Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 745: The big wine barrel is also dead

"Nine Eight Swords!"

The big wine barrel struck again, the long knife was piercing with a sharp cold light, the corner of his mouth was full of murderous intent, he looked like a red devil, which made people frightened.


The big wine barrel shouted resolutely, he is confident that this knife will definitely hit Baishui severely.


A sound of tearing flesh was heard suddenly, the violent air wave dispersed the smoke, the big wine barrel and the white water passed by, and then the knife was sheathed.


A wound appeared under Baishui's ribs, and blood spurted out. This was the first time he was injured since the battle.

"Bai Ying, you are not..."

The big wine barrel turned around, just about to taunt Bai Shui, but before he finished speaking, his face suddenly turned pale, and his eyes were full of horror.

"How can it be!"

A finger-long gash was suddenly pierced in the neck of the big wine barrel, and then a large amount of blood spewed out, and the blood flowed profusely.

Even though the big wine barrel covered the wound, it still didn't help, all the strength of the big wine barrel was emptied at once, causing him to fall heavily in a pool of blood, and the look in his eyes quickly darkened.

What happened in just a moment!

When the big wine barrel attacked Baishui, Baishui also launched an attack on the big wine barrel, but Baishui was a step slower, and a hole was cut from the side by the big wine barrel.

The moment after the opening was cut, Baishui immediately activated Sifang Bikong, and after the space stopped, he swung his knife across the neck of the big wine barrel, and then lifted the seal, and passed the big wine barrel.

Then, everything that just happened.

"Break punch!"

San Juan. The wolf attacked again, with fists like water tanks, wrapped in roaring air, approaching Baishui extremely quickly.

"Big fire!"

Bai Shui suddenly turned around, clenched his right arm, and a huge energy giant fist blasted away, as if there was a roar of wind and thunder in an instant, which made people feel terrified.


The earth exploded violently, and then split open, and San Juan. The wolf's huge body was shocked for an instant, and then he couldn't help but retreated backwards. The ground rumbled endlessly, leaving a deep footprints.

"call out!"

Bai Shui appeared in front of San Juan's wolf's chest in a flash, his right arm exuded a fierce breath, his muscles were knotted and bulging, wrapped in a heavy and tight armed domineering, and he broke through the sky and went away.

Faced with the sudden appearance of white water, San Juan Wolf reacted very quickly. He slapped him horizontally with his left hand and set off a strong wind.

But that doesn't work for white water.

A huge energy fist suddenly appeared beside Bai Shui, blocking the blow, and Bai Shui punched San Juan Wolf's chest heavily.



Two voices sounded one after the other, and San Juan Bad Wolf's face was full of pain, and a huge fist mark of more than ten meters was sunken in his chest. His bones shattered and spit out a mouthful of blood.

His figure fell back completely uncontrollably, and he fell heavily on the ground on his back.


After the San Juan wolf fell down, it immediately sent a large group of people flying, hit another group of people, and screamed.


Bai Shui appeared in front of San Juan Wolf again in an instant, opened his hand and held it, the God Mie Dao appeared, and shouted: "Jing Hong!"

The red and blue phantom tore through the sky at a high speed, and then pierced through San Juan Wolf's chest under the terrified eyes of San Juan, the terrifying force of destruction instantly shattered his heart.

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