"You boy, it must be no good calling me here."

In a restaurant in Shanghai, long Zhan looks at Qiu Yun. Today, Qiu Yun called long Zhan to invite him to dinner. Long Zhan knew Qiu Yun's character, but long Zhan didn't refuse.

"Dragons, look at what you said. Can I find you? Look at this... "

Qiu Yun directly handed the scheme designated by Tang Yueqi to long Zhan. Long Zhan looked at it curiously.

"You want to set up a security company?"

Long Zhan stared at the information.

"Yes, we retire so many comrades every year. After many comrades retired, life was not good. They are all elites in the army. But back home, but not in line with this society. So I want to set up a security company so that everyone can have a meal. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile, but long Zhan narrowed his eyes and stared at Qiu Yun. He absolutely didn't believe that Qiu Yun's purpose was just so simple. Although I haven't been in contact with Qiu Yun for a long time, Qiu Yun is definitely a cunning fox.

"How do you want me to help you?"

Long Zhan didn't ask much, but looked at Qiu Yun and asked a key question.

"It's easy. I want you to help me get a list. That is, retired people, so I can find them. This is also good for you. For so many retired soldiers, their work arrangement after retirement also belongs to your jurisdiction. I'll just solve this problem for you now. "

Qiu Yun said with a smile. Long Zhan was relieved by Qiu Yun's words. It's not too illegal.

"This is easy. How many people do you want to recruit?"

Longzhan asked curiously.

"More is better. But I just want the elite. Those retired from special forces, investigation forces and rapid reaction forces are given priority. "

Qiu Yun said seriously that when he established his own security company, he naturally had to choose the elite. These elites are veterans who have been trained by the state in the army for so many years. Although they have retired, their combat effectiveness is still growing. There are many people who may lose their physical fitness, but it's not difficult for Qiu Yun. Qiu Yun has some ways to restore these people's bodies to their peak. Keep them at their peak for another five to ten years.

In this way, Qiu Yun directly obtained a group of military kings at the least cost. Long Zhan looked at Qiu Yun's last drop. But I was a little looking forward to it. Qiu Yun's courage had seen the dragon war. The dragon war wanted to see what tricks Qiu Yun would make if he handed these people over to Qiu Yun.

As for what Qiu Yun will do to the detriment of the country, dragon war is not too worried. After all, Qiu Yun's industry is in China, and the most important thing is that several of his confidants are also there. Qiu Yun's data and long Zhan have also investigated. This guy is good at everything. His only weakness is that he can't resist women. How long has it been? So many beautiful women have gathered around him.

"Thank you very much..."

Qiu Yun said with a smile that the security company doesn't invest much in things. Tang Yueqi has selected all the places in China and put them on Yongxing island. Just set aside hundreds of acres to build a training center. After all, domestic security companies can't be equipped with guns. These people are basically security guards at home. It's security when they perform tasks abroad.

"By the way, I want to ask you something."

Long Zhan looked at Qiu Yun and asked seriously. Qiu Yun nodded and looked at long Zhan.

"Well, can the liquid medicine you used in the army contribute to the military?"

Long Zhan looked at Qiu Yun. The mysterious liquid medicine combined with acupuncture was really powerful. This liquid medicine can treat secret injuries and increase people's potential. During this time, the combat effectiveness of the Dongfang Shenjian team in Shanghai stock market has been greatly improved. In the big competition a few days ago, his team won the first place, which makes longzhan very excited.

Long Zhan has long realized the importance of this liquid medicine, but he has never had a chance. At the moment, longzhan looked at Qiu Yun, but Qiu Yun smiled.

"Well, I'm very patriotic. Since the country needs my contribution, how can I refuse? "

Qiu Yun nodded without a trace of rejection. And he didn't mention any conditions, which made longzhan admire in his heart. The contribution of this medicine is too great for the army, and Qiu Yun took it out for free. The country owes it.

Although there are no conditions, the benefits are better than anywhere else. Especially for the military, this liquid medicine can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of soldiers and make the military owe a debt. Not everyone can do it.

Besides, Qiu Yun is a doctor. Who can guarantee that Qiu Yun has no better prescription. The magic of traditional Chinese medicine has been confirmed by Qiu Yun, and Qiu Yun's battle in Africa is known by the military. In Africa, Qiu Yun killed more than 500 special forces alone. That terrible combat effectiveness is too rebellious.

This is why Qiu Yun can get a black officer certificate. Long Zhan knows that in fact, there is also the most mysterious special force in China. This special force is called the shadow force. This force is directly deployed by the No. 1 leader and performs the most cutting-edge tasks. However, dragon war is only heard of. Dragon war knows nothing about other things about the shadow force.

"Big villain..."

After parting from the dragon war, Qiu Yun drove back to the villa. As soon as I opened the door, I heard a familiar voice, and then a dark figure rushed over directly. Seeing the shadow, Qiu Yun smiled.

"Fat again."

Qiu Yun said with a smile. Tang Min hung on Qiu Yun like a koala. He put his hands around Qiu Yun's neck and his legs around Qiu Yun's waist. Qiu Yun held Tang Min's elastic little ass with both hands. The little girl was a plump little Lori, and her ass was full of elasticity. Especially at the moment, she was still wearing a loose skirt. Qiu Yun couldn't help holding two hands and felt Qiu Yun's bad action. Tang Min's face turned red, but she didn't come down from Qiu Yun. But tired of skewing in Qiu Yun's arms.

"Villain, do you miss me?"

