Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1017: A battle shocked the audience!

John's face flushed with anger, and Qin Fei was mocking him for being indifferent, and he even told him about his defeat. It was disgusting.

Kerry was very calm, staring at Qin Fei coldly, and said: "Boy, don't provoke discord here. John is really not your opponent, and I won't be so stupid to send him on the court. This is my team. The weakest Six Wing in the world, if you can catch his ten moves, you will win!"

"You won? If you win, you have to abolish my angel wings and hands and feet. Is this fair?" Qin Fei smiled.

"Fair? Haha, you told me fair? What about unfair? I have more wings than you and stronger than you, so what about bullying you? There are only two options now, or you can save ten tricks to pick him up. Fate, or die directly." Kerry laughed wildly.

"Well, I'll take him ten tricks! You are right, strength represents everything, and fairness has no meaning for the weak, right?" Qin Fei nodded in agreement.

"Really smart! It's a pity that we are enemies, otherwise, I really want to take you under your command as a dog! Jack, you can play! Remember ten moves!" Kerry said with regret. Then he said to the Seraphim beside him.

Jack, a seraph, stepped out, standing one meter in front of Qin Fei, his face full of arrogance.

When the onlookers saw him, they exclaimed.

"Although this Jack is Six Wings, he is better than Six Wings. It can be said that he is the top 20 master of Six Wings in the Holy City. He is the number one master of Six Wings under Kerry. I heard that even the Eight Wing Angels Able to barely fight."

"Yeah, three years ago, Kerry had an affair with an eight-winged angel, and Jack had survived the attack of that eight-winged angel!"

"At that time, he insisted on ten moves of the Eight Winged Angel. Although he suffered some injuries, he was rescued by Kerry in time, but he became famous in World War I. I was excited to think about it. A Seraphim actually lives in the hands of the Eight Winged Angel. After coming down, he is really strong!"

"Haha, what is this? Jack is about to break through to the eight wings, haven't you noticed? He has grown a fourth pair of wing roots, which is considered a pseudo eight wings!"

"Oh my god, it's true, it really has wing roots! That kid is finished as his opponent!"

"I don't think ten tricks are needed at all, eight tricks can get that kid down!"

"Are you stupid? What about pseudo-eight wings, why eight moves? I think he can do it with five moves!"

"I think the five tricks are too high for that kid! Jack plays this time, I think the three tricks are a foregone conclusion!"

Everyone was full of praise for Jack, as if Jack played in the battle, it represented that they played in the battle with high enthusiasm.

On the contrary, on Qin Fei's side, no one was optimistic about him, and only Yasli knew that Jack's battle was equal to death.

"Boy, the ten moves to pick me up are really too high for you. I only use five moves. If you can take it, then even if I lose, Lord Kerry, I am willing to accept any punishment!" Jack was blown away by the people. , The more I felt that I was really awesome, and took the initiative to lower the standard.

Kerry didn’t stop him either, and praised with satisfaction: "Jack, you are the strongest of my six wings, I am optimistic about you, five ways to get him! After the thing is done, wait for our brother to finish Yasli. Let you have fun too!"

Jack suddenly became happy, his eyes swept over Yasli's charming breasts, and he couldn't help licking his lips, as if he couldn't wait.

"Boy, take the move!" He gave a soft yell, and there was a spear with glittering golden light in his hand, dancing, and thousands of spears bloomed, gorgeous and attractive, with powerful holy power on each spear The blast shot out, causing the surrounding air to vibrate, and the cracks in the space were torn apart, and the destructive power was amazing.

"What a powerful spear skill! This Jack is really amazing!"

"This is Jack, even in the face of an ant, he will go all out without any ambiguity!"

"It's no wonder that he can grow so fast, and this trick is enough to defeat most Seraphim!"

People were amazed. Some four-winged seraphs looked at him enviously, thinking, when can they become so powerful?

At this time, the spear flower had completely enveloped Qin Fei, there was no gap, the surrounding air was emptied, and it was full of domineering and aggressive killing.

