Three days later, the three men were still in the rain forest. In three days, the three people almost didn't have much rest. They ran away frantically. In three days, the three people fled 400 kilometers of highway. In the three days, Qiu Yun and his family have been besieged and intercepted dozens of times. The number of people who died at Qiu Yun's hands has reached 162. Vultures also killed 22 people, and even Liu Yufei killed four people.

The three-day escape made the three people like savages. His camouflage clothes were muddy, and vultures and Liu Yufei were haggard in their eyes. For three days, they didn't have much rest at all. Qiu Yun has genuine Qi, but they don't. After three days, Liu Yufei was completely sad to Qiu Yun. In three days, Liu Yufei saw Qiu Yun's metamorphosis.

You can run 50 kilometers without getting tired. Your medical skills are very powerful. All kinds of traps and thunder are extremely insidious

Human monster. In Liu Yufei's opinion, Qiu Yun is definitely a human monster. They are tireless, have strong recovery ability and strong survival skills. The record of 162 people in three days is even abnormal to the extreme. However, such achievements will not change the situation. There are more and more pursuers and more troops mobilized by the United States. Drones and helicopters patrol the sky.

On the ground, the US special forces have formed a three-tier siege. The surrounding ports, airports and roads are completely blocked, and the mysterious crystal has completely killed the United States. At the moment, the United States even dares to fight a war here for this crystal stone. Although Huaxia is working hard, many plans are not feasible at the moment. The previous plan was to let vultures and Qiu Yun enter the sea with Liu Yufei, and Huaxia sent submarines to pick people up.

But now the plan cannot be implemented. The crazy United States directly dispatched four aircraft carrier battle groups and a large number of warships around. Such an array simply does not allow Huaxia to take such risks.

The vulture spread out the map with a serious face. It seems too difficult to go back to China now. Sea, air and land routes are all blocked.

"Xiaobai, we are in big trouble this time."

The vulture sighed, and Qiu Yun looked at the map with a dignified face.

"Now all these places are blocked, and any vehicles, ships and aircraft will be carefully inspected by the U.S. military."

The vulture pointed to the map and all the roads were blocked. Now I can only rely on my two legs. Two legs, from Africa back to China, this is not an ordinary journey, this circle down, this is tens of thousands of kilometers.

"I'm afraid it's unrealistic to walk back. There is a positioning system inside the box. Although the positioning system is temporarily shielded by my special method, it is based on the ability of the United States. They can crack it in three days at most, and then we will be living targets. "

Liu Yufei's words made the vulture's face change dramatically. If the box really has a positioning system, then carrying the box is a live target.

"What's in the box? Can you leave the box? "

Qiu Yun asked in a low voice.

"The things in the box are very important, more important than my life. The box must not be discarded... "

Liu Yufei shook her head, which made Qiu Yun's face dignified.

"Yes, open the box. I'll take the box and lead them away. You two take the opportunity to leave... "

Qiu Yun whispered.

"No, I'll lead them away. You take Liu Yufei away."

The vulture whispered.

"No, boss, you have to admit it. I'm better than you. I know medicine. Trust me, I'll live well. "

Qiu Yun whispered. Qiu Yun's words made the vulture don't know what to say. Qiu Yun is telling the truth. Qiu Yun is more powerful than himself. In terms of a person's ability to survive, Qiu Yun is much more powerful than himself.

But the vulture also knows what it means to leave with a box. A single positioning system is cracked. What is waiting for Qiu Yun is encirclement, pursuit and interception. Although this positioning system can not be accurate to meters, it can roughly lock a range. At that time, a large number of American soldiers will be unable to encircle them.

"It's so decided, but you must take the things in the box."

Qiu Yun whispered.

"No way, this box is made of the most advanced materials. The password adopts the most complex mechanical lock. I don't know the password at all. If you want to crack the password, you can't crack it in a few months. "

Liu Yufei whispered that the box was specially made. Chains are specially made, using the most complex mechanical passwords, which can not be cracked even by powerful computer experts. There are 18 passwords in total. I don't know the password. It's too difficult to crack it.

"I'll try..."

Qiu Yun smiled. If it's an electronic lock, Qiu Yun can't help it, but for a mechanical lock, Qiu Yun has his own way. Qiu Yun's hand pressed on the box, and the true Qi was input from the inside of the keyhole. Qiu Yun also played with unlocking, and consulted with the master of stealing the door.

Zhenqi explores the structure inside the lock a little bit. The structure inside is extremely complex. If someone else can't crack it. But Qiu Yun carefully realized it and looked for the real password.

