Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 212 You must ensure that he is fine

But they didn't see that in the billowing gunpowder smoke, a figure covered in blood was shrouded in a small barrier of light particles, barely keeping unconscious.

And beside him, floated a person who could almost be said to be scorched black.

These two people are none other than Baishui and Waldo.

Although Bai Shui thought that the explosion would be terrifying, the real situation was beyond his surprise. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he might be like Waldo now.

But even if he reacted fast enough, he was still severely injured in the explosion. If his physical fitness was not good, it would be impossible to maintain the light particle barrier now.

"Hey, it's not dead!"

Suddenly, Akainu couldn't help but let out an exclamation, a little surprised.

In his domineering aura, Bai Shui and Waldo are not dead!

"Go forward, prepare to rescue Major Baishui!"

Red Dog ordered.


As soon as Akainu finished speaking, the sailor responded, and then restarted the warship and sailed towards the ruins.


Although they knew that the battle between the two might be very fierce, but when they really saw the appearance of the two, they realized that the battle was even more intense than they imagined.

Not to mention that the entire island was leveled, as for Bai Shui, who was injured, if he hadn't maintained his photonic barrier, no one would have believed that he was still alive.

Although he was not disfigured because of his domineering appearance, his body seemed to have peeled off a layer of skin, bloody and bloody, and extremely scary.

"What are you still doing in a daze, save people!"

Looking at the stunned crowd behind him, Akainu couldn't help frowning.

"To be able to force a pirate like Waldo to die together, that's pretty cool!"

"Better than the flying squirrels, it seems that you have experienced a lot in the past year and a half!"

Akainu glanced at Baishui and praised in his heart.

"Huh, I'm saved!"

When all the sea soldiers escorted Bai Shui and Waldo up, Bai Shui couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then passed out.

He insisted on not letting himself pass out in the dangerous environment.

"Let's go back!"

There was a slight smile on Akainu's face that would never smile.

This smile was just a flash, and no one else saw it.

Red dog, or that red dog.

Naval Headquarters.

"What, so powerful!"

"No wonder Magellan mentioned him in particular, that's why!"

When Warring States heard that Waldo was solved by Bai Shui alone, he couldn't help being surprised.

Then he understood the meaning of those few words Magellan said to him!

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, Longer Baishui, after a year and a half of experience, his growth may have exceeded your expectations."

"Such a person cannot be allowed to betray the navy, otherwise, once he joins the Four Emperors, he will at least be a terrifying existence offering a reward of 700 million!"

He used to think that Magellan overestimated Baishui, but now it seems that he underestimated Baishui.

To be able to defeat Waldo, he does have the strength and capital.

If it weren't for the fact that the world government set Waldo's bounty at 500 million in order to make things difficult for Magellan, he would at least give Waldo a bounty of 650 million.

"Call the best doctors for treatment, and we must not let him fall into any hidden diseases, understand?"

The Warring States period issued a special order for the treatment of the surrounding upper/college roads.

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