The strong one of the sea demon clan is furious at the moment, driving the huge waves straight to Yang Tiance. The mount under him is making a loud sound at the moment, and many arms of this sea demon are waving wildly at the moment, and the terrible power is shaking wildly between the heaven and the earth in a trance.

Countless powerful forces gathered into a terrible torrent to bombard Yang Tiance.

At the same time, this sea demon clan covers the heaven and earth with its own rules. It wants to cut off the connection between the rules of heaven and earth and Yang Tiance. Even it changes the rules of heaven and earth, so that all the power of Yang Tiance is directly scattered at the moment, and becomes useless!

This is what quasi Tianzun does to those who are extremely strong. It's too powerful to suppress them. That's why those who are extremely strong have no power to fight back in the hands of quasi Tianzun. Once your attack is out of the body, it directly changes its flavor. The attack that was just fierce to the extreme becomes soft and has no lethality. How can it be the opponent of the other party?

If the quasi Tianzun's strength is strong enough, you can even invade the laws in your body directly through the rules of heaven and earth. By that time, you will be dead without your hand!

However, this kind of attack may have very powerful lethality for other extremely powerful people, but for Yang Tiance, what is such an attack?

With his real strength, Yang Tiance is not afraid of this guy in front of him. In addition, he is always integrating the power of Daoguo into his own chaotic Tianjing. This process is very long, which can not be achieved for a while, but he can also directly turn it around and use the power of chaotic Tianjing to stimulate the power of Daoguo.

Yang Tiance can directly burst out a more terrible power than the general quasi heaven. This is Yang Tiance. Of course, Yang Tiance doesn't want to use the power of Tao and fruit in this way. He worries that one day, after the power of Tao and fruit takes the upper hand in his body, he will finally become a different kind of Shi Tianxu, and his cultivation will stop in the quasi heaven, For Yang Tiance, it is absolutely impossible!


But at the moment, Yang Tiance sincerely wants to catch the sea devil off guard, so his body moves, and the whole human body turns into a rainbow with a light purple air, and directly disappears in place. Boom, the sea devil's pressure on Yang Tiance's rules directly collapses at the moment.

At the same time, the sea devil's attacks also lost their due function at this moment. Yang Tiance made a sharp sound of drinking, which sounded like thunder in this sea devil's heart. Then the sea devil's body trembled, and even burned at this moment.


At the moment, Yang Tiance arrives, and a long gun appears in Yang Tiance's hand. The sea devil is burned by the endless flame, and has no resistance. The mount on his hip is about to burst and tear Yang Tiance. A tripod is directly suppressed from the sky. With a bang, the mount is directly shocked into a blood fog.

Yang Tiance stabbed out the long gun in his hand, and the dazzling white light suddenly burst out at this moment, with a touch of bright purple in it. The long gun came out like a dragon, powerful and powerful. Born at this moment, he pierced all the defenses of the sea devil's body, penetrated its body, and fixed it in the void!

"This..." Yang Tiance suddenly burst out, and the power suddenly frightened many creatures here. They all looked at the situation in front of them. They could hardly believe their eyes. Yang Tiance even took the initiative to attack the sea devil, and

"You beast The sea devil's big waves receded, and his mount did not revive. In the void, the sea devil opened his mouth and howled in pain. Looking at Yang Tiance in front of him, he saw that he was murderous.

"Sea devil, you should die!" Yang Tiance said lightly.

"I don't know who you are. You do have great strength, but... It's impossible for you to kill me!" This sea devil is really not a weak one. The law and divine power in his body are very strong, and his will is also very simple. Shengsheng suppresses the terrible flame in his body at this moment.

"Is it?" Yang Tiance smiles faintly. As soon as he raises his hand, the eternal gun turns into a rainbow and returns to his hand. The sea devil roars and is about to attack Yang Tiance. However, his body just moves, and then it looks silly.


A terrible roar came from the sea devil. The fire was burning. It was the fire of his seven passions and six desires, but it was not just that. A touch of white appeared in the fire, which had infinite terrible power. It made the sea devil cry in pain. It was almost to the point of rolling on the ground, suffering to the extreme!

