Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1100: Light tribe!

The rope was disconnected and Qin Fei regained his freedom, with the Ruyi golden hoop in his hand, and smashed it at the Duomou.

The multi-eyed strange screamed, and suddenly the blue light in his eyes was so strong that it blocked the surrounding space, and the golden hoop rod smashed into a ball of void, bursting out a dazzling fire.

Qin Fei frowned, such a powerful multi-eyed monster, this guy has very powerful eyes.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand and shot away a green glow. The target was pointed directly at his eyes. He wanted to blind the other person's eyes before making plans.

This time, the green arrow didn't work. The guy closed his eyes, his eyelids looked like steel plates, and the green arrow hit them and sparked sparks.

What a terrifying defense!

Qin Fei raised his brows, turned around and fled.

Multi-eyed monster naturally wouldn't let him go, the countless eyeballs fell off its body under the shroud of blue light, turning into streams of light to chase after it.

"The star sea bursts!"

Qin Fei shouted, the stars in the sky fell madly, slamming at those eyeballs one after another.

But the eyeball seems to be in another space in the blue light, and when it hits the blue light, it actually passes through, and it can't cause any harm to the eyeball.

Nima, how can you fight this?

Qin Fei couldn't feel his chance of winning, so he got a headache. If he continued like this, he couldn't escape, he couldn't beat him, and he still got some wool?

Suddenly his heart moved, what kind of weapon those eight lotus seeds are, isn't it the best time to see them perform.

So he simply took out eight lotus seeds and threw them at Multi-Eyed Monster. Anyway, he didn't understand how to use it, so he could use it as a hidden weapon!


The first lotus seed exploded suddenly, forming a huge black hole, and sucking the monster into it.

At this moment, the multi-eyed monster was dead. At the same time, a terrifying force suddenly rose from Qin Fei's body. He was horrified to discover that the multi-eyed power was actually absorbed by the black hole. Become part of him!

At this moment, his strength exploded, from the fourth level of the small perfection to the fifth level...sixth level...seventh, eighth level.

Damn it!

Qin Fei was taken aback. Nima immediately rose to the fourth level and became the eighth level of Xiaoyuan. What is going on?

After careful deliberation, he thought he had figured it out. This lotus seed can create a swallowing black hole and swallow the enemy's energy, but it is somewhat depleted and cannot completely swallow the opponent's power.

But this is also awesome enough. A lotus seed can help you upgrade how many weights. Where can I find this kind of treatment?

After the lotus seed created a black hole, it turned into ashes. This is a one-time-use item. It seems that it will be used less in the future, and it will never be used easily when it is not a last resort.

There are still seven, and he has seven chances to become stronger quickly, but he doesn’t know whether this lotus seed can swallow the power of all the strong, or there are limitations, such as encountering a master of true perfection. Can it succeed?

You have to try this, but it can't be wasted easily. After all, there are only so few of these things in the universe, so save some flowers.

Then he found another surprise. The lotus seed swallowed the object, which swallowed the other's special abilities and used it for him. The multi-eyed monster has as many as a thousand eyes. Although he has not become the same monster, he has Similar ability, even if he closes his eyes, he can rely on this ability to see everything in all directions, absolutely no dead ends.

He also understood the effect of the blue light, it could produce illusions. All the phenomena just now were actually illusions. Qin Fei thought he had attacked that place, but in fact there was nothing in that place. It was just an illusion. The real killer move was. Hidden in the illusion again, it is really interlocking and impossible to guard against.

With this unexpected joy, Qin Fei was in a good mood and continued on his way.

Nowadays Xiaoyuan has eightfold, even if it is the great one of Dzogchen, as long as the opponent does not gather all the clones together to fight, he is confident that he will retreat from the first battle. As for defeat, it is impossible. He is also a master of the Dzogchen Realm. The further the realm is, the less likely it is to fight the leapfrog. It is not as powerful as before.

