Supreme Demon

Chapter 3293: The self prestige!

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Divine Phoenix flew into the sky.

The unicorn bowed his head.

All kinds of creatures came in droves, carrying mountains, seas and sky, with dazzling magical powers, covering the sky, completely igniting the acupuncture points.

A statue of a statue sits cross-legged in a divine cave, like a god, singing in ancient music, surrounded by rain and rain, all kinds of ancient gods come out, the majesty of the sky agitated, and cut the sky.

Ancient pictures, idols, creatures...darkness, light...all manifested in Lingfengshen's cave, and his flesh and blood flowed through rivers, which was outlined by the beginning of all things.

His body seemed to hide cosmos, epochs, cosmos in the divine cave, epochs in essence and blood, and time wandering between spaces.

All kinds of Qi Yun, All Things Beginning Qi, All Things Trees, etc. all flew, gushing out a huge amount of Qi Yun, rushing to the Shen-Acupoint Dao, blending into the flesh and blood, the flesh and bones of Lingfeng were being annihilated, and the new flesh and bones were growing.

This is a transformation!

When it appeared, Ling Feng was slightly surprised, but he quickly reacted. He did not intervene. Xianli was cut off, the situation was beyond expectations, and once the transformation occurred, it meant that the new strength was beyond Ling Feng's knowledge. category.

That is unknown power.

That was the mighty power that Ling Feng could not understand at all.

He borrowed the rhyme of full weather, the beginning qi of all things, the flesh and bones automatically gave birth to the qi rhyme, the divine caves were automatically filled, rare birds and alien species came out one after another, the vision gods and others were all singing in Zen, as if to recast a Lingfeng.

That is, the Dao Soul is morphing, like a molting skin, withering and flying away. When that aura comes, the Dao Soul disintegrates, and a chaotic Dao Soul is born within it, hazy with light and rain, like a chaotic universe.


The earth-shaking changes occurred in Ling Feng's body, and the aura was very weak, but when it was born, it tore all the flesh and blood of Ling Feng, and every divine acupuncture point was like a sharp knife, and Ling Feng was to be split open.

Ling Feng trembled from the severe pain, but he gritted his teeth without screaming, and carried everything alone.

Although he doesn't know what that qiyun is, he knows that it is the self-qiyun.

Take me as the end.

Cast a **** in the body!

My way is everything!

My way is invincible!

He persisted, he refined it.

The flesh, muscles and bones were solidifying, and the tear-like strength became weak, and each divine acupuncture point emitted a brilliant divine light, like a **** sitting and asking, when everything finally subsided, Ling Feng completely transformed, and his body was completely different.

A tree of all things is rooted in the pubic pubic pub, with well-developed roots and eyelashes, which lead directly to the blood and flesh and bones. Each eyelash is like a star river, and the Shenxue is the beginning of the Qi and the sea, and all the rivers meet the sea. But what is the real sea?

Ling Feng!

Space vibrates, time eternal.

Beyond the limit of life and death, the power that broke the universe and heaven was born, merged into Ling Feng's body, and formed his Tao.

It should be understood that this power was born after the power of immortality was removed.

More importantly, there is only one situation in the world that dared to replace Xianli, and that is to be stronger than Xianli.

"Why does martial arts need immortal power?"

Ling Feng couldn't help saying in his heart, at this moment he finally understood the words of Senior Gu Wu, but the Senior Gu Wu didn't take this step, Ling Feng really took this step.

One step to the sky!

"What power is this?"

Ling Feng pursed his mouth and smiled, the wind is light and the clouds are light.

"Arise because of me, cut out the power of immortality, appear because of me, and break all laws."

"This is the original spirit!"

Ling Feng said quietly.

Before him, there was no such qi and rhyme. After him, it is difficult to have this kind of qi and rhyme. It comes because of him and ends because of him. The origin begins.

This is also Ling Feng's expectation and praise for such a spirit.

"From then on, you and I laugh proudly in the world!"

At this moment, Ling Feng calmed down and was full of joy. This was a complete transformation, which was too important to him. Although it did not make him ask to be promoted to the emperor, is it important?

With Ling Feng's current strength, it was only a matter of a moment to ask questions about advancement. He was not in a hurry, but the original Qi was what was really important.

Crushing the immortal power and the ten thousand ways, born against the sky, proud of the world, and only the original Qi.


At this moment, the sky and the earth changed drastically, and the terrible storm directly broke through the 100,000-mile firmament, almost tearing apart the sky.

The picture is similar to the destruction of the world, and people can't help being shocked. I am afraid that it is nothing more than the **** emperor?

Who asked at this moment?

The Sea Moon God Emperor couldn't help but stop, looking at the ruins in front of him, faintly feeling that the prologue of the change of heaven and earth came from the man underground.

The wind and clouds changed color, and Tianwei was weighed down.

Not to mention Tianzun, Supreme, even the **** emperor felt the pressure, and the prestige was not suppressed that day, there was such a power, one can imagine how powerful it is in the depths.


The Sea Moon God Emperor frowned slightly, although he was asking, his eyes were always fixed on the ruins in front of him.

"No, it's not like the God Emperor's punishment!"