Tang Min pouted, since she was suppressed by Qiu Yun. Tang Min returned to normal. However, for Tang Min's safety, Tang Min was arranged to a safe place during this period and didn't come back until today.

"Of course, who doesn't want such a little beauty?"

Qiu Yun had a bad smile on his face. Tang Min had a sweet smile on her face when she heard Qiu Yun's words.


Yu Ziyang stood up and shouted with a smile. During this time, Yu Ziyang's life is very moist. Although he left the Yu family, Yu Ziyang's life was more natural and unrestrained. He ate, drank and had fun every day. Even if yu Ziyang is a black sheep, the money in his hand will be enough for his whole life.

"Why are you here?"

Qiu Yun couldn't help asking.

"Dad, of course, asked min to send me something at the same time."

Yu Ziyang whispered and directly handed a USB flash disk to Qiu Yun. Qiu Yun took the USB flash disk, nodded and turned into his room. Yu Ziyang and Tang Min followed. Open the computer, Yu Ziyang said the password, and the USB flash disk was opened. There was some data in it.

Seeing these materials, Qiu Yun looked serious. This is the data investigated by more than one family during this period. The content of these data surprised Qiu Yun. Because these data are too shocking and involve too many people.

"What does the old man mean?"

Qiu Yun asked in a low voice.

"The old man said there was no conclusive evidence. Those people are very cautious. We lost a lot of people for these materials. "

Yu Ziyang said in a low voice that he had lost a lot of people in order to get these materials. But I finally know who's behind it. But I just know. Without conclusive evidence, all doubts are in vain. After all, who's position is too high to move without conclusive evidence.

Qiu Yun also scratched his head. He played a big game in the muddy water. Even Qiu Yun felt some hair on his scalp against the background of later generations. As the saying goes, the people do not fight with the officials. Now, this official is not an ordinary official. His status is too high. Maybe the other party can kill himself with a little means.

"What does the old man want me to do?"

Qiu Yun asked again.

"You don't have to do anything to increase your strength."

Yu Ziyang whispered. This struggle cannot end in a short time. After all, there are too many intermediate interests in this struggle. Qiu Yun is not in their eyes at all. In other people's eyes, Qiu Yun is like a little ant.

"Do nothing? Hum, I don't want to be so cowardly. Go back and tell the old man. I need some information. I want to kill. "

Qiu Yun whispered, his eyes murderous. Those who play Gu must not be the people of Gu clan. If Qiu Yun guesses correctly, they should be the traitors of Gu clan. These people enter the city for pleasure.

Even if we kill them, Qiu Yun has no psychological pressure at all. But Qiu Yun also has a good way. You don't even have to kill them yourself. Just report this matter to Gu men. Gu men will deal with it naturally.

Yu Ziyang nodded. During this time, the Yu family was also working hard. The old man paid high-profile, and the other party also knew that some of his plans had been leaked, and now he has converged a lot.

"How about I take you to my friend, big villain? They are great. "

Qiu Yun finished his work, Tang Min said mysteriously.

"How powerful?"

Qiu Yun asked curiously.

"You'll know when you go."

Tang Min seems very mysterious. Qiu Yun is curious. Anyway, it's OK to be idle today. It's good to go out with Tang min.

"OK, let's go, let's go..."

Qiu Yun said with a smile. Yu Ziyang also left with interest. Qiu Yun and Tang Min run away directly in a super car. As for the George button, it was occupied by Lin Shengnan in the morning. Today is Saturday. Early in the morning, Lin Shengnan took Gu Yue and Liao Ying shopping.

The car comes to the welfare home. Tang Min is well, but the welfare home still exists. Seeing Tang Min, those autistic children are very happy one by one. They are about the same age as Tang min.

Seeing these children, Qiu Yun took a deep breath. During this time, Qiu Yun is also trying to find a way to treat autism. However, it is not so easy to a disease. Although he has gained a lot, Qiu Yun did not carry out the experiment.

"Big villain, come on..."

Tang Min seemed very mysterious and took Qiu Yun into a mysterious basement of the welfare home. In the basement, more than a dozen children are playing their own games.

"Elder sister..."

"Elder sister is coming..."

Seeing Tang Min, the children laughed one by one. Although he still looked silly, Qiu Yun saw something different in their eyes.

"Let me introduce you to Qiu Yun, my life-saving benefactor. He will be the boss here in the future, you know? "

Tang Min said loudly.


The children directly raised their heads and said with a smile when they heard Tang Min's words, with innocence in their eyes.

"Hello, everyone..."

Qiu Yun smiled with curiosity in his eyes.

"Hey, bad guy, don't underestimate my friends. They are all geniuses... "

Tang Min said mysteriously and brought Qiu Yun directly to a child. The child is playing with a tablet at the moment. But seeing the child's game, Qiu Yun swallowed his saliva.

On the tablet, a series of numbers appear, which is mathematics. There were all kinds of complex exercises, but the child wrote the answers quickly, as if he didn't have to calculate at all.

"This is Ma Xiaohui, code number. He is particularly sensitive to mathematics. For the same exercise, he is several times more powerful than those open brain kings now... "

Tang Min said with a smile.

"Zhang Mengmeng, a chemical genius, is 13 years old and is now studying a small nuclear reactor project..."

"Wang Bing, physics genius..."

Tang Min introduced one by one, but Qiu Yun stared. Looking at what they made, Qiu Yun took a breath. Nima, fool, if they are fools, no one in the world is smart. These more than a dozen children, each of them is an existence against the sky.

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