Supreme Demon

Chapter 3310: Waiting for news of a **** battle!

You can search for "Supreme God and Demons (ie in Baidu!

Killing Demon Battle Group!

These four words are like thunder, making the entire plain quiet, only the wind is howling.

The supreme lords of the Glory Kingdom were being carried by a man, unable to move, full of horror, because the man was too strong, and the mere aura suffocated them.

Therefore, they didn't have any thoughts about the words "Zhu Demon Battle Group". Even if they were not carried by the man, they had never heard of the "Zhu Demon Battle Group".


The Yaotian Mission is different.

Whether it was Xu Hang, Yuan Qing and Zou Yuan who were squashed, they were all shocked by this news. They had never heard of this battle group more than a year ago, but today, more than a year later, how could they not be The words "Zhu Demon Battle Group" changed color?

Because they have a kind of tactics that is to kill demons!

Because their aura comes from the Battle of the Demons!

The battle group that once made the Glory God of War sentimental appeared here today.

" are the punish demons warband?"

Xu Hang was dumbfounded, and his heart was horrified to the extreme. His bravery and strength were derived from this battle group. From the heart, they had already regarded the Jade Demon battle group as an idol and a target.

They hope that one day they will be able to reproduce the glory of the Jade Devil War Group.

But when the punish demons really appeared in front of them, they felt at a loss.

Yuan Qing was slightly stunned, and then asked: "You...really that group?"


The characters headed by the Killing Demon Troupe smiled slightly and nodded.

"You really are the battle group that the group leader says?"

Zou Yuan was horrified, and felt like stealing someone and being caught. After all, what they were practicing was the strange door and aura of the Jade Devil War.


The man was taken aback for a moment, and was relieved after a while. It was the first time he heard this name, but only one person could be the leader of the Yaotian group.

He pondered for a moment and said sentimentally: "No!"


Yuan Qing, Xu Hang and others were stunned. They thought that this battle group was the invincible battle group in Ling Feng's mouth. They had been suppressed by the spirit of the Jade Demon battle group before, and they felt this way even more.


The man sighed with a deep sigh in his eyes, and said: "The former Zhan Demon battle group was dazzling, but unfortunately they fell in the most tragic battle in the end. We are only the later generations of the Jade Demon battle group."

"He... the battle group that your group leader said is the former slaying demon battle group."


Yuan Qing and Zou Yuan looked at each other and were stunned by the news.

Was the tragedy of the Battle of the Demons?

Are they just the later generations?

What exactly happened?

To be honest, Yaotian Group had a hundred questions in his mind at this moment, but in the end they only wanted to ask one question.

"Which battle group can bring the tragic end of the Jade Demon battle group?" Xu Hang asked loudly. Although the previous battle group was an enemy and not a friend, this question had to be ignored.

They want to know too much.

"They are excellent." The man's eyes were wet, and he said quietly: "It was not the battle group that defeated them, but a **** emperor!"

"They defeated many **** emperors with the strongest fighting spirit, but in the end they sacrificed!"

This is the truth!

The invincible truth!

The Jade Demon battle group has fallen, but they did not die in the hands of the battle group, but defeated the **** emperor, not one **** emperor, but multiple **** emperors.

Just thinking about it, Xu Hang, Yuan Qing and others can feel the danger and power.

What kind of battle group can go shopping for God Emperor?

Only the punish demons!

They opened their mouths, but they didn't know what to say. They didn't know which **** emperor the Jade Demon battle group fell into, but they respected and admired such a battle group.

When facing the **** emperor, they did not take a step back.

When facing life and death, they never frowned.

Even from the standpoint of their opponents, they must stand in awe.

The true punishable devil battle group deserves such respect.

"We are the later generations of the punish demons!"

The man said proudly, "We have inherited their fighting spirit, we have inherited their glory, and now we are here, we will fight the world again!"

"What do you mean?"

Yuan Qing frowned and said, "You want to fight us?"

The man shook his head slightly, his mouth raised a faint smile.

"You are too weak!"


Yuan Qing, Xu Hang and others were very injured, which was really hurtful.

"He said that you are practicing."

The man said solemnly: "But you still don't understand what he meant. He wants you to see how the real Jade Demon battle group fights."

"come on!"

The man calmly and confidently said, "I give you this opportunity to do your best!"


The Jade Demon Troupe gave way, allowing the Yaotian Group to join Suifeng Yejian instead of fighting alone.

Xu Hang did not hesitate. He knew the current situation. Suifeng and Yejian were trapped, and it was difficult for them to exert their full strength. Only by integrating with the Yaotian group could they burst out with the strongest combat power.

"Come on!"

