"According to your request, everyone has been found. At the same time, doctors are equipped here to conduct the most detailed tests on their bodies every day... "

Tang Yueqi said with a smile, clinical trial, this is only the first step of clinical trial. If a drug wants to pass the inspection and go on the market, it must go through a long clinical trial to prove that the drug is harmless to the body. Even Chinese patent medicine is the same.

If it's western medicine, it's even more strict. I can't remember these things. Now Tang Yueqi just wants to know the effect of these products. The real clinical trial data need to be carried out after the pharmaceutical company is established. However, these tonics can also be used as Chinese medicine after getting the approval. After all, traditional Chinese medicine is different from western medicine.

"These twenty people are used to test diet pills..."

In the beauty salon, 20 carefully selected experimenters. There are twenty young people in their teens and old people in their 60s and 70s. Half men and half women, but these people have one characteristic, that is fat. Each human body weighs more than 250 kilograms and is a standard fat man.

"Well, in the future, they will take it once every morning and evening for a month and stop taking it for five days..."

Qiu Yun looked at these people and nodded. These people are heavy. So you can take weight-loss pills twice a day, so the effect will be better.

Those who tested weight-loss drugs were fat, while those who tested height-increasing drugs were short. However, there are some restrictions on the age of people who test booster drugs, under the age of 40 and over the age of 18. Under the age of 18, the bone has not stopped growing, while over the age of 40, the bone has aged and can not bear the second development.

These people are relatively low in height, and none of them is more than one meter six. But these people don't have dwarfs. They're just not tall. The heightening drug lasts for a long time. Take one pill a day for about a year. This year, these drugs will promote the second development of human bones. As long as the nutrition is more enough to keep up, the height will increase significantly. As for the effect, it depends on everyone's potential.

Breast enhancement tests are all women, aged from 18 to 60. Basically, everyone selected here is an airport.

Twenty people, ten men and ten women, are tested for skin beauty products. They are all over the age of 40. People over the age of 40 have poor skin.

After reading these testers, Lin Fei nodded with satisfaction. Tang Yueqi is also full of expectations. As long as these products are tested and the effect is better, the beauty salon can open. These products tested have fatal temptation for the rich. Especially women, weight, height, chest circumference, skin, women pay the most attention to their appearance.

At the beginning of the test, the test is very simple. Just take the medicine directly. However, the skin products are oral and topical, and the interior is detoxifying and nourishing. The outside is smeared with ointment, like a mask. For external application products, Qiu Yun added some petals, which neutralized the unpleasant taste of traditional Chinese medicine and gave the ointment a good taste.

"I'm so hot..."

In the swimming pool, people taking diet pills take baths in the swimming pool. Sweat desperately to the outflow, their weight is very heavy, fat burning is very severe.

Compared with them, people with skin tests are much more comfortable. Lying on the beauty bed, there are special people to apply the mask to them. And breast enhancement and heightening just take the medicine.

"Are you going to use these drugs in the beauty salon first?"

Qiu Yun asked in a low voice with a smile.

"Yes, such a good product. Of course, it should be used in beauty salons. Now the pharmaceutical factory has not been established. These drugs are all made by hand. Naturally, it can't be cheap, and we didn't sell it to ordinary people at the beginning. I have thought about it. The beauty salon adopts the member invitation system. I want to build this place into a circle, a circle that can't enter with money. "

Tang Yueqi said with a smile. Hearing Tang Yueqi's words, Qiu Yun smiled and stretched out his hand with Tang Yueqi. Circle, a top circle, people who can enter this circle are obviously either rich or expensive. Otherwise, you are not qualified to enter this circle at all. If you establish this circle, it will be equivalent to contacts.

In China, such contacts can't be bought with money. Now in China, there are many private clubs or golf courses. Those things are often established to establish such contacts.

"I'll get some spring pills and body fragrance pills in a few days. By then, just relying on these products will be enough for beauty salons."

Qiu Yun said with a smile that Huichundan is a traditional Chinese medicine Viagra, but it is much more powerful than Viagra. This thing can not only increase endurance and hardness, but also promote secondary development. For men, this thing is hard to find. As for body fragrance pills, they are more lethal to women. Perfume is no matter how good it is.

"By the way, when the beauty salon opens. Can you come and give us a free clinic? "

Tang Yueqi looks at Qiu Yun. Qiu Yun's medical skill is the real priceless treasure.


