Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1101: Guide!

Love meat?

Qin Fei curled his lips. This girl really likes to eat meat. He still understands the general market. It only takes a few kilograms of meat to lead the way. This lion opens his mouth. The first is related to the prosperity here, and the prices must be higher. I understand, but it won't be so ridiculous. The second thing is that this guy likes to slaughter people outside.

Qin Fei didn't care about a dozen catties of meat. He just wanted to see Tian Jijie quickly and deal with the business, too lazy to waste time on this matter.

The Guang tribe is very big, Ai Chi Lo is a rich language person, walking on the road introducing the situation of the Guang tribe.

"Our tribe is very hospitable. As one of the top three tribes in the wild mountain, we have always attracted people from other tribes to come to us for trading. Over time, it has formed a characteristic. After all, there will be no bullying in the transaction in our tribe. So everyone is very happy. After the characteristics are formed, it attracts a large number of masters. Masters like the pseudo-consummation realm are casually grabbing a large number, and the small perfect realm is not rare. , You may run into a drunk big guy, that is, a small nine-fold great character, as for the Dzogchen stage, there are not many, but such characters generally do not appear on the streets, they will be Received the VIP treatment, I was invited to the reception desk specially set up by the tribe, and I would go directly to the VIP channel when doing anything! As a qualified guide of the light tribe, I would like to remind everyone, don’t do anything. Onlookers, it’s best to hang on top of yourself, and don’t cause trouble, because if you don’t know what’s going on, you may provoke a small perfection state!"

"You can't finish walking the stockades of our Guangtribe in a day, so don't try to find anything or people by yourself. You must be led by our guides so that you won't get lost. Of course, like you all. Handsome people are more dangerous, so I have a tribal travel guide here, which will help you to visit the tribe!"

As he talked, he appeared as if conjuring up, a cowhide scroll appeared in his hand, and on it was a topographic map of Guangchuang Village.

Good guy, take out all this stuff.

Qin Fei took it over and took a look, and then took it all through his mind, and said in doubt, "So your stockade is semicircular?"

"Hey, our stockade is circular, but only a semicircle can be recorded on the topographical map. The other half is the real stockade of our Guangzhuang tribe. No foreigners are allowed to step into it unless they are recommended by various sacrifices and get Tianyuan. Only those qualified for the competition can go in!" Ai Chiluo made a circle and then removed half of it, looking mysterious and unpredictable.

"Tianyuan Competition?" Qin Fei's eyes lit up.

"I don't know? You want to know?" Ai Chiloi suddenly lowered his voice.

Seeing his sneaky appearance, Qin Fei knew there must be something tricky, became curious, nodded and said, "We'd like to listen if it's convenient!"

"Hey, it's hard to say, this is the big secret of the Guang tribe. If foreigners want to know it, they have to pay a little price. Otherwise, if our tribe's inspectors find out, I will be in big trouble!" Covering half of his face with his hands and looking around, he looked scared.

Qin Fei curled his lips and said, "Twenty catties of nirvana and five weights of lean meat!"

Ai Chilai immediately shook his head: "It's a big trouble!"

At this time on Tuesday, he said: "Brother Qin, he didn't say he would kill him!"

Wen Hai sneered: "Ten Jin is too much!"

Yu Ri clenched his fists crackling: "If you don't say it, hit it!"

The pillar pointed the fork in his hand at Ai Chitan, without saying a word, the purpose was obvious, and he was ready to do it.

"Don't get angry, let's talk about it. How bad is it to use the sword and the sword? You say yes?" Ai Chiluo hurriedly waved his hand, his face changed after a sigh, he was only the third level of Nirvana. Can't stand it.

"Let's talk in another place, don't you want to do the meat?" He stepped back.


So Ai Chiluo was going to take them to another place to talk, walked to the end of the street, and then walked into a restaurant.

The location of this restaurant is not very good. It is deserted and there are not a few pedestrians outside. Seeing Qin Fei and his party come in, the second person from the restaurant greets him enthusiastically.

"Open a private room for us!" Ai Chitan said loudly to the young man.

