At the next moment, what shocked them to the extreme happened at this moment. Aoxue and the woman in red were not caught by the sea demon's huge and powerful hand. His hand collided with a figure. At the same time, the roar and violent fluctuation swept towards the outside world at this moment. The space collapsed. I don't know how many sea demon and the strong on the divine ship were involved in it and died, No matter how big the Shenzhou ship is, it is also in terrible chaos at the moment. The Shenzhou ship is shaking wildly, and cracks appear one by one!

However, no matter how terrible and violent the external situation is, one thing is necessary, that is, the woman in red and Aoxue are all right, and even a few people who follow the woman in red are all right. They are safe behind the thin shadow compared with the sea demon!

"How is that possible?" At the moment, silly people do not know how many, all at the moment speechless.

Silly eyes, that's really silly eyes, especially he Cang and other three. Yang Tiance completely calmed them when he first shot them. Then when he saw Yang Tiance rushing towards the woman in red, his heart even raised his throat. But when Yang Tiance easily blocked the attack of the sea demon, his mouth was slightly open and his eyes were absent, I can't believe it!

"Who is he? How is that possible? Is there such a strong man hidden on our divine ship? Damn, it can't be a quasi God. His fluctuation is not so strong. How did he do it? " The strong on the divine ship are also extremely shocked.

The three city masters are all puzzled at the moment, but then there is ecstasy. Yes, ecstasy. Originally, they have gone against the wind to such a degree. If there is no accident, they can only choose to run in the end, but the situation has obviously changed at the moment.

It's just that although they have the chance to turn the tables against the wind at the moment, there is another idea that Yang Tiance's cultivation is hidden in the crowd. They have not exposed their cultivation before, which shows that as long as they don't want to expose their cultivation, no one can know who they are? What does Yang Tiance mean by saving the woman in red? It shows that the purpose of their trip has been exposed!

But now they don't have much mood to think about other things!

"Kill At this time, after a burst of anger, the sea demon strongman was also completely angry. He rode on his horse, rode the huge waves and rushed to kill Yang Tiance. He was bound to kill Yang Tiance under the horse.

But things are really so simple, Yang Tiance they will not let this thing go on, and another free sea devil caught its target, directly disappeared in its hands, also at this moment ran to kill Yang Tiance in the past.

South demon they really want to deal with this sea demon, but the target of this sea demon is not the Terran. They don't have too much scruples when they act, and they don't let the strong sea demon succeed in time. Now they want to fight against Yang Tiance. How can South demon let this guy do what they want!


This sea devil moves. In front of it, a large blood red cloud appears at this moment. The blood red cloud is like the accumulation of layers of blood sand, emitting a very evil atmosphere, which directly envelops this sea devil.


As soon as the sea devil entered the red clouds, he immediately uttered a cry of pain, and a roar came at the moment, and fell on the sea devil. All kinds of light flickered from the red clouds, and at this time, there was a violent power wave breaking out towards the outside world. The sea devil completely fell into the siege of the South demons!

Yang Tiance hasn't seen this method before, but it's obvious that Nan Yao can't do it alone. Ao Yun must be responsible for it. The sea devil is completely trapped.

"Lord cangyun, you have collected all the other sea demons!" Yang Tiance had planned to fight against the sea devil directly in front of him. Then he found that the Lord of cangyun city was hiding in a corner. He watched the incident with great interest, which made Yang Tiance unhappy. This guy covered his body with an artifact. Besides Yang Tiance, few people could find the trace of this guy, Yang Tiance can't let him be so leisurely!

"Yes Under the gaze of Yang Tiance, the Lord of cangyun sadly agreed to this matter!

"Now, I'll take you on the road!" Then Yang Tiance set his eyes on the sea devil in front of him. When he knew the attitude of the sea devil, he hated the sea devil thoroughly. If he didn't do it, he would forget it. Once he did it, Yang Tiance's idea in his mind was to kill the sea devil thoroughly. It's hard to kill the sea devil, but it's not that he can't, it's not that he can't kill them!