About half an hour later, Qiu Yun opened his eyes and directly began to enter the password. When the last password is entered, the lock of the box is opened directly. Seeing here, Liu Yufei stared. The password of the box was abnormal. Liu Yufei knew it, and Qiu Yun opened it in a short time. It was too strange.

"Well, the rest is simple..."

Qiu Yun said with a smile, and the vulture laughed.

"What's inside contains very strong radiation. You have to make a new box. I need some materials... "

Liu Yufei said seriously that the things inside contained terrible radiation. You can't take it directly with your hands. Qiu Yun nodded and the three started again.

One day later, in an abandoned mine, Liu Yufei was busy. Liu Yufei found a lot of useful things here. With these discarded things, Liu Yufei even got a simple isolation box and a set of chemical prevention clothes. However, the isolation box is not as strong as the special box made in the United States.

But that's enough. Just bring things back to China, and other things will be much easier. Liu Yufei put on her protective suit and carefully took out the mysterious gem and put it into a new isolation box. After everything was done, Liu Yufei breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiaobai, we can leave the box here. Let's go together..."

The vulture whispered.

"No, I must lead them away. They care more about this box than you. If I don't lead them away, we can't go. "

Qiu Yun shook his head. The vulture didn't speak. Qiu Yun is telling the truth. If you want to escape, you must have a man with a box to lead people away, and the farther the better. At that time, the United States must devote most of its energy to chasing the box. Only in this way can vultures and Liu Yufei have a chance to leave.

"What are you going to do?"

The vulture whispered.

"I went south into the rain forest and played hide and seek with them. You go north and find a chance to leave. I will try my best to delay them. I hope you will return home in the shortest time. "

Qiu Yun said seriously, and the vulture nodded. Now we can only do this. Compared with Qiu Yun, the task of vultures is heavier. To protect Liu Yufei and the mysterious gem from leaving, you must be more careful.

"It was so decided that you would go north and I would go south. Even the United States would not be able to build such a big encirclement."

Qiu Yun said with a smile that this is not the United States. The United States can only send special forces to track. But in such a large rainforest, even if there are hundreds of thousands of troops, it can not be surrounded by water.

"Xiaobai, come here..."

Liu Yufei whispered. Qiu Yun shrugged his shoulders and directly followed Liu Yufei to the inside.

"What's up?"

Qiu Yun asked curiously. Liu Yufei looked at Qiu Yun, then hugged Qiu Yun's neck and kissed her sexy lips. Qiu Yun was stunned by Liu Yufei's action and didn't react for a long time. However, Qiu Yun soon reacted. He was not polite at all. He directly hugged Liu Yufei, learned the way he looked on TV, and kissed Liu Yufei.

I don't know how long it took. The two separated and looked at each other. Liu Yufei gasped, her chest undulating up and down, looking particularly attractive.

"You come back alive. When you come back, you can do whatever you want."

Liu Yufei whispered in Qiu Yun's ear, evocative. Hearing this sentence, Qiu Yun couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Goblins, the temptation of the best goblins like Liu Yufei is too great.

"That's what you said..."

Qiu Yun hugged Liu Yufei in his arms. One hand boldly grabbed Liu Yufei's plump hip and squeezed it twice.

"Well, wait until you come back alive. At that time, I'm afraid you can't. "

Liu Yufei raised her head with provocation in her eyes. One hand was bolder and stretched out from Qiu Yun's pants. Qiu Yun suddenly opened his eyes and took a breath in his mouth.

"Goblin, wait for me. From today on, you belong to Qiu Yun. You can't run away. "

Qiu Yun said mercilessly and slowly took Liu Yufei's hand out. He tidied up his clothes and turned away.

"Head, protect her..."

Qiu Yun whispered, and then the metal box left. Watching Qiu Yun leave his back, the vulture takes a deep breath. This time, the state owes Qiu Yun too much.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's leave..."

The vulture said seriously. Liu Yufei looked at Qiu Yun's back and looked murderous in her eyes. These days, Liu Yufei's heart is full of Qiu Yun. Liu Yufei has never met such a man. Liu Yufei is arrogant. For so many years, no one can give Liu Yufei a more look except Qiu Yun. She is like a proud peony, unattainable. Qiu Yun broke into her heart in just a few days.

The three separated and left in the opposite direction, but they all knew that this difference might be the separation of yin and Yang, but they had to do so. Sometimes, people had to sacrifice something for something.

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