Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 457: The Big Pirate Over 1 Billion

"Who told you to chase them so hard in the past, but now you want them to change in a short time, how can it be so easy!"

On the side, Aqi gave Baishui a blank look, and then walked to the railing.

"Eh, even you are like this, alas, there is no way to live!"

Bai Shui suddenly turned extremely gray, with a look of frustration on his face.

"Come on, can you be more serious, after all, you are still in your twenties!"

Aqi covered her forehead, and rolled her eyes at Baishui again.

"Hey, this is really a little surprise, I didn't expect even them to come!"

Bai Shui suddenly gasped, with a rather surprised expression on his face, as if he had seen something that surprised him.

"What's wrong, what did you see!" Seeing this. Aqi came over, took Bai Shui's arm, and asked curiously.

Bai Shui replied: "It's nothing, I just sensed a few familiar friends, I didn't expect them to come here too!"

"Who!" Aqi didn't know who the familiar friends Bai Shui mentioned were referring to.

Bai Shui nodded on Aqi's bright forehead, and said, "Hey, besides Katakuri, who else can they have, Drought Jack!"

"It's them, so isn't your little brother Monkey D Luffy very dangerous!" After hearing this, Aqi looked at Bai Shui and said.

"So, that's why I'm here. Although I've left the Naval Headquarters, I still have to pay back Garp's favor."

"Luffy, grandson, if you can save it, save it, if you can't save it, you have to save it!"

"Let's go, let's join in the fun, hey, the One Piece battle is not such an easy scene to see!"

Bai Shui said with a grin, his face full of anticipation for the battle.

But what Bai Shui didn't know was that the series of problems caused by his leaving the Navy headquarters were causing headaches for the top navy.

Now that Baishui has rebelled against the Navy headquarters, and has fought against Admiral Green Bull, he can already be dealt with as a bounty hunter.

On this point, Akainu has no objection, Wu Laoxing has no objection, Warring States, Garp has no objection, and it is settled like this.

But the problem is, how much is the reward for Bai Shui! 900 million? billion? It's not enough to show Baishui's strength at all.

1.4 billion? 1.5 billion? That is a bounty offered at the imperial level. If this is decided in this way, it will inevitably cause a huge turmoil in the world situation.

With Bai Shui's prestige, there should be no less people who take refuge in him than Red Hair, Kaido and others. This is tantamount to forcibly creating a huge enemy for the navy itself.

This is definitely not what the Navy Headquarters wants to see, nor is it what the five old stars, the world government/government want to see.

Therefore, too little will not work, and too much will not work.

In the end, after repeated consideration by Akainu and Wulaoxing, a reward order that shocked the world was released.

The reward order described it like this: The former admiral of the navy, Baiying Longer Baishui, offered a reward of 1.299 billion, regardless of life or death.

The photo on the reward order is the scene of Bai Shui waving at the Navy Headquarters when he left the Navy Headquarters, which can be described as domineering and chic.

But Bai Shui doesn't know all of this for the time being.

"Monkey D Luffy, your path has come to an end! From now on, this world will no longer have your name!"

Katakuri held the spear in his right hand, and with his left hand, he lifted Luffy, who was covered in scars, in the air like a chicken cub. When he finished speaking, the spear in Katakuri's hand was about to fall.

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