Qin Fei's figure was submerged, the brilliant golden light exploded, and the spear flowers bloomed like fireworks.

An eight-winged angel couldn't help but clapped his hands and praised: "Jack's move has the strength of eight wings and one blow, which is worth fighting against the eight wings! That kid is dead!"

"It's a pity!" An Eight Wing beside him regretfully said, "I thought there was a lot of excitement to watch. The five tricks are useless at all. This trick is done for the kid!"

Hearing the eight-winged angels say this, the others were even more shocked. They all had the same idea in their hearts. Qin Fei would lose with one move, and there was no need to wait for five moves.

Just when everyone thought that the battle was about to end and Jack would accept the glory of the victor, a faint sigh came from the exploded golden light, and then only a golden palm came out slowly from the golden light. It seemed that the speed was so slow that everyone could see clearly, but that hand accurately grasped Jack's dancing spear.

Immediately after everyone saw Jack's face changed drastically, he hurriedly stepped back and didn't need the spear. It seemed that it was very hot, and if he didn't let it go, his life would be in danger.

Everyone didn't know what happened, and looked at the golden palm in surprise.

Seeing that the hand grasped the spear, and didn't see how hard it was, he heard a crackling sound. The spear broke and broke into two pieces. The front end fell to the ground with a crisp sound, but it was like a muffled thunder bombarding everyone's hearts. , They all tremble.

The golden light dissipated, Qin Fei stood there, full of golden light, standing proudly like a god, the half of the gun handle was gently held by him, and there was no trace of scar on his body. Just now Jack's seemingly ferocious and domineering man Hit, leaving no trace at all.

"It's so strong! Jack's sacred artifact was crushed by one hand!"

A ten-winged angel in the distance exclaimed, his tone full of shock.

Some eight-winged angels showed shock in their eyes and looked at Qin Fei in surprise.

More people are retreating quickly, although Qin Fei will not hurt them, but they are subconsciously afraid.

Kerry's eyes were gloomy, staring firmly at the broken spear in Qin Fei's hand, with a murderous look in his eyes.

The person involved, Jack, was even more miserable. His life’s sacred instrument was destroyed, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. The person was hit by a mountain. He thumped back a few steps, and then landed on the ground with his soft buttocks. He looked at Qin with fear and anger. fly.

His strength instantly dropped, the sacred artifact was destroyed, and his strength was already less than 50%.

"One trick! There are four more tricks, now I'll give it back to you!" Qin Fei said calmly, shaking his wrist, and the half of the spear turned into a golden light, like a long red sky, suddenly cutting through the void. As if time and space ceased to exist, he suddenly came to Jack's body and pierced straight toward his chest.


Although Jack tried his best to raise his arms to protect his chest, blocking the piercing attack of his body, he was shaken by the huge force and fell out, rolling on the ground a dozen times in embarrassment before he stopped.

Everyone looked at him, and saw his arms trembling, dripping with blood, and a blood hole appeared on his right wrist, shocking!

"Third trick!" Qin Fei drank softly, standing still and not moving. He raised his hand and pointed gently at Jack.

Suddenly, the sky over the holy pond was surging, sword light filled the sky, thousands of sword lights bloomed like stars, pouring down like lightning, and rushing towards Jack.

"What a powerful Holy Power! This kid is definitely above Jack!"

"We have all seen mistaking! This person is several times stronger than Jack. I did not expect that he is the same as Six Wings, but he has such a terrifying attack power!"

"If this person does not die! I will accept him under his command! Focus on training, he must be a right-hand man!" A ten-winged angel suddenly said in a deep voice.

The people around him looked at him in surprise, and many ten-winged angels had the same thoughts at this time.

Jack's face was full of despair at this time. He knew that he would never escape this trick. Once contacted, death was waiting for him!


Kerry couldn't help it anymore. Although Jack was only a six-wing, he was highly valued. If he really died, it would be a huge loss.

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