Supreme Demon

Chapter 3309: The punish devil is here!

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The next day.

Yaotian Mission left.

Ling Feng was unwilling to lead the troops, so the Yaotian regiment had no leader. The King of Glory and the Son of Glory wanted to install and enter the Yaotian regiment, but they were forced out by the Yaotian regiment.

The Yaotian group has only one group leader.

That is the glory of God of War.

In this regard, even the King of Glory has no temper, the Yaotian regiment is too strong, and the Yaotian regiment is even more important when the Yaoshi regiment and the Yaokong regiment are both dead.

What's more, the Yaotian regiment was created by Ling Feng himself, and the punish demons and the glory aura are worth learning, and they don't want to push the Yaotian regiment into a hurry.

Therefore, when the Yaotian group proposed that the group leader was not needed, the King of Glory readily agreed.

Without a group leader, it is always more advantageous than having a group leader, right?

If you really responded to the request of the Yaotian group and released Ling Feng, that would be the tiger returning to the mountain. Now Ling Feng is definitely an extremely dangerous person, and they have to guard against it.

Of course, for the few questions raised by the Yaotian regiment, the King of Glory said that once the Yaotian regiment returns with a big victory, they will be fulfilled.

The Yaotian Mission was too simplistic. They thought that by taking the crown of victory for the Kingdom of Glory, the King of Glory would nod and agree.

But they didn't know that the King of Glory deliberately distracted them, otherwise, once Ling Feng turned out of the Kingdom of Glory, then the Yaotian group would stand up, and the Kingdom of Glory would kill or not?

Ling Feng also had this meaning.

He didn't need the Yaotian group to intercede, because the king of glory, the emperor, the ancestors and others could not be shaken, only the blade and the invincible fist in the hand could make people feel pain.

When the Glory Nation and all the forces were fully deploying, Ling Feng also flew into the Spirit Devouring Orb, he was only one door away from the God Emperor.

Previously, he didn't need to open this door.

Now, he wants to make this door wider.


Although the Glory Kingdom currently has limited energy and dare not "sacrifice" such "weapons" as the **** emperor, there are as many as six Supreme.

after all.

The life and death of the Yaotian regiment is also very important. These six supreme members are responsible for guarding the Yaotian regiment. As for how the Yaotian regiment fights, they should not interfere.

"Our goal is Qingshan Castle."

While galloping in the void, Xu Hang commanded: "Qingshan City is currently a relatively safe city. Let's open up the situation from here and find the whereabouts of that battle group."


"Yuanqing, we will separate in front!"

"it is good!"

Yuan Qing nodded and looked solemn. This decisive battle was related to the life and death of too many people. It was different from the battle of the Five Kingdoms, when they were fighting for their own life and death and for the glory of the ancient country.

Now, they are going to fight for the dignity of the glory kingdom, and fight for the glory of the God of War.


There is no group leader in this battle, and everything needs to be controlled by themselves.

Yuan Qing, Xu Hang, and Zou Yuan asked themselves if they did not have Ling Feng's strength and IQ, and were not very good at dealing with the situation, then they could only be cautious and cautious.

"The other party should have a scout, you must be careful!"

"This time we are not facing the Five Nations Group!"


That battle group is very weird and extremely powerful, otherwise it will not let the major cities fall. Many battle groups are tragedy, which is different from the Five Kingdoms War.

During the War of the Five Kingdoms, the various large regiments were quite knowledgeable, and there were really not many drastic changes like the Yaotian regiment.


In this decisive battle, the opponent's strength is unknown, but judging from the opponent's daring to name the Yaotian group, the strength should not be underestimated.

How dare the Yaotian group underestimate the enemy?

They were refined from life and death, and their instincts for life and death were extremely powerful. For some reason, they always felt a sense of fear.

But even if their opponents are strong, they have to play the strongest in this battle.

Shortly after.

Yuan Qing left with Suifeng, Zou Yuan also left with Ye Jian.

A battle is about news, concealment, combat power and many other aspects. As long as the wind side can make a breakthrough, the night blade can play a top role, and then it is the time for the Yaotian group to win.

A few hours later, they appeared in Qingshan City, where they have not been destroyed yet, they are still intact, and that battle group has not yet emerged.

"Just break through here!"

Xu Hang said, they want to use Qingshan City as an example to overcome each other's defenses bit by bit and find the battle group.

no doubt.

Suifeng and Ye Jian had already set off, and were heading towards the distance, because that battle group had appeared before.

Following the wind's speed was very fast, and Ye Jian broke through in two directions.

The Yaotian Mission quickly moved forward with the information provided by Suifeng, faster and faster.

"found it!"

In the evening, news came from the Suifeng side that they found the whereabouts of the battle group.

"Only a thousand people?"

Xu Hang frowned slightly, and the news sent by the wind was very special. They found a battle group, which was recuperating. The overall momentum was not strong, but it was not the battle group of the Glory Nation.

