Inside the US military base in Africa, cyber forces are trying to crack the shield on the box. They have been busy for six consecutive days. Six days has been too long. Now, with each additional minute, the situation may change.


With the cracking of the last program, a red dot suddenly appeared on the big screen. Seeing the red dot, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Transmit the data to the front-line forces immediately..."

A general shouted, and then the data was sent directly to the combat forces on the front line. The special forces searching in the rainforest saw the coordinates and took action immediately.

"General, this may be the enemy's plot. Now the box and Liu Yufei are probably separated. "

In the special forces command, a staff officer whispered. Now this coordinate is in the rainforest of South Africa, 500 kilometers away from its current enclosure. Now, if we transfer everyone, the encirclement will be over immediately.

"I know, but we have to make a choice. For us, that box is more important... "

Jerry whispered that they had expected it. In Liu Yufei and the box selection, the United States chose the box. After all, the box has a positioning system, but Liu Yufei doesn't. They dare not take risks, otherwise they may not get both.

The progress of this period of time made them feel great pressure, and the strength of the enemy exceeded their imagination. The number of enemies is very small, but the small number increases the difficulty of pursuit. Now it's like a herd of elephants chasing ants. It's too difficult to catch up, not to mention that the ant can easily hunt elephants. More than 100 people have been killed in battle these days alone.

Action, a helicopter quickly flew to the scheduled location. The special forces in the rainforest were quickly distributed and besieged the target. Deep in the rain forest, Qiu Yun stayed quietly in the rain forest. The high rain forest provided him with the best shelter.

It has been two days since he separated from the vultures. Qiu Yun is not idle these two days. In two days, he galloped 400 kilometers south, playing a weak whistle all the way. Now feed the center by yourself, and tens of kilometers around it has become a gathering place for snakes. All kinds of poisonous snakes gather here and are everywhere.

In addition to poisonous snakes, the various traps arranged by Qiu Yun around are even more frightening. He doesn't know all kinds of traps by using the surrounding environment. These traps are also matched with various venoms. The battlefield has become a terrible battlefield around. Although the box has a positioning instrument, the positioning instrument is not very accurate. Liu Yufei got some jamming materials in the box. These jamming materials can interfere with the accuracy. The U.S. military probably knows a direction, and the accuracy is about 10 kilometers.

Now the United States can know the approximate location of Qiu Yun through the positioning system. This is a range. The real search still needs to be searched by people.

In the distance came the roar of the helicopter. Hearing the sound of the helicopter, Qiu Yun took a deep breath. Come on, now Qiu Yun hates helicopters most. But now Qiu Yun has prepared some good things for the helicopter. Qiu Yun opened the grass and a group of people leaked out.

Crossbow, but it is not an ordinary crossbow. It's an enlarged model. This thing was used to defend cities in ancient China. Qiu Yun made a bed crossbow from the materials here in the rain forest. Crossbows and arrows are made of wood, and on the crossbows and arrows, Qiu Yun also pasted several powerful grenades.

The range of the crossbow has reached the announced range of one kilometer. Listen to the sound of the helicopter. Qiu Yun can accurately locate the position, height and speed of the helicopter. Take a deep breath and pull a huge crossbow. The crossbow is like a huge rocket.


The crossbow flew out without fire or any thermal reaction. The equipment of the helicopter has no effect on this cold weapon at all.


There was a loud noise in the air. Several huge grenades exploded directly next to the helicopter. The huge power directly broke the bulletproof glass of the helicopter, and the driver inside was directly killed by the steel ball inside the grenade.

The helicopter directly fell into the rain forest, and seeing this scene, other helicopters quickly pulled up. Then a series of rockets directly covered it. Qiu Yun had already made preparations and hid directly in the long dug bunker.

After a series of fire coverage, a large number of special forces quickly read the landing from the helicopter behind, and then directly surrounded Qiu Yun. The rain forest became dangerous, and those special forces did not dare to be careless. No one's life was picked up in vain.

The equipment of these special forces has also been upgraded, and everyone's whole body is protected. The previous experience of poisonous snake let the U.S. military know that the other party is an expert in playing with snakes. These people wear the most advanced military combat system of the U.S. military, and the whole person is like a future soldier. Therefore, the United States attaches great importance to this matter.

