is burned out, it will be hard to come out!"

To say that the person who knows Ling Feng best at this moment is the Sea Moon God Emperor. Although the immortal power is strong, but Ling Feng Ji has no such thrilling power, there is only one situation.

Burn out the power!

This is fundamentally different from burning, burning is still renewable, but burning out is to ignite all the immortal power in the body and cut off the root of the immortal power, so that there is that monstrous might.

"For this victory, is it really worth it to give Xianli, the strongest strength?"

The Sea Moon God Emperor has a complicated expression. Although the main cause of this decisive battle is Ling Feng, he should have been hostile to Ling Feng, but now he is full of sympathy and sighs.

It is not Ling Feng that he sympathizes, but Xianli.

How many Wu Xiu dreamed of in the world?

How many sentient beings are crazy about it?

But in this battle, Ling Feng did not hesitate to exhaust his immortal power, just to win this victory?

Is this just a monster?

This is a prodigal!

If the elders behind Ling Feng know, it is estimated that they can choke Ling Feng alive.

The Emperor Sea Moon was even thinking: You don't want it, you can give it to me.

What is a violent thing?

This is!

The Sea Moon God Emperor even had the urge to push Ling Feng against the ground.

"does it worth?"

Ling Feng's eyes were dizzy, with a little sadness, he hesitated when deciding to remove the power of immortality, but when he really removed the power of immortality, he was only lucky.

Xianli has a problem!

What's the pity then?

Sooner or later, this kind of power will become a shackle and a murderous knife, so it should be removed earlier.

"worth it!"

In just a moment, Ling Feng raised his eyes to the Sea Moon God Emperor, with a faint joy in his eyes, because the immortal power in his body had been expelled, and his essence and blood had burned out, making him run out of oil, with no vitality.


At this moment, his Dao Soul is more clear and clear, and the sea of ​​mind is more ethereal, a kind of smart and ethereal sentiment is being born in the heart.

That is the perception of the Dao of the Self.

This made Ling Feng even more convinced that fighting can bring sentiment and make him detached. Only stronger pressure can stimulate the Dao of the Self.

Although the immortal power is burned out, but the self is fulfilled, he is still ridiculously proud of the world.

"That's Xianli!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor sighed in vain: "There are so many people in the world who can meet and cannot be sought, and you..."

To tell the truth, the Sea Moon God Emperor was so angry that Ling Feng could not speak.

"Xian, is it really that fascinating?"

Ling Feng pursed his mouth and laughed, without pessimism, without sorrow, but a coldness came out.

Sin, not respectable!

Why does Guwu need immortal power?

of course.

Not everyone has his feelings. All Wu Xiu present felt that Ling Feng was crazy. He burned out his immortal power only for victory in the first battle, and he could not lose any more.

If they were Ling Feng's elders, they would choke them to death at this moment.

The Sea Moon God Emperor shook his head slightly, really wondering what to say.


Suddenly, the fairy light rain in the void became dim, without the previous brightness, the whole became illusory and unreal, and even the fairy body was disintegrating and dissipating.

The Tree of All Things flew back to Lingfeng's Dantian vaguely, without letting the gods present discover it.

As for the dimness or disintegration of the immortal, it really wasn't that important to Ling Feng.

"Even if you beat me, but if you want to go shopping, you will be the one who fell in the end!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor looked at the immortal and said to himself: "Although this is not a battlefield of life and death, I still want to fight another one."

The immortal power burned out, and the light in the heart of the Sea Moon God Emperor went out again, but the Qilin magical medicine was so important that he had to be brazen.

"it is good!"

Ling Feng nodded and did not refuse.

The Sea Moon God Emperor was taken aback. He thought Ling Feng would refuse, at least he wouldn't agree so readily.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

The Sea Moon God Emperor felt that Ling Feng was very demon now!

He glanced at Ling Feng and instantly relieved.

With his current vision, how could he fail to see what Ling Feng wanted to do?

Burn out the power of immortality, just ask for a battle.

Burn out the immortal power, just for one!

He wants to become stronger!

"I once said that good wind relies on strength."

The Sea Moon God Emperor said with a serious face: "Now, I want to say I will send you to Qingyun!"

"I know you are a **** emperor with great promise!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

"Then fight again?" The Sea Moon God Emperor asked tentatively.

"Fight again!"


As soon as the war was about to start, the Sea Moon God Emperor did not hide it anymore, and directly used his full strength, the mighty sky swept across the sky, bursts of streamers and moon rainbows, opened the heaven and earth, and opened the universe.

