Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1000: Kill these dogs and Japanese!

"not worth it?"

Qin Fei's face suddenly sank, staring at Peter coldly, and seeing a chill in Peter's heart, he couldn't help shaking.

"Even if they are ordinary people, even if they have no weight in the eyes of you and other monks, but they are Hua and Xia people, as long as they are Hua and Xia people, even if they are just a beggar who is bullied by foreigners, I, Qin Fei, will work hard. Help! Even if there is a sea of ​​swords and flames in front, you can't stop half a step!" Qin Fei said solemnly, his tone full of determination.

Peter was awe-inspiring, and these words made a huge wave in his heart.

A monk, a powerful monk against the sky, would actually care about a group of ordinary people, which he had never done before in the Western world.

The dark council he was in, every powerful monk had only himself in his eyes. For ordinary people, even the king, general, and noble duke, they looked like ants in their eyes, and there was no difference between life and death.

He suddenly remembered what happened in the past. During the more than one hundred years of Hua and Xia, he seemed to be verifying what Qin Fei said.

The Western powers once committed heinous crimes against China and Xia, such as aggression, secession, compensation, etc. China and Xia have experienced a tragic war. Every time the Western powers thought that China and Xia would not be able to stand up, they would be divided by everyone. Eat it, but every time at a critical juncture, there is always a monk who comes forward. Even if it is a sacrifice, it is necessary to maintain the integrity of China and Xia. Paying a huge price will eventually drive the invaders from the West out of the country.

The Chinese and Xia people are united, which is recognized by Western powers.

Now he finally understands why this Hua and Xia still stand in the east after thousands of years, like a giant dragon arrogant to the sky, because they have a loyal monk like Qin Fei, fighting for Hua and Xia, even an ordinary person suffers Bullying by foreigners will also try their best to save them.

He suddenly envied the Chinese and Xia people, what a group of happy people they are.

And he remembered in his heart that he was in the dark council, who would care about you? People at the top only care about what you contribute, and never provide any protection. To put it nicely is to cultivate the abilities of everyone, and to be frank is to make you fend for yourself.

"Gourmet! Let's split up. You go to the north and destroy all those fighters! I'll go to the east and take care of that army!" Qin Fei ordered calmly.

Taotie nodded, and walked towards the airport in a flash.

Peter said, "My lord, what can I do for you?"

Qin Fei glanced at him, shook his head, and said, "No, just stay!"

After finishing speaking, he pointed at Peter and stopped his actions. Peter fell in the woods and smiled helplessly. Qin Fei didn't trust him for fear that he might be wrong.

In order to prevent Peter from being discovered and losing his life, Qin Fei set up an array to block his vision so that no one could find him.

He has to rely on this guy to go to the Dark Council, and then use the Dark Council to deal with the Holy See of Light, so Peter can't die now.

Leaving the woods, heading for the troops stationed in the east, passing through several hills, and seeing the barracks, I saw a flat ground appeared in front of them. A strong fortress was built on the ground, and there were two guard towers in front of the fortress. There are two heavy machine guns on each guard tower, and a small howitzer, controlled by eight heavily armed soldiers, and underneath the guard tower, there is also a dark fort. There is a half-meter square on all sides of the dark fort. Round windows, on which is a powerful large-caliber heavy machine gun.

Around the guard tower, fortifications were also built, shielded by steel plates more than one meter high, and soldiers armed to the teeth walked up and down behind them, and they were very guarded.

General Qin Fei took a look at the situation in the barracks and smiled faintly. These defensive measures are simply insurmountable obstacles for ordinary people. Even tens of thousands of troops may not be able to break through here.

He was even sure that the defense targets of this barracks also included the monks of the Azure Continent.

But this was of no effect to him, and he could walk over generously and face the rain of bullets as if he were in no one.

He appeared and walked towards the barracks gate.


The soldiers behind the guard tower pointed their guns at him and didn't understand what they said.

