
On the training ground, screams kept coming, and even vultures couldn't help roaring in the end. Pain, it's a terrible pain. The whole person was just brushed a little down, and high concentration alcohol was applied to the wound. Even they can't bear the pain.

If the silver needle hadn't made their bodies unable to move, they would have burst out. Qiu Yun has a smile on his face. Qiu Yun has also experienced the pain, and has experienced it since childhood. The material used is much more fierce than this. The medicine soaked by vultures is a simplified version of quenched body fluid.

This is a medicine bath used by the old Taoist priest for Qiu Yun since childhood. This medicine bath can harden the body, increase the potential of the body, and treat secret injuries at the same time. These soldiers have been severely squeezed in recent years and have secret injuries in their bodies. This medicine is the best and can increase their physical potential.

Medicine to increase the body's potential, which is the most awesome existence. Know that everyone's physical potential is limited. After rigorous training, these soldiers squeeze their bodies to the limit. Now these drugs increase their potential and increase the potential of their bodies.

After increasing their potential and training, their strength will improve again. Although it is a simplified version, the effect is very powerful. As long as the 15 day medicine bath is completed, it can not only cure their secret injuries, but also redevelop their physical potential. What these people will look like at that time depends on their nature.

One hour, Qiu Yun said, one hour, the time is not bad at all. But in the last few minutes, the pain began to weaken slowly. At the end of an hour, everyone felt weak and couldn't make any effort to sit there. One voice was hoarse, but his face was red.

Qiu Yun came to the vulture and opened the barrel. In an hour, the hot water has cooled down and the color has become a lot. After an hour's immersion, the essence of the medicine industry has been absorbed. Qiu Yun pulled out the silver needle. When the silver needle was removed, the vulture felt that his physical strength was recovering rapidly. In just a few minutes, the vulture felt as if he had eaten Dali pill, and the whole person was full of spirit.


Vultures stare big eyes. Such a magical liquid medicine is too powerful. Qiu Yun quickly pulled out the silver needle for others, and everyone recovered quickly. Their expressions were as warm and comfortable as vultures. They were full of strength, as if they didn't vent their discomfort.

"Xiaobai, thank you..."

The vulture looked at Qiu Yun and whispered.

"Boss, don't be polite. We are comrades in arms..."

Qiu Yun's words made the vulture laugh. Then he directly pulled Qiu Yun into the training ground again, and this training became more fierce. As if he had recovered all the pain he had suffered just now. Qiu Yun is painful and happy.

The liquid medicine made the vultures more energetic. After dinner, the training continued. However, Qiu Yun's training has become a fighting field. Tanks began to teach Qiu Yun's fighting skills in the army. The fighting skills in the army are different from Qiu Yunhui's Kung Fu. Qiu Yunhui's skills are all traditional Kung Fu, which is mainly used in conjunction with his true Qi.

But the fighting skill taught by tanks is a killing move. There is no other superfluous purpose. These moves are all for killing. Kill others in the quickest and easiest way. Qiu Yun began to learn, but soon Qiu Yun began to draw inferences from one instance in combination with his own knowledge.

Qiu Yun is much more powerful than tanks in the study of human body. Where are the weaknesses of the human body, especially the location of some dead holes, Qiu Yun studied deeper than tanks. When Qiu Yun told the tank what he knew, the tank was very surprised and began to discuss some killing moves with Qiu Yun.

They are both teachers and friends. They have rich experience in tanks. Qiu Yun knows a lot of knowledge. Under the discussion of the two people, some moves were optimized. Then the two began to experiment with each other.

The two didn't go back to rest until 11 o'clock at night. However, Qiu Yun only rested for two hours. After two hours of practice, Qiu Yun's body recovered again. Then he quietly left the dormitory and ran directly on the training ground with a load on his back.

"If only it were my soldier."

The vulture looked at Qiu Yun running wildly on the training ground. Such a good soldier is a natural soldier. But unfortunately, this guy is a college student. Now the vulture can do is to let him learn more in a month. Although Qiu Yun may have contact with the army in the future, vultures can't guarantee it.

The dragon war also didn't sleep. All the Dragon Wars were seen in my eyes. I'm glad I brought Qiu Yun here. Looking at Qiu Yun's progress, long Zhan narrowed his eyes.

"I hope you can come to the end..."

Thinking of the plan, long Zhan narrowed his eyes. Code named hidden dragon, Hidden Dragon plan, this is a plan of the army. This plan is to let some human combatants lurk in the outside world and become the most powerful agents. Perform some tasks that are difficult for the military to perform.