Light Tribe, in a valley, Qin Fei arrived at the entrance of Light Tribe in the evening one day later.

This entrance was the only entrance to the valley. He had already called out Zhou Ying and the five people to the Light Tribe. After all, he didn't want to deal with people many times, so it was just right for them all.

"Brother, which tribe are you from? What's the matter with our Guangzong tribe?" The entrance guards are two kind-faced big men. Seeing Qin Fei and six people are very young, they didn't show any arrogant expressions, but a look. He smiled.

Earlier before I came here, I heard from the Great Sacrifice that the people of the Light Tribe are all kind and charitable. The reason why their tribe can grow into the top three of the thousands of tribes in the 100,000 wild mountains is the most fundamental reason.

"Hello, two big brothers! We have come from a deserted tribe not far away, and want to meet the sacrifice fields of your tribe! Please be accommodating!" Wen Hai said with a smile on his face.

"The desert tribe? It's more than 30,000 miles away. You are looking for the sacrifice surname Tian, ​​it should be Tianye sacrifice! No problem, you can go in, just ask after you go in, and you will find him!" The big guy on the left let them in as soon as he heard it.

After entering the valley, no one was slowed down. In the desert tribe, as long as they are not their own people, they have to check carefully when entering the stockade. After the investigation is clear, the eighteenth generation of the ancestors is finished. How did you get to the famous Guang tribe? On the contrary, it is no longer so troublesome. If you want to enter, you don’t need to confirm. What is going on?

The valley looked like a city, and there were everything on the streets. Compared with the deserted tribe, only then discovered the extraordinary place of Guang Tribe.

"According to my master, the people of the Light Tribe are very powerful, and their minimum strength has reached the pseudo-consummation level. Therefore, no outsider dares to make trouble. Anyone who dares to make trouble will die miserably, so they are not defended at all. Go in and out freely, the guards at the door are just multiple tasks, lest they do nothing." Zhou Ying said.

"What else did your master say? You spit it out to me all at once!" said Tuesday.

"My master said that the Tian Jijie we are looking for is a very easy person. As long as we rely on him in everything, he will definitely help us!" Zhou Ying said.

"Follow him? If he wants the stars in the sky, can he still pick them for him?" Qin Fei curled his lips.

"These brothers, are you from outside? Have you just come to the Guangxi tribe? Didn't find a place to stay? Are you here to visit relatives and people, or come here to work?" The one on the street dressed honestly and smiled. The brilliant young man smiled at Qin Fei and said with a friendly attitude.

"We are here to visit relatives!" Wen Hai also replied with a brighter smile. He often said something on his lips. When he went out, he smiled at everybody and promised not to suffer.

"Visiting relatives, do you have an address? Do you need me to be your guide? The remuneration is only twenty catties of the lean meat of any kind of beast!" The young man has bright eyes and likes to use his hands when speaking. Compared with painting, it looks very random.

"Twenty catties of lean meat? Are you slaughtering customers! Five catties!" Wen Haidao.

There are many times when tribes exchange resources. This lean meat is one of the common items that everyone exchanges for resources.

"Big brother, you are so handsome, why do you still care about these few catties of meat? Well, I see that the eldest brother is very kind, you can count as eighteen catties!" The young man drew.

Wen Hai wiped off the dusty messy hair that fell from his forehead, raised his head, and smiled: "If you have a vision, but I can't praise it. We all understand the market, Liujin! "

The young man smiled bitterly. He has been in this industry for three years. For the first time he met such a bargaining master. He gritted his teeth and said: "I see you are extraordinary people. You must be rich and noble people. You certainly won't care about this. Some small things, then I'm also very simple, a price of 15 catties, I will immediately take you to find Tian offering sacrifices!"

Wen Hai still wanted to bargain, Qin Fei said: "The deal! Hurry up and take us there!"

The young man laughed and danced with his hands: "Haha, this brother is still refreshing. I am here in Xia Ai Chilai, and I am happy to help you!"

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