Supreme Emperor of One Piece

Chapter 755: Meeting him, everything is a problem

"Yes, you can understand it that way, Davalier!" Akainu folded his fists and called the green bull in a low voice.

"I think the direction we are focusing on now is not how to look at the strength of Baiying, but what Baishui's next move will be!"

"Know yourself and the enemy, and you can win every battle. This is what Bai Shui once said. I think it makes sense. Only when we know what he wants to do next, can we make corresponding countermeasures and actions!"

Granny He, who rested her chin on her hands and meditated, suddenly spoke.

"It makes sense!" Qingzhi nodded, agreeing with Granny He's words very much.

"Then what do you think Bai Shui will do next? He has already killed all the core members of the Blackbeard Pirates, and the next move is nothing more than destroying the rest of the Blackbeard Pirates!"

Akaken made a sound, looked at Granny Crane, and expressed his thoughts.

"Yes, Sakaski, what you just said is exactly what I want to say, all the core members of the Blackbeard Pirates have been killed by White Water, and his next move must be to kill the other members of the Blackbeard Pirates." Remnants!"

"These people used to be his subordinates. I remember he said that he hates betrayers the most. Therefore, he will definitely not let go of the Blackbeard Pirates!"

"Aren't we going to stop him? If he is really allowed to do so, the sea that has finally been balanced will once again cause a power imbalance and cause chaos."

"At that time, if Baishui takes advantage of this chaotic opportunity to recruit people and attack our navy again, how will we resist it!"

The green bull also propped his chin with both hands, looked at the red dog and the crane mother-in-law, and made a sound with burning eyes.

"That's not necessarily true. Bai Shui is a very measured person. As long as our navy doesn't provoke him, he will generally not attack us."

"Of course, it doesn't rule out that he has become impulsive and manic now, and he will take the initiative to attack us. This really needs to be guarded against!"

Granny Crane nodded, agreeing with part of Green Bull's point of view.

Aokiji coughed lightly: "However, even if our navy doesn't take the initiative to provoke Bai Shui, do you think those people from the World Government/Government will just let Bai Shui go?"

"Once the world government/government issues an order, we will have to provoke Bai Shui even if we don't want to provoke him. At that time, facing such a terrifying Bai Shui, the navy will surely suffer heavy casualties again!"

After hearing this sentence, Akainu clenched his right fist violently, "In other words, there must be a battle between us and Baishui!"

"Yes, Sakaski, you can understand it this way! Therefore, we need to prepare immediately in case of accidents!" Granny Crane nodded again.

"But who will be his opponent? In that battle back then, I was no longer his opponent. Now he has become even more terrifying, and who can compete with him!" Akainu looked at him for a week, and said the most real problem.

Qingzhi scratched his head, and said with a distressed expression: "Indeed, none of us here is his opponent. Unless we unite to fight against him, then we can still fight against him."

"But with Baishui's mind and methods, he will never be easily caught by us unless he has the power to fight against the navy!"

Huang Yuan pursed his lips, but was at a loss: "It would be great if Bai Shui's strength could be a little lower, so that we can at least implement the sharp knife plan and send three or four generals to round him up and eliminate him, the source of the turmoil!"

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