Someone frowned and said, this kind of world change, its appearance and power are different from the **** emperor's day punishment, it belongs to a different nature of the day punishment.

"It's really different!"

"The power seems to be stronger!"

Some people nodded in agreement.

Those who can have this kind of sigh are the **** emperors, they have all faced the **** emperor's punishment, knowing its power and way of playing, but now they appear different.

"what happened?"

Many Wu Xiu were stunned, and they didn't know why the punishment would happen tomorrow.

At this time, not many people really paid attention to Ling Feng. Most people were attracted by the advent of Heavenly Punishment. Only the Sea Moon God Emperor and a few others felt that the advent of Heavenly Punishment might be related to Ling Feng.

"How can the sky domain lead to the punishment of heaven?"

This is where people are really surprised. Normally speaking, people entering the realm of the sky are just a virtual body, and asking with a virtual body is basically difficult to achieve.

In these years, they had never heard of Heaven's Punishment in the Sky Region.

"It's not God Emperor's punishment!"

An old man shook his head slightly and said, God Emperor Heavenly Punishment has its own special signs. Although everyone is different, they are mostly similar and can be judged, but today's Heavenly Punishment has no special signs.

"It's not about asking God's punishment!"

Another **** emperor also spoke.

"What kind of punishment is that?" Some people were confused, completely puzzled.

People like the emperor of glory, the goddess and others have not recovered from the shock brought by Ling Feng, and they have encountered this kind of punishment, and they are even more inexplicable.

The war is going on here, who asks at this time?

It’s not about God’s punishment, what kind of punishment is that?

Tianlan's beautiful eyes flashed, and there was a smile on her face, only she noticed that there were faint fluctuations and faint light rain in the ruins of the deep pit.

With Ling Feng's state and the strength of the Sea Moon God Emperor, Ling Feng should be completely abolished at this time, but now the ruins of the deep pit still have light and rain scattered. What does this prove?

Ling Feng is not dead!

Of course, these alone are not enough.

With the strength of the Sea Moon God Emperor, is it enough for Ling Feng to be alive?

Far from enough!

But what if there is a clear difference between Guangyu and before?

What if Guangyu's momentum is obviously stronger than before?

What does that prove?

Ling Feng is not only alive, but also undergoing transformation.

When Ling Feng stepped out and appeared over the ruins of the deep pit, the smile on Tianlan's face increased, because at this time Ling Feng seemed to be very weak, but the sharp eyes and the look of contemplation were everywhere. Explain his strength.

Tianlan has seen this state.

At that time, Ling Feng killed the gods in seconds, full of energy, and invincible.

At that time, Ling Feng suppressed the **** emperor, and once immortal power came out, who would dare to stun the front.

Although Ling Feng still had injuries on his body, his state was back, his aura was back, his eyes were back, proving that the invincible Ling Feng was back again.

"God's punishment?"

Ling Feng looked up at the sky, with a playful smile in his eyes.

He did not grieve, let alone panic, but a surprise.

Heaven Punishment is not exclusive to the small universe, but the principle of the human world.

Of course, from this aspect, it can also be seen how enchanting his transformation this time is. His heavenly punishment was swift and terrifying, and the coercion is definitely at the level of the **** emperor, equivalent to the divine emperor robbery, and its power can be imagined.

This is a certainty!

It is also an appreciation.

"In the small universe, if the truth of Heaven's Punishment was not explored, God Tianyu was a worthwhile trip."

Ling Feng's eyes were burning, and it was the first time he had to face the punishment of heaven since entering the realm of God, he was also quite curious about the power of it.

However, Ling Feng is not afraid.

Xianli is extremely dazzling no matter in any region, even in the gods, it is still crazy, enough to prove the power and stalwart of the gods, then the overall level of the gods should not be much higher than the small universe. Only because of the different destinations, the area is different.


Ling Feng was able to judge from the power of the Heavenly Punishment that the Heavenly Punishment at this moment was not as intense as he imagined, at least not enough to threaten his life.

At this moment, he wanted to go and see.


He rushed directly into the sky, his eyes sharp, as if he was going to see through the sky, his hands were like the hardest metal in the world, he directly pushed away the thunder and lightning, and slammed forward.


Ling Feng swallowed mountains and rivers, his fists didn't shine, but he broke through the void, and directly penetrated into the void to find the source of the punishment that day.


The electric light was shining in the sky, and the sky was endless. A series of terrifying electric snakes and creatures smashed into Ling Feng through the void, not caring what space he was in.


Ling Feng showed a posture of invincible god, completely fearless of any thunder and creatures, and immune to everything. His body was shining with light rain, crushing all laws and fields.

That is the Dao of the Self!

Based on me, proud of the world.


His fists are like sharp sky blades, splitting the space like splitting tofu, strong and invincible, breaking through more than a dozen layers of space, breaking a variety of restraints, and almost overturning the sky to find the origin of heaven.


This time, Heaven's Punishment disappeared strangely, penetrating through the clouds, and disappearing between heaven and earth.

People were stunned, their faces were astonished, and they hadn't figured out what was going on at all. Then how could the terrible punishment disappear and then disappear?


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