Qin Fei was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, a golden light curtain appeared on his body, covering his whole body and walking calmly.

Seeing that he didn't listen to his greetings, and seeing the golden mask on his body, the soldiers instantly understood that this was a fault, and he was still a monk!

The soldiers around the guard tower quickly took up their weapons, aimed at Qin Fei, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Bang bang bang...

The bullets came like electric lights, but they were easily blocked by the light curtain. With a wave of Qin Fei's hand, those bullets that landed were suspended from the ground, and then shot out at a more violent speed.


With screams, the soldiers fell to the ground one after another.

Blood spurts like a fountain, and life is so fragile at this moment.

Qin Fei found that no matter which country he was from, the language might not be understood, but the screams before his death were exactly the same, without any difference.

Da da da……

At this time, the heavy weapons in the sentry tower began to roar and radiate radiantly, aiming at Qin Fei.


At the top of the guard tower, the howitzer also roared, and the tower trembled fiercely, shooting out terrifying shells.

Qin Fei's heart moved, all the bullets and shells that had been shot were still in midair, then he turned abruptly and shot backwards in a whistling manner.


The sentry tower was hit by a cannonball in an instant, and smoke rose into the sky like fireworks.

Qin Fei walked along, like a walk, calmly moving forward, no one could stop him.

When he came to the gate of the barracks, he saw several tanks aiming at him, launching fierce bombardment.

Qin Fei smiled slightly, and the shells fired by the tank turned around again, fell into the surrounding crowd, exploded on the spot, and hundreds of people died under his shells.

As for those tanks, Qin Fei couldn't bear to destroy them. When he waved his hand, the pilot inside flew out with a scream, and was pierced in midair by bullets shot by other companions.

The tank disappeared in a blink of an eye and was all taken away by Qin Fei.

He continued to move forward and soon came to the center of the barracks, surrounded by countless soldiers of the Goushi family, shooting frantically one by one, but the bullets finally shot fell on his own body.

"Go and die!"

Qin Fei made a faint voice, raised his hands falsely, the entire military camp trembles, the ground lifted up, cracks spread out, everyone felt their body light, and rose into the air. Everything in the military camp, tents, vehicles, guns, All were suspended in the air, absorbed by the mysterious power, and ascended into the air, and then, like a cannonball, flew toward the outside of the barracks quickly, toward the large manor where the ninja was located in the west.

Qin Fei flashed around and quickly swept towards the headquarters of the Goushi family.

At the same time, the same happened at the airport, and all fighter jets were destroyed.

There was chaos in the Goushi family headquarters, and news of the military camp and the airport was learned, making the Goushi family like enemies.

"Baga! A monk attacked the barracks and the airport, immediately go to support, order the ninja to assist, be sure to catch the invading enemy!" In a luxurious hall inside the Goushi family, a wretched middle-aged man issued an order angrily .

The following will be executed immediately, but within a quarter of an hour, someone came to report: "Patriarch, the big thing is not good. A military camp appeared above the manor. It is smashing down towards the manor. I am afraid that the ninja inside is already bad luck! "

"What? Bastard! Everyone will go to the altar right away!" Goushi Xiafan, the patriarch of the Goushi family, immediately gave instructions.

Then he suddenly remembered something and hurriedly said, "Quickly, go and inform the army in Kyoto, and order them to send an army to help!"

All members of the Goushi family retreated to the altar.

It is said that it is an altar, but it is actually very huge, enough to hold 10,000 people, the size of a football field.

People from the Goushi family came to the altar, with determination on their faces.

Qin Fei appeared above the crowd, jokingly: "Who is the head here? Come out and speak!"

"Who are you?" He speaks Hua and Xia, so Goushi Xiafan also asked fluently in Hua and Xia.

"It's pretty slippery, I am Qin Fei, I am here to clean up your dogs and Japanese. You can resist, but there is only one result of the resistance, and that is death!" Qin Fei said coldly.

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