The man urged: "Our time is limited!"

"it is good!"

Xu Hang nodded. He didn't know how strong the opponent was, but as the shining group that inherited the magic gate and glory aura, they could also be said to be the later generations of the evil group.

The same as the later generations of the Killing Demons, why are they weak?

However, they didn't think deeply about the man's words, let alone Ling Feng's words.

This is really an experience.

When the Yaotian regiment carries the vast Tianwei, carries the magic gate and the glory aura, and hits the evil spirit battle group, the whole world is bright.

That is the light of the Yaotian group.

Since the Battle of the Five Kingdoms, the Yaotian Group has not slackened, but has been more diligent, because they know that this kind of power is hard-won and where their glory comes from.


They have been working hard to temper the glory aura and polish the magic gate.


They really used all their strength, and after the glory aura and the magic gate were fully in full bloom, even the supreme would change color, and they had the qualification to challenge the top supreme.

When they turned into a sickle and split them out, the sky changed its color sharply.


The Zhan Demon battle group never changed color. They were cold and indifferent, standing in place like that, as if shocked by the powerful force of the Yaotian group, without moving a step or blinking their eyes.

They are like woodcarvings, never moving.


When the terrible aura fell down, the man raised his head and glanced faintly.

next moment.

The wood-carved Zhumo battle group moved. They slammed their fists in the air, not using the Qimen of Zhumo, let alone using the aura, but with their fists.

Only fight fist!

Just like Ling Feng.


With a sudden blast, the audience exploded and collapsed in all directions.

Everything in the world is destroyed.

Endless dust filled the entire space, making it impossible to see the battle.

After everything subsided, the Demonic Demons were still standing there, not moving a step, while the Yaotian regiment flew far away like a kite with a cut line, and fell to pieces.

The invincible aura was blown up.

The invincible Qimen was crushed.

Yuan Qing, Xu Hang, and Zou Yuan were seriously injured, and the entire Yaotian group's aura was broken up, and the pride of the world was even more annihilated.

Their eyes widened and their mouths opened.

Their faces are pale.

Is this the next generation of punishers who inherited the mantle of the punisher's battle group?

At this moment, they truly realized how terrifying the future generations of the slaying demon battle group was, and they were destroyed by just one punch.

In the past, they felt that the Yaotian Group had reached the limit of the same number of people.

But now they know that there is no limit to the same number of people.

The future generations of the Yaotian group have no limits.

So, how powerful was the former Zhan Demon battle group?

"Is the former Zhan Demon battle group so powerful?" Xu Hang was sad, and his arrogance was lost.

"Have you ever?"

The headed man shook his head faintly, and said: "The battle group used to be the heaven group, and we are just the battle group. The miracles they cast cannot be copied, and the achievements they cast cannot be copied."

That's the heaven group that has fought against immortals.

How does the later generations of the punish demons rival?

The Heavenly Jade Group is the goal and idol of the Yaotian Group, why not their idol?

"Let's go back!"

The man waved his hand and said, "This is not your battlefield, and our opponent is not you either."

"Then why are you slaughtering my ancient city?" Yuan Qing exclaimed excitedly.

How can such an enchanting battle group not be human?

"We didn't slaughter the city!"

The man said coldly: "The Demons Killing Group doesn't need to slaughter the city!"

"That you?"

The Yaotian group was stunned, and the news they got was the massacre, because there was no news from that side.

"We are just waiting for a message!"

The man said coldly: "We are waiting for an attitude!"

"What news? What attitude?"

"The attitude of the Kingdom of Glory and the news of the **** battle!"


The Kill Demon battle group stepped away without stopping, as if disappearing in front of everyone in the Yaotian group in an instant.

They came here inexplicably.

They were more baffled when they left.

At least, the Jade Demon Band didn't understand it very well, why didn't this band kill them?

Is it because they are too weak?

This is really a sad story.

"The attitude of the Glory Kingdom?"

"The news of the **** battle?"

Yao Tian Tuan was immersed in these words, for some reason, they faintly smelled blood all over the sky.

What can this invincible battle group do after entering the kingdom of glory?

Extreme enough to see!

Unless the **** emperor played.

"What's the situation with Suifeng and Night Blade?" Xu Hang asked with a sigh.

"do not know!"

Yuan Qing said pessimistically: "From the moment we entered Qingshan City, it seemed that everything was under their control, and the scattered forces were forced back, but we didn't notice anyone following."

This is a big problem.

Even Suifeng couldn't notice it, but they knew that someone must have found their whereabouts.

"That said, this is still not the whole of the Battle of the Demons!" Xu Hang fell down sullenly, without a sound for a long time, this blow was too heavy.


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