Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 754 Once it is done, it is a big deal




Bai Shui's eyes instantly turned crimson, and all kinds of flesh and blood rushed towards his face, with such a powerful force that even the Lan shield wall was muffled.

The entire sky then rumbled and trembled, and the air waves visible to the naked eye rushed around, chasing the white clouds.

"You guys are really ruthless, the power of the explosion cannot be underestimated!"

The explosion lasted for about fifteen seconds, and even Bai Shui couldn't help sighing that such a cause of death was more meaningful than being food in the belly of sea kings.

"It's just a pity that it didn't work!"

Bai Shui stood up and headed towards the direction of Blackbeard's other forces in the New World.

In the world of One Piece, there is a kind of people called reporters. Their ability to capture events, even Baishui, has to give a thumbs up, because they are almost pervasive.

Of course, they couldn't let this bloody murder go unnoticed, and it spread throughout the New World less than half an hour after the battle ended.

At the same time as this news was spread, Baishui destroyed the Blackbeard Pirates by himself.

Two-thirds of the entire newspaper is about Whitewater destroying the Blackbeard Pirates, and the other third is about Whitewater killing tens of thousands of pirates.

Kaido Pirates.

"This guy, it really isn't that easy to retreat behind the scenes!"

"It's just that I didn't expect this guy to become so strong now that he can destroy the Blackbeard Pirates by himself!"

"Although Blackbeard's strength is indeed not as good as the old man's, it is difficult for even a general to defeat him, and the old man can only win by one or two points. How strong is this guy, Longer Baishui, who can actually kill this Blackbeard Tiki!"

Holding this newspaper, even Kaido, who is fearless and fearless, began to panic a little.

It's not that he hasn't fought Blackbeard before, but it is precisely because he knows Blackbeard's strength that he panicked.

The Zhenzhen Fruit and the Dark Fruit gave Blackbeard a powerful and strange strength. Even he had to admit that Blackbeard was very strong, and he couldn't do anything about it.

But now, this black beard whom he could not help but died in the hands of Bai Shui.

"At this time, the navy should be even more panicked!"

Kaido put down the newspaper and thought in his mind.

The facts were similar to what he thought, and the Navy Headquarters was shocked when they heard the news.

Following this, Akainu immediately held a high-level naval meeting to discuss how to deal with the white water problem.

"Sure enough, an eagle like him can't be lonely forever!"

This is Fujitora's voice, he still looks the same, a little silent, only when facing Baishui, he will take the initiative to say a few words.

The yellow monkey on the side answered: "It's just that no one thought that he would become so terrifying and destroy the Blackbeard Pirates, one of the Three Emperors, by himself."

"With such a record, I'm afraid that people in the whole sea will have trouble sleeping and eating!"

Aokiji nodded: "Yes, although the facts described in the newspaper may be a bit exaggerated, but I think no one here can do it alone to destroy an imperial pirate group!"

"Even Master Steel Bone would shake his head, but he can't do that!"

Green Bull: "In other words, his current strength is no longer at a level that we can deal with! I can understand it this way!"

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