A crescent moon suppresses all things in the world.

The immortal became dark, his strength became weak, and when he confronted the Sea Moon God Emperor, he fell into a disadvantage, after all, he lost to the Sea Moon God Emperor.


Ling Feng was directly blasted into the ground by that crescent moon, his head and face turned gray, his flesh and blood exploded.

The **** body and cheeks became more blurred, as if they would fall apart in the next moment, but he persisted stubbornly and did not disintegrate.


This battle was different from the previous one. The Sea Moon God Emperor tried his best to make the situation appear one-sided. At this time, Ling Feng had no ability to come back, only to be passively beaten.

Because his essence and blood and immortal power are all burned out, his life is dying, it is already the limit to be able to defend, and this is the result of Lingfeng burning life essence, otherwise in his current state, the medicine stone is weak, in Haiyue Under the weight of the **** emperor, there is only a dead end.


As soon as Ling Feng crawled out of the ground, he was blasted down by the Sea Moon God Emperor.

The dignified **** emperor, who was beaten horribly by a supreme, even had to bow his head to confess, how could the Sea Moon God Emperor lose his breath?

This time was the best time to vent his anger, the Sea Moon God Emperor couldn't wait to beat Ling Feng away.


The Sea Moon God Emperor became more and more vigorous.

A word "shuang" almost sprays out of the body, not to mention how comfortable it is.

"My town!"

"My town!"

"I'm still in town!"

The eyes of the Sea Moon God Emperor shined, exhausted his full strength, and blasted hard. The crescent moon was like a giant hammer, blasting down from the void again and again, blasting Ling Feng into the ground and then again, making Ling Feng vomit blood. .

Ling Feng did not complain or complain.

This is his choice.

Although the defense was very weak, he was beaten up by that crescent moon, although it was very difficult for him to gather strength every time.

Although, he suffered all the blood and pains.

But Ling Feng just gritted his teeth and stood firm abruptly.

His vitality is burning, his flesh and blood are disintegrating, and his power is dissipating, everything shows that Ling Feng is exhausted, and he is about to be unable to hold on.

But every time at this time, Ling Feng was always able to spray out stronger power.

The beginning of the universe, the galaxy bursts, and a huge amount of aura emerges from it, diving into the flesh and blood of Lingfeng, into the bones, into the acupoints, into the soul sea...

The trickle flows into the vast sea.

Ling Feng is the vast sea, and the beginning of all things is the trickle.

At the end of this battle, Ling Feng didn't know how long he lasted, maybe a quarter of an hour, maybe an hour, or maybe a day and a night.

Under the strong pressure, the light and rain in Ling Feng's body were shining, every acupuncture point was shining and full, every piece of flesh and blood was crystal clear and translucent, and every bone was as if polished.

The primordial qi galaxy of all things was consumed extremely quickly, as if it was exhausted in the blink of an eye, that is, the trees of all things became grey and dark, and stars withered and flew down and merged into Ling Feng's acupuncture points.

The human body has more than three hundred and sixty treasures, which can be called the most powerful treasure of the human body. Each acupuncture point is like a small universe, and these small universes are now filled.

Ling Feng exhausted his immortal power, essence and blood, and even wanted to exhaust his life essence.

He even annihilated all kinds of heavenly powers and combat skills.

The Sea Moon God Emperor tried his best, while Ling Feng burned everything.

All annihilation... is for the most brilliant new life.

It can be transformed as much as possible!

You can be surpassed if you burn out!

"What is the id?" Lying on the ground, Ling Feng asked himself, with a faint smile on his lips.

At this moment, he finally understood.

Massive qi emerges from all things, and all kinds of medicines, divine springs, divine sources, etc. are integrated into the body, reviving its flesh and blood, and recasting its muscles and bones.

"I am me!"

"Tao, I am Dao!"

The most important three hundred and sixty treasures of the human body were fully illuminated, and endless rain of light gushed out, rushing to the pubic area, and converging to the limbs.

No extra light and rain escaped from the body.

Everything starts in the body and ends in the body.

The flowers bloom and thank, the self is for life!

I am me!

The Tao is me!


The light and rain in Lingfeng's body are hazy, like a fairyland. More than three hundred and sixty treasure points, flesh and blood, bones, and souls have formed a mysterious ancient picture. The wind is the end.

At that moment, the endless rain of light completely exploded and set off, forming the most dazzling light beam, directly blasting the Dantian and Soul Sea, space and time were turbulent, various visions appeared one after another, and all kinds of rare birds and beasts came in.


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