"Of course it can be cured, but I suffer a little."

Qiu Yun said with a smile.

"I'm not even afraid of death, but also afraid of suffering..."

The vulture exudes domineering spirit, which makes Qiu Yun nod. This is the real man.

"I need some traditional Chinese medicine and some things."

Qiu Yun whispered.

"Write it down. I'll send someone to get it now."

The vulture looked at Qiu Yun. Although he couldn't believe it, the vulture still felt that he wanted to have a try and couldn't miss any chance.

"Well, go to my dormitory first. I'll give you a needle first to dredge the meridians. "

Qiu Yun whispered, and the vulture took Qiu Yun directly into the dormitory.


Seeing Qiu Yun and the vulture coming back, everyone looked curious. Especially seeing Qiu Yun's relaxed face, everyone was even more confused. With such a large amount of training, is there nothing at all. You know, when they first came here, their arms and shoulders were almost useless after training in the afternoon.


The vulture nodded and went directly into Qiu Yun's dormitory. Qiu Yun opened his backpack and took out his silver needle from it.

"Head, take off your clothes."

Qiu Yun whispered, and the vulture slowly took off his clothes. At the moment, the other three people in the bedroom looked curious. There are ten people in a dormitory, all of them are veterans except Qiu Yun.

The vulture took off his clothes and revealed his strong chest. There are scars on the strong muscles, and all kinds of typhoid fever look particularly scary. Qiu Yun unfolded the silver needle and then quickly began to prick it.

Soon the vulture's arms and body were covered with silver needles. Then Qiu Yun grabbed a silver needle on his arm and began to rub it gently. True Qi slowly instilled into the interior. The vulture felt that the whole arm began to heat. This feeling made the vulture stare.

The vulture's arm is damaged, and the trauma has healed, but the internal meridians have been damaged. The vulture can't push too hard. Now Qiu Yun uses Qi to repair these meridians. As long as the meridians are repaired, the rest will be much simpler.

The repair of these meridians is very simple for Qiu Yun. Qiu Yun stopped in just ten minutes. The silver needle was pulled out, and the vulture shook his fist with shock on his face. Power, a long lost sense of power. I can't use my fist to the last point before. But now it's different. The vulture's face is shocked by that sense of power.

"How's it going, head? Do you feel much better?"

Qiu Yun said with a smile. The vulture nodded. He didn't expect Qiu Yun to really heal his arm.

"This is only the first step, not too hard. You have to go through a week of late treatment. "

Qiu Yun whispered, while the other three people in the bedroom stared. Doctor, this little guy is a doctor. Moreover, it is a traditional Chinese medicine that can acupuncture and moxibustion. The most important thing is to cure the vulture's arm. These things make everyone unable to react for a moment.

"Well, write down what you need and I'll let someone buy it."

The vulture whispered. Qiu Yun thought for a moment, with a bad smile on his mouth. Then I wrote something.

"I don't think Qiu Yun took advantage of you."

Qiu Yun secretly thought of some traditional Chinese medicine and other things. When it was done, the vulture went out with the list.

"Little guy, do you really know medicine?"

The monkey looked surprised. Up to now, he still can't accept it.

"Of course, shall I show you my body. Don't worry, my fee is very cheap. "

Qiu Yun looked at the monkey and said with a smile that the monkey was just a code name. This guy is a blaster and the ancestor of playing with bombs.

"Show me first..."

The monkey whispered. Qiu Yun began to feel the pulse for the monkey.

"There's something wrong with your lungs and there are three hidden injuries on your body..."

Qiu Yun quickly said the monkey's problems. After hearing Qiu Yun's words, the monkey completely believed it.

"How much is your fee?"

The monkey asked in a low voice.

"Hey, hey, no money. I heard that brother monkey is good at playing bombs. I'll cure you and you'll teach me bomb technology. In a month's time, I can learn as much as I can... "

Qiu Yun's words made the monkey laugh. Playing with bombs is a technical job, not to mention a month. Even if there is no talent in a year, it's just a scratch.


The monkey nodded and Qiu Yun gave the monkey a needle directly. For a time, the dormitory became lively, and the excitement here was soon known by others. Knowing that Qiu Yun was a miracle doctor, everyone ran over. As special forces, they often perform some tasks, and many people have some hidden injuries.

And Qiu Yun doesn't need any medical fees, as long as they have their unique skills. Each of these people has his own best things. For example, monkeys are good at playing bombs, mountain eagles are the best at driving helicopters, blades are the best at playing knives, tanks are the best at fighting, and bears are the best at booby traps

Oriental divine sword, this base is a base of Oriental divine sword. A large group of special forces of Dongfang Shenjian are stationed here. Although there are only hundreds of people, they are all carefully selected military kings. Their task is to defend Shanghai stock market, the national economic center.

