Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 746 You are finished, Blackbeard


There was a loud explosion under San Juan's wolf body, which was the aftermath of the Shenmie Dao's rapid penetration through the ground.

"You guys, do you want to continue?"

Bai Shui turned around, looked at a group of cadres who were a little bit surprised, and grinned, showing his white teeth.

"Longer Baishui, I want you to die!!"

Just when the cadres were in doubt and hesitant to move forward, Blackbeard, like a wounded lone wolf, was wrapped in a frenzied tremor and struck again from the air.


With a strong wave of Bai Shui, the Shenmie Dao smashed through the air and collided with Blackbeard heavily, shattering the ground again, and all the cadres around couldn't help but retreat to avoid it.

"Break it!"

Blackbeard's face is full of resentment, and by now, his pirate group is basically over. Although there are still so many cadres here, anyone with a discerning eye can tell who is more dominant.


A destructive tremor erupted from Blackbeard's body, and even the God Mie Knife couldn't stop it, and it shattered with a bang.

"Die to me!"

Without the barrier of the God Mie Knife, Blackbeard sped forward and rushed in front of Bai Shui. With his right fist wrapped in a transparent twisted white ball, he blatantly headed towards Bai Shui's chest.

"Poison bomb!"

Behind Bai Shui, Poison Q appeared on an old horse, holding a special-shaped pistol, and pulled the trigger at Bai Shui, shooting a green bullet.

As soon as the green bullet appeared, there was a violent corrosion sound in the air, which was obviously highly poisonous.

"Lan Yu!"


Bai Shui used two things at once, and launched the extremely destructive Lanyu at Blackbeard, facing the oncoming emerald green poisonous bullet, and blasted it with one blow.

Poison Q is a problem. Although he doesn't know why, Bai Shui just thinks that Poison Q is a potential threat.

Not to mention anything else, just saying that when he faced Poison Q before, the flow of time seemed to slow down, which was enough to make Bai Shui more vigilant against him.

The God Mie Knife flashed at a high speed, smashed the green bullet and blocked it, and then directly pierced through Du Q's body, and then, Du Q was slowly reduced to powder under the violent destructive force.

But Bai Shui always felt that Poison Q would not be eliminated so easily.

Let's talk about the other side, here is Blackbeard.


Lanyu was originally an extremely unstable move, but when she encountered the trembling power of Blackbeard, she immediately swelled up in a straight line like a powder keg being detonated, and then turned into a huge ball of light, which exploded with a bang.

Like thunder falling from the sky, and like the angry roar of God, the violent air wave rushed straight into the sky, stirring up the wind and clouds and roaring awe-inspiringly.

The entire Dark Island was illuminated in an instant, the huge light cannon continued to advance, and the earth was swallowed up. Except for a few people, the rest of the pirates were all turned into powder under the light cannon, without even a scream .

"These corpses are good, so don't destroy them!"

Baishui was completely unaffected by the light cannon. There was a layer of light waves around his body, and even this terrifying light cannon couldn't have any effect on it.

He stretched out his hand, and several protective shields protected the corpses of the evil government king and the others. Bai Shui felt that these corpses were good, and maybe they could be used.

The light cannon continued to advance, spinning and growing, making the entire island tremble.

In the end, the entire Dark Island was wrapped in, and all the pirates on the Dark Island became the souls of the dead in this blow. The endless heat and light made it feel as if a sun had fallen here, which was extremely terrifying.

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