At last, the flame became blue. When the blue flame burned, its painful and shrill cry rang through the whole world!

"This..." at the moment, the sea devil suffered the pain that it was difficult to express in words. The original hot fighting stopped at the moment. People were staring at the sea devil's situation. They were really stupid. What the hell happened?


But they didn't wait for them to figure out what was going on. It ended at this time. The huge body of the sea devil exploded at this moment. At that moment, it turned into a huge sea of fire. With the gradual extinction of the fire, the sea devil completely disappeared in the world!

"It's impossible. What kind of flame is that? The sea devil is a quasi heaven level sea devil When all this happened completely, the world did not know how many creatures have in this moment, they are staring at the front, almost can't believe what they saw!

It's incredible. It's really incredible. A sea demon is still a quasi God level sea demon. It's hard to deal with the sea demon. The sea creatures can't be clearer. A sea demon may face the siege of four or five strong men of the same level, and it has a chance to escape.

But now what's going on?

It's incredible to be burned to death even if you are injured.

The strong on the divine ship are not willing to believe all this, and the sea devil can't believe all this. This happened too suddenly. Except for Yang Tiance, no one knows that the seemingly powerful sea devil can't even take Yang Tiance's move!

It is very quiet between heaven and earth, people almost can not return to God.

"You killed the quasi God of my family!" The first reaction came from the leader of the sea demon clan who was fighting with the East China Sea city leader. At this moment, he burst out a terrible shout, and his killing intention swept the whole world. Originally, there was a fierce wind, dark clouds rolling, lightning and thunder in this part of the world. But at this moment, the endless terrible cold broke out completely, the sea froze, and the strong wind above the sky was frozen, Even the dark clouds all over the sky stopped rolling, and the terrible lightning was fixed in the void by the terrible ice at this time!


The outbreak of this sea devil scared everyone. It's too strong. It's too strong. It's incredible. The strength of this sea devil is far beyond the power it showed at the first time. With the reversal and outbreak of this sea devil, other sea demons are also roaring at the moment, Especially the sea devils of quasi heaven level, they are really frightening. They are just like real demons, powerful!

Except one!

Among them, one was killed by Yang Tiance, the other three were fighting with three city masters, and the other one was besieged by the southern demon. They were trapped in the red clouds and besieged. The leader of the sea demon clan broke out completely, and the terrible divine power stirred up. The three city Masters of Donghai city were forced to retreat, What they want to do now is to kill Yang Tiance!

But at this moment, the shrill scream sounded again, and it was also the scream of the sea demons. All the creatures here were stunned and subconsciously looked into the red cloud. In fact, where is the red cloud? In fact, it's the blood cloud, or the terrible one.

The sea devil is trapped in it, and is constantly attacked by big mouth, Ao Yun, Nan Yao, and Tian Huang beast. Where can he be an opponent, he is trapped in the big battle, and there is no place to escape. Yang Tiance has long seen that Hongyun has extremely powerful power of filth. Once he is attacked, the source of heaven and earth will be infected.

And at the moment, the sea devil completely no longer, with the contraction of the red cloud, people see clearly the situation inside!

At this time, a sea demon and his mount are trapped in a big formation. Countless red clouds are shrinking towards his body. Beside the sea demon, there are several creatures that look like human beings. The people changed by the South demon are disappeared.

The red cloud disappeared completely, leaving the sea devil and his mount in the center of the array. At the moment, the sea devil has no ability to scream. His breath of life quickly disappeared. In a twinkling of an eye, his breath of life disappeared. Then his armor began to decay and fall off. At this moment, both he and his mount became white bones, At last, poof, it turned into fly ash completely!

"Shuang, it's really Shuang. These guys actually have the blood and breath of the demons in the holy devil heaven. It's really a great tonic!" The South demon's body appeared from the Dead Sea demon's position, his changed Terran was full of red light, his breath was even more outrageous to the extreme, he was excited to the extreme, his eyes looked at the strong sea demon, with a frightening smell.

"Now the situation seems to be reversed!" Yang Tiance and the South demon stand together and look at the sea demon who was going to kill Yang Tiance!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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