Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 999: Amaterasu!

"All Chinese and Xia people?"

Qin Fei's face turned gloomy, and he hated the cruelty of the Goushi family.

"Yes..." Goushi Yizuo answered honestly.

"Master, what should I do? Fuck them dogs and Japanese!" Gourmet said angrily.

Qin Fei said in a low tone: "What else can I do? Kill them! Rescue the girls! This is a must! Dogs and **** are piles of shit. Tell me where they were taken?"

Goushi Yizuo hurriedly said: "Just outside of Kyoto, the headquarters of our Goushi family, we have built a huge altar dedicated to the **** Amaterasu!"

He secretly rejoiced in his heart. He didn't expect Qin Fei to hear Amaterasu and want to save people. Go ahead, when you are gone, how can you handle Amaterasu? It seems that Qin Fei and the others are Eastern monks. But how can it be stronger than Amaterasu? I'm afraid that when the time comes, only the younger brother of another great **** can easily handle them.

"Okay, let's go to Kyoto!" Qin Fei also thought of something. He heard from Xiong Guodong before that it would cost hundreds of billions of trillions of dollars to install all the important cities of the Profound Spirit Continent on the Azure Continent's radar equipment. I just thought about finding the trouble of today’s country and asking them to contribute some money. This time it happened to be solved all at once. There is no need for mercy to this dog and Japanese race.

"My lord, please listen to me!" Peter hurriedly said.

He doesn't want Qin Fei to go to this country to die. The power of Qin Fei should be obtained by the dark council, so he has to go to the dark council. When he goes to this country, the **** Amaterasu must kill Qin Fei. One?

"Say!" Qin Fei frowned.

"My lord, this behavior in this country is really hateful. Even I think they are acting too cruel and innocent. They actually use so many girls' first blood and blood to cultivate, and people and gods are angry! But the Amaterasu God in this country is very powerful. I'm afraid you are not an opponent. Why don't we go to the Dark Council first. I will find a way to ask the people of the Council to help, and I will definitely help you!" Peter said.

"Oh? You know Amaterasu well?" Qin Fei glanced at him.

Peter nodded solemnly and said, "Of course I understand that although today’s country is a small country, their Amaterasu is an incredible god. I heard that even your immortal world in the east and the blood prison in the west and the heaven of the Holy See in light. , We all fear him for three points and will not easily provoke them! With the three of us, it is not that the villain has the enemy's ambition to destroy our prestige, but is really invincible!

"So amazing? I want to meet him even more! If you dare to deceive Hua and Xia, he must die!" Qin Fei sneered.

"My lord..." Peter smiled bitterly and said, "You don't know something, I believe you must know the history of nearly a hundred years, right? Today's country committed atrocities against China, Xia, and many other countries. The aggression killed hundreds of millions of people. , I wanted to annihilate my country and avenge the people who died in my own country, but in the end I didn’t dare to do anything. Because of the existence of Amaterasu, all countries have scruples, and the above also clearly requested not to force my country to Dead ends, otherwise the entire Azure Continent will be wiped out. After all, if the battle between gods is of equal strength, it will cause very devastating consequences, so that the country of today will survive until today!"

Qin Fei pondered: "In that case, he does have some abilities, but I am curious, what exactly is this fairy spirit?"

Peter said: "Our dark council has also studied carefully. In China and Xia, some people do have fairy spirits from birth. Such people are very smart since they were young, and they will always be in trouble. Huaji, you are the best in anything, choose one in a million, this great **** Tianzhao has always been obsessed with Hua and Xia, and wants to seize Hua and Xia’s rich cultivation resources. Every war is at his instruction. In the next step, he needs the spirit of the fairy this time, I am afraid it is to cultivate something, so that he can defeat the fairy world of China and Xia by this method!"

"Funny dreaming! Amaterasu? Brother wants him to turn into a sunset west mountain! You don't have to persuade me anymore, if I dare to go, I won't be afraid of him! Gourmet, you send her to a safe place first, and then we are here Kyoto rendezvous!" Qin Fei pointed to the unconscious girl.