Qiu Yun hides in the dark and sees a team slowly entering his trap. Qiu Yun laughed and then pulled a cane directly.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

Hundreds of spears flew directly out of the surrounding dense forest, and logs in the air were facing the team.

"Be careful, damn it..."

This scene makes everyone's face change dramatically. They know the power of this trap. One by one, they dodged quickly. But there are too many spears for everyone to avoid.

Several soldiers were directly penetrated by spears. You know, they have bulletproof vests, but there are still many parts of their body that can't be protected. It's impossible to guard against it with combat clothes alone.

"No, the spear is poisonous..."

After the trap ended, a soldier looked at several wounded soldiers and their faces changed dramatically. Several people on their hands began to blacken and lost their heartbeat in just a few tens of seconds. Five people. The trap killed five people.

Qiu Yun has already left now. Although it's easy for Qiu Yun to kill them, it will expose himself. Now Qiu Yun's greatest advantage is that the enemy has not found himself.

He is in the dark and the enemy is in the light. It's too difficult to find a person in the rain forest with a radius of tens of kilometers.

Traps, traps everywhere. After the U.S. special forces entered the area, they found that it was a trap position. Traps, booby traps, poisonous snakes, these things continue to cause casualties to U.S. special forces and Blackwater mercenaries.

What annoys these people most is that the poison made by Qiu Yun, a sinister guy, is everywhere. As long as you get hurt, your chances of survival become very small. Such casualties have made these special forces and mercenaries timid.

They have never encountered such a battle. Now such a battle is not a battle, but a massacre on the one hand.

On the high-power thermal imager, we still haven't found the target and can't find it. Qiu Yun can adjust his body temperature through genuine Qi. Thermal imager is of no use to Qiu Yun.

Cold weapons, Qiu Yun is here to let everyone realize the horror of cold weapons. In this rainforest, the role of cold weapons is even more terrible than hot weapons.

"It's time to go..."

Qiu Yun looked at the time with a cold look on his face. Qiu Yun knows that he must not stay at the same time. He must give full play to his advantages. And their own advantage is speed, the speed of moving forward in the rainforest.

Although the other party has a helicopter, they can't chase themselves by helicopter all the time. Pull each other to run, consume their physical strength and destroy them little by little. In Qiu Yun's opinion, these people are just their own prey.

Speed up. Qiu Yun starts to speed up. His strong hearing lets him know the deployment of forces around him. Know where the weakest link is and where there is no one.

"The other party is moving. Come on, catch up with him..."

The Red soldiers are moving forward very fast. But these special forces dare not speed up. There are traps everywhere. They couldn't raise their speed at all, but Qiu Yun ignored them and ran Zhenqi. The whole person shuttled through the jungle like a human ape. The speed is very fast. Those people can't catch Qiu Yun at all.

"Damn it, what is the other side? Why is it so fast? "

Those special forces soldiers were shocked when they looked at the individual computer. At the same time, in the African headquarters, the commanders were also shocked. This speed is too fast. According to the current speed, the man's moving speed in the jungle has reached a terrible 60 kilometers per hour. This speed is too terrible.

Seeing this speed, Americans look very ugly. Now they finally know what they are facing. Is this still human? Even the super soldiers of American secret research are not so powerful.

The UAV helicopter in the air has no effect at all. The dense forest blocks everything. In such a dense forest, even if the bomber is dispatched, it has no great effect. To find a person in the rain forest is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Fortunately, now they have a positioning system and can know the general direction. After Qiu Yun rushed out of the enclosure, the speed fell down. The US special forces behind began to build a foundation in the rainforest, but there was always a distance of tens of kilometers from each other.

While Qiu Yun was playing hide and seek with the U.S. special forces, vultures took Liu Yufei all the way. Escaped layers of pursuit and went all the way north. Finally, they met with the reception personnel of Huaxia. After careful camouflage, the two directly took an international flight home. When the plane landed in Huaxia, the vulture was relieved, went home and finally went home.

After getting off the plane, the two men left directly and secretly in an advanced bulletproof Mercedes Benz. Liu Yufei and the mysterious stone entered the most rigorous scientific research department in China, while the vulture returned to the military camp.

Seeing the vulture coming back, dragon war gave the vulture a big hug. But the vulture is not in the slightest mood. Now the vulture's mind is all in Qiu Yun.

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