Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 749: What Can You Do To Me?

"I really want to see Moria's expression after knowing this. He should fight you desperately, Blackbeard!"

Bai Shui chased after him, bullied himself in front of Black Beard, and then attacked with another fire-breathing attack.

Of course, he didn't forget the poisonous Q behind him, and a dazzling thunder appeared from his body, which turned into a giant ball of energy, locked onto the poisonous Q and flew away.


Blackbeard wanted to raise his hand to fight, but it was no match for him, he was sent flying again as soon as he touched it, with a large area of ​​burns on his arm, and he couldn't help crying out in pain.

"Hey, I won't just get hit by you!"

Poison Q looked sick and dying, but his reaction speed and dodge speed were extremely fast, he actually dodged Bai Shui's blow, and then he didn't forget to taunt Bai Shui.

"Oh, really? Who gave you the confidence!"

Hearing this, the corner of Bai Shui's mouth could not help but twitch a smile, and Du Q's heart suddenly trembled, with an inexplicable premonition.


Seeing that the energy light ball that was dodged by Poison Q suddenly turned into a manic thunder and lightning, spreading around like light, instantly enveloping Poison Q.


Poison Q probably didn't expect that this blow could change like this, he didn't react until the lightning enveloped his whole body, but unfortunately it was too late.


Poison Q suddenly exhaled in pain, hoarse, and after a while, scorched green smoke came out, and then, under the watchful eyes of Blackbeard, he fell to the ground, losing his breath of life.

The power of Baishui's blue light is so strong that even sea kings can't last long. It's very close to Tianlei, so how can it be dealt with by a poisonous mortal body.

"Long! Er! Bai! Water!!"

Blackbeard got up from the ground, roared with a ferocious face, and rushed towards the white water again surrounded by black mist.

"Big fire!"

Bai Shui took another step, a huge red and blue fist lingered on his right arm, and violently attacked.

Before it approached, the violent air wave above the giant energy fist had already rattled the clothes on Blackbeard's body, with great momentum.


The huge black fist and the violent red and blue fist collided vigorously, and immediately the air waves crisscrossed and made a roaring sound, causing the corpses of the wolf under their feet to be dented violently, and the surrounding waves splashed.


How could Blackbeard be Bai Shui's opponent? After less than two seconds of touching each other, he was blown away again with a bang.


After Blackbeard was blown away, Bai Shui took advantage of his illness and rushed in front of him. His right arm was completely black, exuding a majestic aura of strength, and he shot down through the air.


In this way, Blackbeard was hit hard again, crashing into the wolf's body like a balloon, causing a huge hole in the wolf's body, and it didn't bounce back for a long time.

"Empty shock!"

Even so, Blackbeard was still able to resist. Facing Baishui's punch again, he shattered the air to resist.

Baishui only felt as if it had collided with a pulverizer, the powerful shock force was shocking, and the power above Baishui's fist was fiercely confronted through the air, buzzing continuously, rolling A large air ring came out.

"Do you think you can fight this way? How naive, Blackbeard!"

But if Blackbeard thinks that he can fight against Bai Shui in this way, then he would underestimate Bai Shui too much.

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