Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 748 You are actually a transparent person

"Blackbeard, you have to admit that you are indeed strong, but that's not enough!" Bai Shui's eyes shone brightly, and the strength in his arm suddenly increased, and he wanted to shake Blackbeard out.

"Thief haha, Bai Ying, you are still as conceited as before. I have said before that you will pay for your conceit!"

"A year and a half ago, you paid the price once. I thought you would learn from the lesson and change! But now, it seems that you really answered your sentence: the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change! You still Still nothing has changed!"

The strength of Blackbeard's hands also increased a lot, and he didn't lose the wind when he collided with Baishui, causing the wolf under their feet to crack and sag again, setting off a large wave.

"It's almost time!"

Blackbeard suddenly murmured like this, and raised his head to look at Bai Shui, a gleam of success flashed in his eyes.

"call out!"

Behind Baishui, Poison Q with a gloomy face appeared, holding a pistol in his mobile phone, and pulled the trigger against Baishui. He is actually a transparent fruit capable person. crazy.


Bai Shui couldn't help being taken aback. Poison Q appeared, but he didn't feel any aura at all. Therefore, Poison Q suddenly appeared and attacked him, which really made him a little unable to react in time.

"Thief haha, die, even you are absolutely unable to resist the poisonous bomb specially made by Poison Q!"

Seeing the astonishment on Bai Shui's face, Blackbeard let out a triumphant laugh, as if Bai Shui must not be able to hide.


Just when Bai Shui was about to dodge to avoid it, he heard the weak voice of Poison Q behind him, and then he felt that his body was imprisoned and he couldn't move.

"There is such a thing!"

Bai Shui's face was full of shock, and he made a sound of horror, but he stood there like a log and couldn't move, so he was hit in the back by the poisonous bullet.


Bai Shui spat out a mouthful of blood, his face suddenly became pale, and there was a green color mixed in it, and his breath suddenly became sluggish.

"Thief haha, die!"

"Earthquake disaster!"

Blackbeard took a step back suddenly, then stomped on the bully and punched through the air.

The air was instantly like glass, shattered into countless pieces with a click, and a terrifying force vented towards Baishui, as if to completely smash Baishui into pieces.


The wolf under Blackbeard's feet stabbed, and its huge body seemed to be torn apart by an invisible force, its flesh and bones were shattered.


However, the proud black beard suddenly widened his eyes, and then spat out a mouthful of blood. His eyes were full of disbelief, and he saw the red and blue God Mie Dao mercilessly piercing through his chest. .

"How can it be!"

Blackbeard forcibly broke free from the God Mie Knife, and then backed away extremely quickly. The wound was covered with black mist. This was because he used the properties of the dark fruit to absorb the heat from the God Mie Knife, avoiding being burned into powder.

"Haha, it seems that my performance was successful, and I deceived a hero like you. Why, do you think that with my strength, I will be hurt by such a weak attack by Poison Q?"

"Could it be that in your eyes, I, the White Eagle, are so unbearable!"

"Poison Q, I knew you didn't die so easily, but I still didn't expect you to be a transparent fruit capable user. It really opened my eyes! That means what I hit before was your afterimage! "

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