Qiu Yun looked at Tang Yueqi and nodded. Seeing Qiu Yun's promise, Tang Yueqi smiled. Qiu Yun is now a celebrity in the circle. Many people now want Qiu Yun to see a doctor for themselves, but Qiu Yun hasn't seen any during this period of time. In Qiu Yun's words, there is no time.

"Wow, is this me?"

In the beauty club, the women who test skin beauty products look in the mirror. They have just applied a mask. These Chinese medicine facial mask takes forty minutes. This time passed quickly. When the mask went, everyone felt their faces, and everyone felt that their changes were great.

The skin is tender and smooth to the touch. It's just another person. The change is very obvious. The biggest function of this kind of Chinese traditional facial mask is to replenish water and nourish the face, while the detoxification and nourishing Dan is detoxifying and nourishing the face. Now the inside and outside functions have shocked the public for the first time with such a mask.

Tang Yueqi and Qiu Yun were also attracted. Tang Yueqi looked at their comparative photos with a smile on her face. The change is very obvious.

"Don't be surprised, it's just the beginning. Once a day, the mask can be served once a day. The effect will become more and more obvious in the future. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile that detoxification and beauty pill is actually the most important. People have accumulated a lot of toxins in their bodies. Detoxification and beauty pill is to eliminate toxins in their bodies. This toxin can't be eliminated in a day or two. If you take the detoxification and beauty pill for a month, the effect will be very obvious. With the mask, after a month, these people will be amazed even by themselves.

In fact, the products brought by Qiu Yun are a set of combinations. These products can be taken at the same time. Weight loss, height increase, breast enhancement, detoxification and beauty. If you take this set of things continuously, it is more powerful than cosmetic surgery.

"Great, I'll hurry to recruit people. If the effect is good, our beauty salon can be officially opened in a month. Qiu Yun, can you supply your products? "

Tang Yueqi asked seriously.

"No problem, but you need to order a small set of equipment. You can order a set of small equipment for me these days and put it in the basement of my villa. At the same time, I'll buy a batch of traditional Chinese medicine first. "

Qiu Yun thought for a moment and whispered. Tang Yueqi nodded. If the beauty salon opened, it would need a lot. If the effect is good, Tang Yueqi will expand the beauty salon to other places. The demand for drugs will be greater.

"Well, that's all I can do. Our pharmaceutical company will be established as soon as possible. With these products, our company will not lack products in a short time. "

Tang Yueqi said with a smile that sometimes a product can make a pharmaceutical company rise. Qiu Yun has many prescriptions. However, Tang Yueqi did not intend to launch so many products violently. These products need to be launched one by one in order to maximize benefits.

The most important thing is that Tang Yueqi is still afraid to take out so many things. The greater the interests, the more people will be jealous. Getting rich overnight is the most enviable. If Tang Yueqi wants to come step by step, she must fight steadily and make no mistakes. After all, Tang Yueqi knows that there is a more terrible enemy staring at her behind her, but now the enemy is hidden deeper. They haven't taken action for a while, but it doesn't mean they left. They must be brewing a more violent attack.

"Yes, one more thing. Are you interested in setting up a security company? "

Qiu Yun said with a smile. Qiu Yun has always kept this in mind. Vultures have many retired comrades in arms. In addition to vultures, a large number of elite soldiers leave the army every year in China.

"Security company, in China?"

Tang Yueqi looks at Qiu Yun and Qiu Yun nods.

"Yes, but not just in China. After all, China has many restrictions. We can also set up a branch overseas. I think Africa will do. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile.

"Why do you think of it?"

Tang Yueqi asked curiously.

"Fun. Man, man, who doesn't want to be a general. We have retired so many soldiers in China every year. What a waste. Look at the black water in the United States. People's equipment is no worse than that of special forces. If we set up a security company. When our business expands overseas, no one dares to trouble them, right. If anyone bothers us, let's beat him directly... "

Qiu Yun said excitedly. Tang Yueqi laughed when she heard Qiu Yun's words. But there was also an excited look in his eyes.

"Do you have resources?"

Tang Yueqi looked at Qiu Yun and asked. Qiu Yun nodded. I'm a man with a black officer certificate. It's easy to get some information. As long as the right person can be found, all the rest will be handed over to the money. Money can make the devil push the mill. In the end, maybe the state may really approve it.

"Well, I think it's feasible."

Tang Yueqi nodded and both of them laughed.

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