Dongfang Shenjian is the most powerful one in the Chinese special forces. It is subordinate to the capital military region and is mainly responsible for protecting the security of the capital. Now, Dongfang Shenjian has two brigades. One is responsible for guarding the capital and the other is responsible for guarding the Shanghai stock market. After all, one of these two places is the political center and the other is the economic center.

Everyone here has his own unique skills. Now they take what they are best at as the treatment fee, and many people don't care too much. They think Qiu yungen can't learn anything in a month.

Qiu Yun is not polite. Many people have their own combat notes. These notes became the first batch of medical fees. Everyone has their own experience. Usually they also communicate with each other, but there are many things that can only be realized.

"What? Qiu Yun cured your arm. "

In the office, long Zhan stared. The vulture smiled and nodded. Looking at the vulture's expression, long Zhan took a deep breath. Then he laughed. He didn't expect that he had inadvertently done such a cost-effective business. The vulture is the number one general under his command, but since he was injured two years ago, the vulture can only be an instructor in the base and can no longer perform tasks.

Vultures are only thirty-three years old today, and their body is at its peak. Now that his arm has been healed, he has an ace in his hand. It is very difficult to cultivate a trump card. Sometimes there may not be one for several years.

"What a surprise, little guy. I'll send someone to get the list right away and send it tomorrow. "

Long Zhan whispered and sent what he needed directly to the logistics department. The logistics department acted quickly, and many things were done directly at night.

"Xiaobai, don't go to college at all. How nice to stay here. "

The monkey looked at Qiu Yun. After they unanimously decided to give Qiu Yun a code name. Little white, little white face. Qiu Yun's opposition had no effect, so he had to admit it in the end.

"Hey, hey, I can't bear the colorful world outside."

Qiu Yun said with a smile that he really couldn't bear the colorful world outside. Qiu Yun has lived a light life. Now I don't want to go into the barracks and hang out with a group of old men all day.

"Xiaobai is better. You can do well with this skill. We are retired, and we don't know what we dare to do? "

The snake sighed and the monkey nodded. I'll retire from my own army. I've been in the army for so many years. In addition to killing people, I'm really not proficient in other things. Coupled with the straightness of training in the army, it's not suitable to go out. Many people work as security guards. Better, they work as bodyguards for the rich. Some people went directly to the construction site.

"After you retire, won't the state arrange work?"

Qiu Yun asked curiously.

"A few people arrange it, but most people don't. But we are all straight minded. Some people don't work long even if they arrange work. Not so much fun. "

The monkey whispered that the outside world and their world are completely different. They are here. They only need to train and fight every day. But in the outside world, all kinds of relationships and ways of dealing with people are quite strange to these big soldiers.

"Do you have many retired comrades in arms?"

Qiu Yun couldn't help asking.

"There are more than a dozen every year."

The monkey's words interested Qiu Yun. These people are military kings. Even if they retire, their combat effectiveness is quite strong. Many of them were only in their thirties when they retired. Although their bodies began to decline, their combat effectiveness was still very strong.

The first thing Qiu Yun thought of was a security company, a security company like Blackwater in the United States. Blackwater is the largest security company in the world. Many of them are retired soldiers of special forces. But in China, there is no such security company.

"After you leave here, you can consult..."

Qiu Yun didn't say it. Just chatting with them. At night, Qiu Yun slept soundly. During the day, he squeezed hard. At night, he lay down and soon fell asleep.


A loud noise woke Qiu Yun from his sleep.

"Gather, come on..."

The roar sounded, the voice of vultures. Qiu Yun dressed quickly, while others were much faster than Qiu Yun. One by one, they jumped out like rabbits. Qiu Yun has seen what speed is now. Even if he has genuine Qi, he can't dress as fast as them.

When Qiu Yun ran downstairs, all the people were standing there and dressed neatly. Look at Qiu Yun. His clothes are not neatly dressed.

"Qiu Yun, get out of the line..."

The vulture roared.


After one afternoon's training, Qiu Yun has been fully integrated into the army. Qiu Yun comes out. The vulture comes to Qiu Yun with a cruel smile on his face. Then he opened Qiu Yun's backpack, which was in a mess. Looking at the messy backpack, the vulture took out Qiu Yun's backpack, poured out all the things inside, and then began to load stones into the backpack. Slowly, a backpack of stones soon filled up. These stones were at least 60 kilograms. When they saw the load, everyone took a breath. The vultures wanted to kill Qiu Yun.

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