Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1016: The change of the holy pool!

"Brother, Yasli is not a problem, but the kid next to her is not easy to deal with, don't be careless!" John reminded.

Kerry disdainfully said: "No matter how great, where can he be great? You have said that he is only six wings, how can he be stronger than eight wings? The difference between the two wings, the difference between the world and the earth! Killing him is like killing him. Just as easy as an ant! The lady of Yasli and our brothers caught it for fun, and she is really in good shape!"

John nodded and smiled: "Yeah, I've long wanted to **** her. When we catch her, we brothers will play together. Thinking about it will be exciting!"

"Haha!" Kerry laughed wildly.

In addition to John, there are more than a dozen younger brothers around him. They are all members of his team. There are nine on the eight wings and ten on the six wings. This kind of strength is not like playing against a six wings. ?

Where they go to activate the sacred power point, Kerry is eight wings and can enter the sacred pool to practice at any time, but the other six wings do not have this qualification and must rely on the sacred power point to enter.

Holy pool.

"What's the matter? How did the Holy Power weaken?"

"What happened? I have no trace of holy power here!"

"Oh my god, is the holy power of the holy pool exhausted?"

There was chaos in the holy pond, and many people found that the holy power around them was constantly disappearing until they became invisible.

The angels soaking in the pool stood up and looked at the holy pool in horror. They were all cultivating just now, but suddenly found that the holy power was gone, as if something had been swallowed instantly.

Not only the periphery, but it quickly spread to the depths. Many eight-winged angels and ten-winged angels discovered the same thing and were shocked.

Yasili glanced at Qin Fei, she thought it might be Qin Fei.

Qin Fei was astonished as he was mixed in the crowd, but he was happy in his heart. Suzaku Ling's swallowing ability was not a boast. Just less than a minute after taking it out, he swallowed all the holy power in the area below the six wings. It has spread to the area of ​​eight wings and ten wings. Now he has collected the Vermillion Bird Ling, his holy power has been transformed into profound energy, part of it has been absorbed by him, and his cultivation has been raised to the sixth level of pseudo perfection.

The reason why he did this is firstly to improve his realm, and secondly, he wanted to bring out the twenty-four-winged angel. Such a big thing happened in the holy pond, the twenty-four-winged angel should pay attention to it?

"What happened?"

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded, and a twelve-winged angel flew from the depths, exuding a powerful aura.

Qin Fei squinted his eyes. The strength of the twelve-winged angel was comparable to that of Shenming's eightfold. It was indeed extraordinary. He now saw eight-winged, ten-winged and twelve-winged angels, and basically determined their power division according to the martial artist. Corresponding to the realm of the eight-winged angel, the cultivation base of the eight-winged angel is between the ninth level of the **** king and the first level of the god, the ten-winged angel is between the second level and the fifth level of the god, and the twelve-winged angel is between the fifth level and the eighth level. , It seems that the taller twenty-four-winged angel should be within the realm of the **** emperor.

The twelve-winged angel in front of him should be the strongest existence in the holy pool!

The appearance of the other party caused all the angels to salute, with awe and worship in their eyes.

"My lord, the holy power suddenly disappeared!" a ten-winged angel said.

"What's all the fuss about? It's normal for the sacred power to be consumed for a period of practice, and it will be restored in a day! Now that the sacred power is exhausted, you all leave and come in tomorrow!" Twelve-winged angel said calmly , It seems that this situation is very common, he did not take it in mind.

When everyone heard it, they calmed down and started walking towards the exit.

Qin Fei curled his lips, Nima, it turned out to be useless, okay, since the twenty-four-winged angels cannot be attracted, then brother will come again tomorrow, a few more times, you will never think this is normal, right? ?

"My lord, it's useless for you to do this. The energy consumption of the holy pond is normal. The temple has a way to deal with it. This way, the twenty-four winged angels cannot be recruited!" Yasli seemed to understand his intentions. , Came over and whispered.

Qin Fei said helplessly, "Is there no other way?"

