"Hurry up, hurry up, are you women? Even a woman can run faster than you. Run faster... "

On the mountain road, vultures stood on an off-road vehicle and shouted with a loudspeaker. Others ran quickly. In the middle of the night, the vulture didn't know how to get the spirit and came directly to a 50 kilometer training.

The 50 kilometer training is not as simple as Qiu Yun running a hundred laps on the playground. Everyone carries a load. The weight of these people reached 30 kilograms, and Qiu Yun's whole body weight was even more exaggerated. The backpack was 60 kilograms. The vulture seemed not satisfied. He directly let Qiu Yun hold the anti equipment sniper rifle of more than 30 kilograms.

Coupled with other equipment, Qiu Yun's weight suddenly reached hundreds of kilograms. Qiu Yun also feels a pressure because of such a load. If he runs real Qi, he will have no problem even if he weighs another 100 kilograms.

But it's hard to run 50 kilometers with so many things on your back. Qiu Yun felt the constant consumption of true Qi, and his face was full of seriousness. At the moment, Qiu Yun tries to control the consumption of real Qi.

Looking at the soldiers around, Qiu Yun was vaguely impressed at the moment. These people don't cultivate true Qi. They can stick to it only by virtue of their body. Although the load is not as much as yourself, it's also terrible.

Perseverance. Compared with them, Qiu Yun's worst is perseverance. These soldiers are tempered and have strong perseverance. Seeing this, Qiu Yun took a deep breath, closed his true Qi directly and temporarily, and began to run only with his body. After the Qi was closed, Qiu Yun felt heavy. Although Qiu Yun's body was strong enough, he was used to relying on Qi. Qiu Yun had no such feeling at all.

But Qiu Yun gritted his teeth and insisted, taking out the unyielding strength in his heart. They can all finish the task, and they can do it themselves. With this perseverance, Qiu Yun began to follow the army with a load of 100 kilograms. Watching Qiu Yun's speed slow down, others didn't despise him. You know, Qiu Yun is carrying a load of 100 kilograms, but he has a load of 30 or 40 kilograms.

It's a big difference. They were surprised that Qiu Yun could run for so long. If you change to yourself, the control platoon can't even complete such a long distance.

Early in the morning, I began to run wildly. At first, the speed was very fast, but in the end, the speed kept decreasing. But the vultures roared behind them, but they couldn't stop to rest. Qiu Yun bit his teeth and ran for more than 20 kilometers, but Qiu Yun felt that his whole body was not his own. His legs were numb, but he was moving forward with this unyielding momentum. The monkeys wanted to help them, but Qiu Yun refused.

"I won't lose. They can, and I can. Even if I don't have true Qi, I'm still Qiu Yun..."

Qiu Yun encouraged himself in his heart. He knew that this time was the time to break through the physical limit. Because he has true Qi, he doesn't care too much about the quenching of the body. But now Qiu Yun wants to break through.


When Qiu Yun got up from the ground again and rushed forward, his whole body seemed to be moistened by real Qi. That feeling made Qiu Yun happy. Break through, the body breaks through the limit. In this small squeeze, the body broke through the limit. After breaking through the limit, the body quickly recovered. Qiu Yun quickly opened the Qi and let the Qi begin to moisturize the body. As a doctor, Qiu Yun knows that moistening the body with Qi at this time can make the potential greater.

Qiu Yun's physical potential is actually very strong. After all, he has been moistened with genuine Qi. Qiu Yun's body is like an uncut piece. Even he didn't know how much potential he had, and these potentials had never been squeezed. The greater the potential, the less difficult it is for the body to break through the limit. After each breakthrough, the body will become a little stronger.

Qiu Yun became lively again, and the people around him were surprised to see it. Breaking the physical limit, which they have also encountered. But they didn't expect Qiu Yun to break through so easily. You know, they have been soldiers for so many years, but they have only broken through a few times. Especially now, everyone's body is squeezed to the limit. It's more difficult to break through than to go to heaven.

Qiu Yun's speed accelerated again, then kept up with the big army and slowly set out towards the first Corps. Fifty kilometers. From the early morning until more than six o'clock in the morning, everyone returned to the camp one after another. Running for six hours has consumed everyone's physical strength. Even after Qiu Yun returned to the camp, he lay there and felt tired. Qiu Yun had a smile on his face. Let true Qi restore your body.

While others looked at Qiu Yun as if he were a monster. With a load of 100 kilograms on his back, this bastard actually completed 50 kilometers of training. This abnormal physical strength makes everyone know Qiu Yun's abnormal.