Military agents have their own advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that it will arouse the suspicion of many people, and some tasks are difficult to complete. Hidden Dragon plan is to make up for this. Hidden Dragon plan is to make these agents become successful people in society, maybe artists, maybe businessmen, maybe other professions.

They may be excellent in a certain industry, which provides shelter for their identity. When you meet some very important tasks, you can let them take action.

After seeing Qiu Yun, long Zhan thought Qiu Yun was very suitable. A college student, who would have thought that he could become the most powerful soldier in just one month of military training. As long as it is handled well, no one doubts it.

Qiu Yun's identity longzhan has also been investigated. His identity is very simple. He was an orphan and was adopted by a Taoist priest. Such an identity is simple. As for how to enter the school, long Zhan also investigated. This Taoist is a very powerful traditional Chinese medicine. He once treated the life of a senior official of the education system. That's how he got the notice.

What surprised longzhan most was that Qiu Yun didn't come to Shanghai stock market for a few days. Unexpectedly, I got a villa from song culture and was very close to the Yu family. Yu Ziyang also gave Qiu Yun a super sports car. It can be seen that Qiu Yun's medical skills have left. Now Qiu Yun helps his team members treat their arms. This business is particularly cost-effective.

At seven o'clock the next morning, the training was just beginning. At this time, Qiu Yun had completed 50 kilometers of load-bearing cross-country. Today, Qiu Yun's body broke through the limit again, and the time was ten minutes longer than yesterday. It took six and a half hours yesterday and only six hours and twenty minutes today.

Training, Qiu Yun's life is rich and colorful every day, and he can learn a lot every day. Every day's medicine bath makes everyone see the power of medicine bath. Everyone's body injuries are slowly eliminated, the potential of the body is increased, and everyone starts a new round of breakthrough. The dragon war is ready to use Qiu Yun to the limit and directly announce the devil training month. Anyway, Qiu Yun, a powerful doctor, is here.

Shooting, fighting, traps, booby traps, vehicle driving, blasting, helicopter driving, etc. Qiu Yun kept learning and made rapid progress. To the vulture's surprise, Qiu Yun was the master of the mountain after he entered the mountain. The first confrontation training, I didn't find Qiu Yun.

Qiu Yun lived in the mountains since childhood. He knows more about the mountains than vultures. And the knowledge of all kinds of food is an expert among experts. This made the vultures very excited. Born as the king of the jungle, the vultures began to teach Qiu Yun their combat methods in the mountains.

He has made rapid progress. In just two weeks, Qiu Yun has become a veteran. And became a terrible sniper. No, it should be said to be the king of individual combat.


Another soldier came out of the mountain with a helpless face. There was smoke on his head. He was killed by Qiu Yun. Outside, there are dozens of people standing there, with a trace of helplessness on their faces.

Drill, enter the mountain for drill. Fifty people rounded up Qiu Yun. But Qiu Yun killed them one by one. Such technology is even better than vultures. Now they finally know what metamorphosis is. After only two weeks of training, this guy has become the king.

When the last man was killed, Qiu Yun came out of the jungle with only a sniper rifle in his hand and didn't even wear a lucky suit.

"Xiaobai, can you be more abnormal?"

The monkey looked at Qiu Yun and shouted.

"Yes, try to shorten the time by half next time."

Qiu Yun's words made everyone despise. But then we had a lively discussion. Half a month, the last time the medicine bath was over yesterday. Medicine bath makes these people reborn one by one. The body seemed ten years younger when the secret injury on the body was small.

The potential has also greatly increased. In the past half a month, they have made rapid progress. On average, everyone has broken through the limit five times. This breakthrough is terrible. But they still can't compare with Qiu Yun. Qiu Yun has broken through the limit for 20 and a half months.

Now the strength of these guys has become very strong. They used to bear 30 kilograms, but now everyone has changed to 60 kilograms. The weight-bearing has doubled, but the result is better than before. At the same time, everyone's reaction ability has increased by an average of 10%. Don't underestimate this 10%. They have reached the limit before. Even if they increase by 1%, they are very strong.

Increased responsiveness, vision, hearing and smell are also increased. In terms of comprehensive combat effectiveness, the comprehensive combat effectiveness of the whole force has completely changed. Now every soldier pulled out is definitely the existence of the king of war. As for Qiu Yun, the weight has become 180 kilograms, which is enough to scare many people to death.

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