Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 211 Let's Die Together

"Light Particle Kick!"

However, the real attack came from Bai Shui's foot.

"not good!"

Waldo had no idea that Bai Shui's real killer move was yet to come. He didn't have time to react, and was shot down by Bai Shui's kick.

"Light Particle Wings!"

Bai Shui said in a low voice, and then huge wings appeared behind him, allowing him to hang in the air.


Just like the white water falling just now, Valdo smashed the ground into a huge crater of more than 50 meters, and there was a terrifying roar, which even affected the surrounding sea area.

"Flying particles of light!"

Baishui pulled the trigger, firing a large fist-sized light ball, bombarding towards Waldo, without giving Waldo a chance to breathe.


Waldo just felt as if he was constantly being bombarded by 100-jin bombs. His energy and blood were violently concussed, and his bones crackled.

The body is getting deeper and deeper!

"Light Particle Cannon!"

Bai Shui raised his right hand again, pulled the trigger, and a light cannon shot out, giving Waldo a creepy feeling.

But he couldn't move at all.


Big bang.

In an instant, the mountains shook and the thunder roared. With Waldor as the center, a 100-meter crater quickly expanded, strong winds overflowed, and broken stones stood everywhere.

The entire island was trembling, and the surrounding sea was also affected, and the billowing waves were surging.

"Light Particle Kick!"

In the midst of his knowledge, Waldo didn't dodge this move. He was lying on the ground a little delirious, and he swooped down, wanting to end the battle in one fell swoop.

On the sea not far away, Akainu's warship has arrived.

"If you want to catch me, let's die together!"

However, what Bai Shui didn't expect was that when he tore through the dust and mist and was about to hit Waldo, Waldo, who was covered in blood, actually held a pistol and shot a small cannonball.

"Momo Hundred Times Gun!"

Seeing this cannonball under Bai Shui's horrified eyes, its speed and size increased a hundred times.


Bai Shui never expected that Waldo would be so crazy, he was hit hard in the chest by a shell before he could react at all.

The sternum shattered, and after spitting out a mouthful of blood, Bai Shui's face quickly turned pale.

But this is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is that the shell will explode.

"You can't die here!"

Bai Shui bit his tongue in pain, and before the shell was about to explode, he gritted his teeth and stepped heavily on the shell, before flying backwards.


In an instant, thunder exploded, bursts of angry thunder, and the sound of the sky, the air was compressed and wrinkled, and vented out round after round.

A huge flame shot up into the sky, a terrifying heat wave erupted, and the sea waves were violently evaporated.

The huge force made the entire sea tremble violently, and set off a huge tsunami, roaring to the surroundings, slapping the sea violently, like the end of the world.

The entire island, in the flames, instantly turned into a piece of powder, leaving only the super high temperature and thick smoke.

Not far from the sea, Akainu and the others had to stop.

"General Sakalski, this...!"

A major general standing behind Akainu swallowed his saliva, his voice trembling.

"Everything is for justice, and sacrifices are necessary!"

Akainu said indifferently, without any mood swings at all due to Baishui's "sacrifice".

As expected of Akainu, the enforcer of absolute justice.

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