Let's eat in the canteen and have a rest. Qiu Yun is like a hungry tiger. Fifty kilometers consumes a lot of physical strength and energy in Qiu Yun's body. Other people are the same. Fortunately, the food of Dongfang Shenjian is better, including milk, eggs and beef. The training of Oriental divine sword is very large, and the soldiers consume a lot, so the nutrition of food is very important.

After dinner, the others trained normally. Qiu Yun's side was opened. Today, the vulture taught Qiu Yun mobile shooting skills. A huge amount of the world is just stuffed into Qiu Yun. Fortunately, Qiu Yun has a strong memory and strong absorption ability. If other people change, they will never accept this knowledge.

Compared with fixed shooting, mobile shooting is more difficult. The most important thing in mobile shooting is to pay attention to the coordination and response ability of the body. Qiu Yun is very powerful. On the training ground, Qiu Yun began to train constantly. If you want to learn something, you have to train again and again. Only through repeated training can you get something stronger.

Qiu Yun seems to be a tireless machine with no rest at all. When you are tired, use Qi to recover. Even lunch is simple. Two people have entered the training ground. Time, Qiu Yun feels the value of time at the moment. He has only one month here. In this month, he must crazy absorb knowledge.

Looking at Qiu Yun's crazy strength, the vulture's face was worried. He was afraid that Qiu Yun would break his body. But Qiu Yun's words reassured the vulture again. Qiu Yun is a doctor. He knows his own situation.

"Xiaobai, you have everything you want."

In the afternoon, the vulture whispered. Hearing the vulture's words, Qiu Yun smiled and everything was ready. Then it's time to toss them by yourself.

Qiu Yun put down the training and directly asked people to get things to the training ground. A huge wooden bucket. How tall is the bucket? People can easily sit inside. There is a cover on it. The cover is divided into two parts, and the middle can just jam their neck.

A hot water truck stopped there. The hot water of 50 degrees has been burned. At the same time, there are hundreds of casseroles on the training ground. These casseroles form a huge circle around Qiu Yun. Every casserole has been soaked with medicine for two hours. At the same time, some medicine is placed next to the casserole.

Qiu Yun began to boil medicine and boil hundreds of casseroles at one time. Ordinary people can't be busy at all, but Qiu Yun is very relaxed. Put some herbs into the casserole every once in a while. The timing of releasing these herbs is not random. It is not based on the time, but on the heat. Qiu Yun can see when the medicine is best.

An hour and a half later, Qiu Yun turned off the fire with a smile on his face. Open a wooden bucket and put more than half of the fifty degree hot water into it.

"Head, take it off, go in..."

Qiu Yun said with a smile. Hearing Qiu Yun's words, others around him laughed. Qiu Yun was definitely intentional, otherwise he wouldn't put this thing on the training ground.

"Go in and go in. It's all men. Who hasn't seen anyone?"

Vultures are welcome. There are few women in this base. On the training ground, he is a pure man. The vulture directly stripped off and jumped into the barrel. The hot water of 50 degrees made the vulture grin.

Hot water directly soaked the vulture's whole body in it. Qiu Yun nodded when he looked at the water level. Directly let the vulture stand up and quickly fried more than a dozen needles on the vulture. Then let the vulture return to the barrel.

Then slowly pour the traditional Chinese medicine into the barrel, even the drug residue into the interior. Finally, the lid of the barrel was closed, and only one head of the vulture leaked out.

At first, the vulture didn't feel anything, but only a few minutes later, the vulture felt terrible pain. The pain is as if someone had just brushed a little bit of his own flesh, which is much more painful than being hit by a bullet or being cut several times than others.

At the moment, the vulture really wants to be unconscious, but his spirit must be sober. And his body can't move even when he moves. After the medicine comes up, the whole body can't lift any strength, but the terrible pain of ninja.

"Hey, the rest of you, don't be idle. Good things, you can't let the first person enjoy it. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile. Hearing what Qiu Yun said, everyone couldn't help looking at the vulture. Then everyone took off and went into the barrel. Qiu Yun began to prick everyone. There could be hundreds of silver needles in what Qiu Yun wanted.

Next to each other, Qiu Yun quickly finished injecting everyone, and then ordered the logistics personnel to pour all the traditional Chinese medicine into it and cover it.


Soon everyone's face became wonderful, but the vulture laughed. Little rabbits, you finally know the pain.

"Everyone, take your time. Don't worry. It doesn't take long. It's only an hour."

Qiu Yun said with a smile, but seeing this smile, everyone shivered. At the same time, I remember that the military doctor in the team once said that if you offend anyone, don't offend the doctor, otherwise you don't even know how to die.

Two demons, an idea emerged in everyone's mind. Vultures used to be demons, but now there is a devil Xiaobai.

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