"It's hard to handle, if the holy pool is not good, you can only use the first method!" Yasili said.

"Haha, brother, they are here!" At this moment, a scream sounded, Qin Fei and Yasli were shocked at the same time, and they heard who this voice is, but who is not John?

Turning to look around, they saw John and a group of eight-winged angels walking towards them, each one with bad eyes.

"My lord, that's Kerry, John got him!" Yasli whispered.

Qin Fei smiled faintly, and watched the other person walk in to surround him.

When the angels who were going to leave saw that Kerry and his party were unkind, they stopped one after another, waiting to see the excitement.

It's not big news that the angels fight each other, and there is no ban on it, so this kind of thing is very common, and you can see it almost every day.

Some ten-winged angels stayed there to watch the excitement anyway. As for the twelve-winged angels, they did not surround themselves. The place where they practiced was still there, so they were busy practicing. What about the battle with Six Wings? In their eyes, whether it is Eight Wings or Ten Wings, they are all ant-like existences, and they simply cannot attract their interest.

"John, we let you go, do you want to take revenge?" Yasli glared at John.

"Haha, Yasili, do you still dare to be arrogant now? My eldest brother is here, and neither of you can get away today. I would advise you, obediently, take care of our brother, and spare your life. As for This kid must die today!" John said arrogantly, now that Kerry is again, he is not afraid.

Kerry looked at Qin Fei and said, "You hurt my brother John, you just don’t give me face, now I’ll give you a chance to abolish the angel wings, and then kneel down and lick my shoes. If the performance is satisfactory to me, I can save you a fate today."

Qin Fei also looked at him and said in the same tone: "You lick my shoes, I can keep a whole body of you!"

When the people around heard it, they suddenly ridiculed.

"Who is this kid? How dare to be arrogant with Kerry!"

"A seraph, who dared to talk to the seraph like this, is really looking for death!"

"Kerry can kill people without blinking, and his strength is strong. This six-winged kid didn't kneel down and begged for mercy. Instead, he mocked Kerry, irritating, and he would definitely be cut off by Kerry!"

"Let's make a bet and see Kerry's tricks will get that kid down!" someone suggested.

"Bet on a fart? Does this still need a few tricks? Kerry is eight wings, and he can be killed with a finger. No trick is needed!"

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe the Six Winged Boy has a back or a stand? Otherwise, even stupid people wouldn't dare to speak to Kerry like this?"

"Ghost back, stage, haven't you seen him and Yasli together? Yasli doesn't have any back or stage!"

"Don't think so much, Kerry is here, that kid is dead!"

Everyone, without exception, felt that Qin Fei was going to die. Kerry was well-known, and he was also an Eight Wing, and there was a helper by his side. On the other hand, Qin Fei was surrounded by the same Six Wing Yasli, who was a fool. It can be seen.

Kerry was very proud. Hearing the comments from the people around him, he was all down to him, and he suddenly felt very happy. It seemed that everyone's eyes were sharp and he knew that Kerry would win.

Since there are so many people in front of it, and it is a win-win situation, of course he has to show off.

"Boy, your mouth is very hard, but you don’t know whether your life is hard or not! I don’t bully you either. I am also Eight Wings. It doesn’t make sense to defeat you. I will send a Six Wing to fight with you, as long as you can take it. If you can't kill him with ten moves, then I will only interrupt your four angel wings, and by the way, break your hands and feet, leaving you a dog. Of course, if you can't even catch his ten moves, then don't blame me for being cruel Hand it!" Kerry said arrogantly.

Send Six Wings to Qin Fei?

When the onlookers heard it, their eyes brightened, and there was a good show to watch. Six Wings is a good show to Six Wings. If Kerry took the shot himself, then it would not be too much. Don't you kill Six Wings? Then there is no excitement.

Qin Fei smiled and jokingly glanced at the six wings behind Kerry, his eyes fell on John, and said: "You mean to send John the defeated general to fight with me? Also restrict ten moves? I said K Here, do you want to use my hand to kill your brother, otherwise, how could you come up with such a stupid idea?"

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