The so-called elegant room is actually a very simple small room on the second floor with a wooden table and eight wooden chairs. The workmanship is very rough, the walls are mottled and the environment is very poor.

Even the door of Yajian was slanted and slanted, and there were a few holes, which seemed to have been smashed by force.

Xiao Er was very courteous. Before everyone could sit down, he hurriedly poured the hot tea, then took out a menu made of sheepskin and placed it in front of everyone.

"Order some food, everyone must be hungry!" Ai Chiluo smiled while holding the sheepskin roll, eyes flashing with excitement.

I saw the menu on Tuesday, my eyes were bright, and I was busy taking it.

Wen Hai grabbed the past, took a closer look, and said to the little second: "Why are your things so expensive here?"

He was very dissatisfied, and the prices on the menu were too arrogant.

Xiao Er smiled and said: "There are cheap ones, look!"

He turned it over, and indeed there was still on the other side of the sheepskin roll. Wen Hai checked the price before handing it to Tuesday in a cool manner, saying, "Just order the one above, whatever you want!"

I ordered with a smile on Tuesday, and finally ordered five of the most common dishes. According to Wen Hai’s calculations, he would spend up to two catties of lean meat.

Xiao Er went down to greet the kitchen to prepare food, Wen Hai looked at the closed door of the broken house, and said, "I said I came in and saw that this restaurant has no business. The environment is terribly poor and the food is so expensive. The boss really doesn't know how to do it. In business! Ai Chilai, where did you bring us?"

Ai Chitan smiled and said, "Isn't this quiet? It's convenient for us to talk!"

"Okay, can you quickly talk about what happened to the Tianyuan Competition?" Qin Fei frowned.

Ai Chi-tan picked up the tea on the table, even though it was still hot in the thick mist. He just drank the hot water upright, then wiped his mouth with satisfaction, as if he was too thirsty.

He lowered his voice, looking mysteriously as if he couldn't let others know about it. "Tianyuan Competition, let me tell everyone what this Tianyuan is. The so-called Tianyuan is actually the abbreviation of Tianyuan Villa, our true boss in the barren mountains. Every year, 18 of our tribes in the barren mountains are recruited by Tianyuan Villa as the outer court. For the lowest-level handyman, these eighteen places will be created in the top three tribes, but other tribes are not without opportunities. In order to recruit talents from other tribes, the three tribes will hold a preliminary match before the official competition. All geniuses of all races can participate and determine the top three. These three will compete with the three tribes in the semi-finals. If they can enter the top six, they will be eligible to join the Tianyuan Villa final! If you are interested, I can help you get admission tickets, each admission ticket is 500 catties of lean meat!" Ai Chiluo stopped here.

He talked about this for a long time, because every time this guy said a word or two, he poured a cup of tea into his stomach. After these words, the whole pot of tea on the table was drunk for him.

"Little Er, let's have another pot of tea!" Ai Chi Sou Chong shouted outside, and the shop rushed in like a little Er Feng, holding a teapot in his hand, eagerly adding it, and laughing: "Guests, here comes the food!"

After speaking, he went out and brought in a dirty wooden tray, put the dishes in place, and went out. Qin Fei suddenly lost his appetite when he looked at the dishes on the table. What kind of dishes are Nima, without fragrance and color. Boiled.

"Damn, what the **** is this?" Tuesday with a smile on his excited face, he curled his lips and put down his chopsticks, his face full of disappointment.

"You said you can get the admission ticket? Can the price be lower?" Wen Hai looked at Ai Chitan, his waist straightened, and began to discuss the price seriously.

Ai Chiluo ignored him, but said to Qin Fei: "Handsome guy, you can ask for this price. It is definitely the lowest price. And if you ask others, many people won't say it at all. There is a nickname called "Wan Shi Tong", the information is the most informed and reliable! You are a reasonable person, I will only talk to you!"

He saw that Qin Fei was so talkative, Wen Hai bargained too hard, he did not dare to talk to Wen Hai, for fear of being chopped up and vomiting blood to death.

Qin Fei thought for a while and said, "We don't need to talk about this, let's eat quickly, and when we are done, take us to find Tian offering sacrifices!"

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