Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 456 I am not the enemy

"Robin, na...!"

Luffy turned around and saw Nami and the others lying on the ground dying, and suddenly became extremely excited.

However, Katakuri would not show any mercy. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he just kicked his foot, and kicked Luffy again and vomited blood and flew out.

Not only Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and even the others lost their minds at this moment, they were all captured by their opponents, and they were all beaten to vomit blood and fly backwards.

"Hmph, where do you have time to take care of others, take care of yourself first!"

Cracker snorted as he touched the ground with his sword. His face was full of disdain, and behind him, Jack's eyes were rather unkind.


As soon as Luffy got up, before he had time to react, he was punched by Katakuri and flew out, coughing up a mouthful of blood.

The safety of Nami and others deeply disturbed Luffy's heart, and he was completely unable to fight with peace of mind.

Zoro, Sanji, and even Bei are all like this.

Just one nautical mile away from here, Baishui and Ace met unexpectedly.

"Longer Baishui, you bastard, why are you here!"

Ace looked at Baishui with a full face of wariness, his whole body was tense, and if something went wrong, he would immediately attack Baishui.

Not only him, Marco, Diamond Jozzy, and Foil Vista all had serious faces.

Although the news of Baishui's departure from the navy may not have spread, these people are very aware of Baishui's strength.

What's more, during the top battle, Baishui was one of the main culprits who killed Whitebeard.

But Ace is in a hurry, and Luffy needs support urgently. He can't deal with those terrifying guys.

Therefore, he must know Baishui's intentions, so that he can get away from Baishui as soon as possible to support Luffy.

"Well, well, I'm not a navy anymore, so you don't have to look at me with such defensive eyes, I won't have any conflict of interest with you!"

Seeing that everyone looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy, Bai Shui couldn't help but waved his hands helplessly, and then made a gesture of surrender with both hands, indicating that he had no intention of going to war.

"Not the Navy anymore? What do you mean!"

Hearing this, Ace frowned and asked puzzledly.

"Maybe the navy hasn't spread the word yet, but starting today, I, Longer Baishui, have officially left the navy!"

"So, if you meet me in the future, you will be friends instead of enemies, and you don't have to look at me with such defensive eyes. To be honest, I'm a little panicked!"

Facing the smiling explanation, Ace and the others were a little confused, but no one let down their vigilance.

"How can I guarantee that what you said is true, in case what you said is false?"

Ace stared at Bai Shui and asked very unkindly.

"If you don't believe this, there is nothing I can do. I have already said that I will leave the navy. Whether you believe it or not is none of my business! Believe it or not, it's up to you, anyway, I have nothing to lose!"

Seeing that Ace didn't believe it, Bai Shui shrugged and didn't intend to explain anything.

"Okay, instead of talking nonsense with him here, why not go and see Luffy, I think a strong man like him should not lie to us!"

Marco stared at Baishui for a few seconds, then said.

"You're right!"

Ace thought for a while, and felt that what Marco said made sense, so he stared at Baishui for a few more times, and after confirming that he was not malicious, he immediately turned the bow and headed directly in the direction where Luffy was.

"Why is there no trust between people?"

Seeing this, Bai Shui helplessly spread his hands, then sighed.

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