After Tang Min's knowledge, Qiu Yun was shocked this time. Genius, a group of top talents. And in all fields, although they are only teenagers, their knowledge level is probably more terrible than those old guys of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

At the moment, a medical term flashed through Qiu Yun's brain. Logical autism, also known as genius autism. People with this disease will burst out of terror in a certain field. Just like the rain man in the movie, you can remember everything at a glance.

Now these little guys are like this. They have mathematical genius, physical chemistry genius, music genius and art genius. Their ability can scare the so-called elites to death by pulling out one at random. What surprised Qiu Yun more was Tang Min, who turned out to be a computer genius. He is a top hacker. Qiu Yun doesn't know how powerful he is, but Tang Min easily invaded the Pentagon in front of Qiu Yun.

"Are these your friends?"

Qiu Yun couldn't help asking again.

"Yes, they are great. But not as good as me, because I can provide them with knowledge. "

Tang Min said with a smile that her so-called provision of knowledge is to steal information, and all kinds of state confidential information for these children to learn. These people regard learning as a game one by one.

Looking at more than a dozen children, Qiu Yun swallowed his saliva. If the secret here is known by the state, I'm afraid the state will do anything to get rid of these children. Because they are too abnormal, and this is just their random play. If they are given professional equipment, they will make stronger things.

"Big villain, can I ask you something?"

Tang Min whispered.

"What's the matter?"

Qiu Yun asked curiously.

"Buy them some equipment. Over the years, they just keep learning. Their knowledge is just theory without practice. "

Tang Min whispered. Hearing Tang Min's words, Qiu Yun brightened his eyes and then smiled.

"Well, I can not only provide them with equipment, but also build the safest Laboratory for them."

Qiu Yun said with a smile.

"Yeah, great, big villain, don't worry. They will definitely bring you a different surprise. "

Tang Min looked at Qiu Yun with tenderness in her eyes. Gu poison was suppressed, and Tang Min completely recovered his intelligence. Now Tang Min certainly knows the value of these people, otherwise he wouldn't bring Qiu Yun here. The reason why I brought Qiu Yun here is to introduce these people to Qiu Yun.

"Mengmeng, come on, reach out..."

Qiu Yun smiled and said that Qiu Yun didn't explore the specific situation of these children carefully. Now you have time, you can try. If they can cure their autism, these children will become real geniuses. Zhang Mengmeng held out her hand and Tang Min introduced them. These children have opened their hearts to Qiu Yun. They are so simple. Without Tang Min, they would resist anyone contacting them.

Feeling Zhang Mengmeng's pulse, Qiu Yun's face slowly dignified. The pulse of the body is normal and the body is healthy. Basically, there are not many problems. Autism is too complex. Some people say it belongs to physical diseases, while others say it belongs to mental diseases.

In fact, both are not comprehensive. Qiu Yun has read a lot of data during this period, but still can't accurately find out the treatment method. This disease is a refractory disease all over the world. It's not a terminal disease, but it gives countless people a headache.

Feeling the pulse carefully, Qiu Yun slowly put his Qi into Zhang Mengmeng's body. Finally, real Qi slowly poured into Zhang Mengmeng's head. The brain is the most mysterious place and the most vulnerable place. Even Qiu Yun is very careful and doesn't dare to have any extreme behavior. True Qi enters the brain and begins to penetrate little by little. Qiu Yun closes his eyes. With the help of Zhenqi, Qiu Yun enters another horizon. There are more meridians in the brain, and the small meridians are like a large network, which is extremely complex.

Feeling these meridians, Qiu Yun swallowed his saliva. It's too complicated. Qiu Yun doesn't dare to touch any meridians. The brain is not anywhere else. A little bad can make a person an idiot or die.

Meridians, small meridians, everyone's meridians are actually different. But they are basically the same. Looking at these meridians carefully, Qiu Yun loosened Zhang Mengmeng's hand after a long time. The meridian diagram of Zhang Mengmeng's brain appears completely in his mind.

Qiu Yun has carefully printed this meridian map in his mind, and there is no difference. After remembering, Qiu Yun explored another child again, exploring the meridians inside the brain.

One by one, the meridian maps were printed in Qiu Yun's mind. Even if Qiu Yun had a strong memory, Qiu Yun felt his mind swell after several children came down.

"No, the memory of the human brain is limited after all. It's best to write it down."

Thinking of this, Qiu Yun looked at the small painting. The small painting is a nickname. It is a painting genius here.

"Little painting, can you teach your brother to draw?"