But the other party only had a thousand people.

If it hadn't been too scattered with the wind, I'm afraid Yuan Qing couldn't help but eat this battle group first.

There are only a thousand people, and the momentum is not obvious. Even if everyone has to be stronger, in terms of number, they have enough chances to win.

"Whether it is that battle group or not, eat it first!"

Xu Hang said coldly, he didn't want to give that battle group any chance.

The speed of the Yaotian regiment increased rapidly, but they could travel thousands of miles a day. Although they were only two thousand miles away from the battle group, it only took a few hours. After a short rest, the Yaotian regiment touched the battle group in lightning. past.

"Huh? Why didn't Ye Jian ever show up?"

When the Yaotian regiment was only two hundred miles away from the battle regiment, Xu Hang suddenly asked, because the news from the wind did not mention Ye Blade.

But with Ye Jian's ability, once you discover this small battle group, you should be able to eat it soon, right?

"I always feel that there is a problem."

Xu Hang said with some caution.

Not only did Ye Blade never have news, but also the news from Suifeng's side. With Suifeng's strength, this kind of mistake should not be made.


Xu Hang's hair was standing upside down. Things were too strange. It felt that the small battle group was like a decoy. Following the wind, the night blade, and even the Yaotian group might be fooled.

"Do you want to retire first?"

"No way!"

Xu Hang shook his head and said, "Without the eyes of following the wind, once we retreat, it will be a living target. At this time, we can only move forward, even if there is a volcano ahead."

The enemy is dark, they are bright.

Retreating at this time is very dangerous.


The more you move forward, the more ugly Xu Hang's face becomes, because there is still no news from the wind and Ye Blade.

The Yaotian regiment relies on Suifeng, once there is a problem with the wind, it is quite deadly for the Yaotian regiment.

"Send scouts to find out the situation ahead as soon as possible!"

Xu Hang was shocked in a cold sweat, and he didn't dare to wait.

Although they had received guidance from Ling Feng, they were indeed extraordinary a lot, but that didn't mean that there was really no battle group against them in the world.


The scouts sent by the Yaotian regiment were still sinking into the sea, and did not start any waves.

"The situation is very wrong, the Yaotian regiment has entered a fighting state!"

Xu Hang's face was heavy, they still underestimated each other.

"The supreme senior is on guard!"

There were six Supremes who came with them this time. Due to the need of Wind and Night Blade, the Supremes were also scattered a little. Now only two Supremes are walking with the Yaotian Group.

In the current situation, it is safest to be on guard by the Supreme.

Not long.

They appeared on a plain, where the terrain was flat, there were no ravines and mountains, and it was not vast, but only fifty miles in length.

For mortals, this is a relatively long distance, but for the Yaotian group, it is an instant distance.

Because of the flat terrain, people can have a panoramic view of everything in the plain.

The breeze is fading.

The sky is dim.

The Yaotian group stood in the wind like that, blending into the dusk.

Their eyes were straight and stunned, and at the end of their gaze, there was a battle group. They were dressed in black armor. The number of them was not very large, but it was definitely not a thousand people as the wind said.

It's three thousand people!

They were standing in the wind, standing under the afterglow of the setting sun, and that afterglow became their background, giving them a golden light.

The gaze of that battle group is the Yaotian group.

And what shocked the Yaotian regiment even more was that behind the battle group, there was even a battle group, a battle group they were very familiar with.

Follow the wind and the night blade!

They had never appeared before, and they did not expect to be trapped here. Judging from the state of Ye Blade and Suifeng, they had experienced a fierce battle before.

But judging from the state of that mysterious battle group, they seem to have nothing happened.

what's going on?

Xu Hang's face was heavy, and he had a very strong intuition that the battle group opposite was very strong, strong enough to crush Wind and Night Blade, strong enough to despise Yaotian Group.


What made him more uneasy was that until now, he could not see through the strength of the opposing battle group, not limited to the overall strength, and even the strength of everyone.

This is weird.


In the battle group opposite, a man who was fakingly closed his eyes opened his eyes and looked at Xu Hang with interest.

"Slower than I expected."

"who are you?"

Xu Hang's eyes were cold, not only asking questions.

"Me?" The young man smiled and said, "Don't worry about me, I just make soy sauce."


Xu Hang had a feeling of being despised. This person really disrespected people.

"Don't be angry."

The young man smiled faintly, and said, "I am not interested in you at all. They are interested in you, so I really came to make soy sauce."


The young man waved to the two Supremes of the Kingdom of Glory and said, "I am here for you."


What he wants to solve is only the supreme-level characters, as for the battle between the battle groups, to him, there is really no interest.

He called, the supreme has no right to refuse.

When the two supreme beings were carried like chickens, Xu Hang and others really realized how serious the problem was.

"Who are you? Why are you targeting us?"

Xu Hang's face was cold.

"Zhu Demon Battle Group!"

A person stood out from the crowd and replied in a strong voice.


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