Taotie hurriedly took her away, while Qin Fei grabbed the hook stone and asked her to lead the way to Kyoto.

Today’s Kyoto is very prosperous. Half an hour later, Qin Fei took Goushi Yizuo and Peter to the border of Japan. Goushi Yizuo took the lead and secured the military plane that came to intercept, and then quietly It fell into the outskirts of Kyoto and fell on a hill ten miles away from the Goushi family.

"Where are they locked up?" Qin Fei asked Goushi Yizuo in a low voice.

Goushi Yizuo said: "Tomorrow is the originally scheduled day of sacrifice, and those girls will all be on the altar and associate with the men of my Goushi family, and then smear their blood on the carved formation. In terms of law, let Amaterasu be absorbed, so that the cultivation will be successful! At that time, my Amaterasu will come to this world and fulfill my great dream of unifying the world in this country!"

"Dream of Nima! Stupid, hard!" Qin Fei got the answer he wanted, pointing at the stone.

In this sinful land, he wants to fight evil with evil, and the people of this country do not need to be reasonable, just take out an iron fist, is the only way to solve all problems!

It was still not possible to spread the divine consciousness too far here. Qin Fei decided to wait until dark to go deep into the Goushi family to figure out the terrain and environment, and then save people.

He once tried in provincial cities. Even if he used "Phantom Art" he could not achieve 100% invisibility. These high-tech radars actually had the function of heat recognition. His invisibility could not be completely invisible. It is easy to be discovered, so I can only abandon the use of "Phantom Secret Art" and switch to open-face reconnaissance.

The distance is a little far away, and it is not very real, Qin Fei is ready to wait for the gluttonous arrival to act.

Although he thinks that his strength won't be affected here, he doesn't dare to rush in and save people forcibly. Those girls don't have the strength to resist. In case someone from the Gou Stone family jumps over the wall and hurts those girls, just In trouble.

To save them, we must be unaware of it, so that we can ensure everyone's safety.

Soon Gourmet arrived, and he had sent the girl back to Hua and Xia, and by the way, all the passengers on the island were also rescued.

"Master, what should you do? Just give the order!"

"I thought for a while and decided to investigate the situation in the Goushi family first, don't rush to do it for the time being, and then come back here to discuss future actions!" Qin Fei said in a deep voice.

The three of them proceeded cautiously and approached the Goushi family. When they were nearly two miles away, the cat's waist was hidden in a forest, carefully observing the defense of the Goushi family.

The Goushi family is worthy of being the most powerful family in the country today. It actually has a private army, patrolling along the periphery of the headquarters without interruption, and there is no room to take advantage of.

Taking a rough count, the Goushi Clan alone had a thousand soldiers patrolling outside, not counting the bodyguards in casual clothes and the ninjas who were most likely to hide in the dark.

"Master, I have ascertained the surrounding environment according to your instructions. Five miles to the east of the Goushi family, there is a barracks with nearly 10,000 troops stationed. There are various heavy weapons and modern technological equipment. Mianwuli is a large manor. I sneaked in and took a look. They were all ninjas, with no fewer than five thousand people. To the north, it was less than ten miles from the military airport in downtown Kyoto, with a dozen fighter jets parked. Set off, I can rush to support the Goushi family in the blink of an eye!" Taotie came over from the north and said in a low voice.

"Precautions are very strict! Look, if you advance two hundred meters, there will be a lot of monitoring devices, and our actions will be exposed!" Qin Fei pointed to the front.

I saw two hundred meters away, a little bit on a tree, on a telephone pole, and surveillance was erected everywhere, carrying out a surveillance mission with no dead ends, and a mosquito flew past, I am afraid it can be distinguished.

This Goushi family is too tightly guarded, and it is a little troublesome to get close.

Peter smiled bitterly: "Small Japan has advanced technology and leading electronic technology in the world. The precautions here are a hundred times stronger than my dark council. We can't get close at all. We can only launch a strong attack, but this will provoke me Let's just look at it, anyway, those are ordinary people, and they die if they die. We don't deserve to desperately save!"

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