Qiu Yun said with a smile. The little picture looked up. Qiu Yun finally nodded. Qiu Yun began to learn sketch from small paintings. Although small paintings are usually silent, they are no different from normal children in teaching painting. Like a powerful teacher, sketch painting has its own summary method, which is simple and fast, and the painting is very accurate.

Qiu Yun is also a smart man. He soon got started. Coupled with Qiu Yun's terrible control, the learning speed is very fast. In just half an hour, Qiu Yun has mastered the method.

Recalling the images in his mind, Qiu Yun began to act quickly. A complex figure appears on the drawing paper. The figure is so messy that you can't see what it is. Qiu Yun looked at the meridian map in his mind and smiled. When it was done, he wrote his name on the drawing paper.

"Little girl, can you get the graphics on the computer according to this paper. It's best to have a system that can compare the similarities and differences between different graphics. "

Qiu Yun looked at Tang Min and asked.

"This is too simple. I can write a graphics comparison software. Then scan the drawing paper and input it into the computer. "

Tang Min said with a smile.

"OK, I'll leave it to you..."

Qiu Yun smiled and continued to draw the second piece of paper.

Brain meridian maps were drawn, but Qiu Yun didn't find anything. If you want to find something useful, you can't do it with a few drawings. A lot of data is needed, not only from these people, but also from others.

Every meridian is different. Qiu Yun is now ready to use the stupidest method to establish a huge database. Find some answers through the database. But Qiu Yun can't guarantee that it will be useful. Although Qiu Yun thinks the brain context is very important, it's just a guess.

But at least this is a new way, context map, which is something in traditional Chinese medicine. People without true Qi can't explore the concrete existence of the context. And the brain vein, even those with true Qi, may not be able to detect it. Only Qiu Yun, a bold man, dares to play like this. That is, Qiu Yun's non attribute real Qi can be replaced by another kind of real Qi, which will definitely stimulate the brain context and cause very complex consequences.

Brain venation maps are drawn one by one, but Qiu Yun's real Qi consumption is also very large. After exploring the brains of more than a dozen people, Qiu Yun's true Qi has been almost consumed. Looking at the dozen pictures, Qiu Yun smiled.

Tang Min quickly made a comparison software and scanned all the drawing paper into the software. Every picture is saved in the database. More than a dozen drawings can't solve or find anything.

"Brother Qiu Yun, bring your mobile phone"

Tang Min said with a smile.

"What are you doing?"

Qiu Yun handed over his mobile phone as he asked. My mobile phone is the new Apple 6p.

"I'll upgrade you, add secrets, and get some fun things by the way."

Tang Min said with a smile, directly turned on the mobile phone and quickly knocked on the mobile phone. The mobile phone soon went black and a series of codes appeared. Anyway, Qiu Yun can't understand it, but he doesn't worry. He believes Tang Min will never hurt himself.

Tang Min worked hard for more than half an hour before giving her mobile phone to Qiu Yun. Looking at her mobile phone, Qiu Yun looked curious.

"Qiu Yun, I upgraded your system, filled many loopholes, and installed my own firewall inside. The system has been upgraded, the speed has been tripled, and the power consumption has been reduced by 20%. Security verification consists of three systems: fingerprint, password and face recognition. Every software has encryption... "

Tang Min began to introduce the mobile phone. Qiu Yun stared at Tang Min's introduction. It's too strong to make the mobile phone like this in half an hour.

"Brother Qiu Yun, this is a query software. There is my own database, which is updated in real time. This database integrates the databases of intelligence systems of 36 countries. You can check anything you want. Names, photos, even images... "

Tang Min opens a software. After listening to the software, Qiu Yun stares. This is the most powerful existence. It can be seen that Tang Min directly stole the data in those national databases. Tang Min is the most powerful hacker. She has stolen many unknown databases, which are stored in a cloud database by her. If you want to extract the data in the cloud database, you must use a special password to extract it, otherwise it will be a pile of useless random code. The software on Qiu Yun's mobile phone is a search software with a password installed. The function of this search software is much better than Baidu and Google.

"Is it really so fun?"

Qiu Yun couldn't help asking.

"Can you try?"

Tang Min said with a smile. When Qiu Yun heard Tang Min's words, he wanted to enter his name directly. Soon his data jumped out and Qiu Yun stared at them. The data was too detailed. Except for some very private data, all other data were right. It seemed that someone followed you all your life. Seeing these data, Qiu Yun finally knew that the software existed against the sky.

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