The situation has changed dramatically. No one thought that things would happen. The sea demons have been rampant in the sea for many years, and they have never been afraid of anyone. And don't think that these sea demons have no brains. In fact, they are smart. In a sense, the ordinary creatures of the sea demons don't know how many times smarter they are, Do you really think that people are acting recklessly?

make fun of? The sea demons don't do such a thing. Although they have the greatest ability to protect their lives, it's too difficult for them to reproduce. Generally, they will check the situation first, and then take action. In fact, they are not afraid of the fighting power of the divine ship.

They know more or less the fighting power of the divine ship, and then they jump out to fight. But they did not expect that they would encounter such a thing. There are so many strong men on the divine ship.

Especially the sea devil in front of him, he is the most irritated one. He is just a strong man at the top of the extreme realm. No matter how powerful you are, you are just a strong man at the extreme realm. Now he is blocked by ants. You can imagine his anger!

The sea demons are the kind of race with stronger desire and stronger fighting capacity. The whole sea demons will not care about anything except themselves. In this way, once the race encounters something that makes them uncomfortable, they will break out directly.

"Death This sea demon strongman is furious at the moment, driving the huge waves straight to Yang Tiance. The mount under him makes a loud sound at the moment, and many arms of this sea demon are wildly waving at the moment. In a trance, the terrible power is wildly shaking between heaven and earth.

Countless powerful forces gathered into a terrible torrent to bombard Yang Tiance.

At the same time, this sea demon clan covers the heaven and earth with its own rules. It wants to cut off the connection between the rules of heaven and earth and Yang Tiance. Even it changes the rules of heaven and earth, so that all the power of Yang Tiance is directly scattered at the moment, and becomes useless!

This is what quasi Tianzun does to those who are extremely strong. It's too powerful to suppress them. That's why those who are extremely strong have no power to fight back in the hands of quasi Tianzun. Once your attack is out of the body, it directly changes its flavor. The attack that was just fierce to the extreme becomes soft and has no lethality. How can it be the opponent of the other party?

If the quasi Tianzun's strength is strong enough, you can even invade the laws in your body directly through the rules of heaven and earth. By that time, you will be dead without your hand!

However, this kind of attack may have very powerful lethality for other extremely powerful people, but for Yang Tiance, what is such an attack?

With his real strength, Yang Tiance is not afraid of this guy in front of him. In addition, he is always integrating the power of Daoguo into his own chaotic Tianjing. This process is very long, which can not be achieved for a while, but he can also directly turn it around and use the power of chaotic Tianjing to stimulate the power of Daoguo.

Yang Tiance can directly burst out a more terrible power than the general quasi heaven. This is Yang Tiance. Of course, Yang Tiance doesn't want to use the power of Tao and fruit in this way. He worries that one day, after the power of Tao and fruit takes the upper hand in his body, he will finally become a different kind of Shi Tianxu, and his cultivation will stop in the quasi heaven, For Yang Tiance, it is absolutely impossible!


But at the moment, Yang Tiance sincerely wants to catch the sea devil off guard, so his body moves, and the whole human body turns into a rainbow with a light purple air, and directly disappears in place. Boom, the sea devil's pressure on Yang Tiance's rules directly collapses at the moment.

At the same time, the sea devil's attacks also lost their due function at this moment. Yang Tiance made a sharp sound of drinking, which sounded like thunder in this sea devil's heart. Then the sea devil's body trembled, and even burned at this moment.


At the moment, Yang Tiance arrives, and a long gun appears in Yang Tiance's hand. The sea devil is burned by the endless flame, and has no resistance. The mount on his hip is about to burst and tear Yang Tiance. A tripod is directly suppressed from the sky. With a bang, the mount is directly shocked into a blood fog.

Yang Tiance stabbed out the long gun in his hand, and the dazzling white light suddenly burst out at this moment, with a touch of bright purple in it. The long gun came out like a dragon, powerful and powerful. Born at this moment, he pierced all the defenses of the sea devil's body, penetrated its body, and fixed it in the void!

"This..." Yang Tiance suddenly burst out, and the power suddenly frightened many creatures here. They all looked at the situation in front of them. They could hardly believe their eyes. Yang Tiance even took the initiative to attack the sea devil, and

"You beast The sea devil's big waves receded, and his mount did not revive. In the void, the sea devil opened his mouth and howled in pain. Looking at Yang Tiance in front of him, he saw that he was murderous.

"Sea devil, you should die!" Yang Tiance said lightly., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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