Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1488: Race swimming!

What if the whale is in a dilemma? There is no confidence in this, so don't go to the second floor at all, go back to the house early, the Linglong Pagoda is not something you can break through.

Qin Fei doesn't believe it anymore, will he be stumped here?

He would definitely not agree to swimming. Getting into the water is a dead end, so he has to find another way.

He turned his eyes and said, you should let me go, I will give you money!

What is silver? no way! Whale sneered, looking at Qin Fei as if looking at an idiot, Kong also glanced at Qin Fei, what happened to the master of the secret road today? Was it caught by the door, and thought of bribing this monster? This is impossible.

A delicious meal? No way!

Practice exercises? Still no good, people look down on it.

The pill was not good either, and the whale shook his head.

Shall I find you a female companion?

Qin Fei tried to ask.

The whale froze, and then wondered, are you sure? Lie to me, here is my whale, where are you going to find me a mother whale?

As soon as Qin Fei heard that there was a play, this guy was greedy for **** and not for money.

He said solemnly that although I can't find a female whale for you now, I can guarantee that when I go out here, I will introduce you to a very beautiful female whale. Don't you expect it?

The whale thought for a while, and said of course it did. It was almost anxious here, thinking that she could have a mother whale to accompany her to breed offspring.

Qin Fei smiled, then it's okay. You are responsible for letting me go, and I am responsible for finding you female whales in the future. This is a gentleman's agreement, and I promise not to break my promise.

The whale hesitated, wanting to believe in Qin Fei, and was afraid that he would not admit it afterwards, don't believe it, in case he is a gentleman and believe it, the mother whale's opportunity is missed, it is really difficult to choose.

In the end, it made up its mind to stay here for hundreds of thousands of years. It is very sad to have no female whales. No matter what, it has to take a gamble.

It nodded and said, "No problem, I'll help you this time, but you remember your promise, otherwise I won't forgive you in the future."

Qin Fei steals pleasure from his heart and won't forgive me? Do you have a choice? By that time, I would have been outside long ago, and I would be flying far away, so who cares about you stupid whale?

The world doesn't deceive me. The bigger the guys are, the more inflexible their brains are. It really makes sense.

So Qin Fei went into the water without hesitation...

The whale roared. The game started. If you lose, you will eat it for me. Haha, you stupid human, you really think I'm such a fool. If you leave, where can I find the female whale? It's still the food on the lips that comes happily.

After finishing speaking, it has flew out like an arrow, braving the wind and waves, it is so majestic.

Qin Fei was dumbfounded, Nima, this whale is not stupid, but he was recruited. The other party pretended to be fooled and then deceived himself to be really fooled. Now that he fell into the water, all his profound energy was imprisoned and had to fight.

But human beings don’t have the capital to swim with whales. After swimming more than a dozen miles, he was so tired that he was too tired to float in the water and didn’t want to move. This whale is too cunning, and now his life is almost lost. Is good?

Is it really going to be a human-whale war?

Just when he was considering how to deal with the next critical moment of life and death, the whale had appeared hundreds of miles away, swimming happily, not tired at all, and happily talking to himself while swimming. It had been a long time since he had eaten human flesh. This time finally You can try it.

It had expected the result a long time ago, without any pressure, and went away quickly, five hundred miles, thousands of miles, thousands of miles...

Qin Fei’s soaking in the water is helpless. There is sea on all sides, and there is no land, and he can’t fly. Although Sora flies overhead with him, he can’t help. Its power of time and space is There is no effect here, and Qin Fei cannot be taken away, as soon as he touches the sea, he disappears.

After three days, Qin Fei stayed there, waiting for the whale to return with a sad face. At this moment, the waves in front of the sea shook the sky and the whale swam back, with a piece of red coral stone in his mouth, looking triumphantly. Qin Fei said, kid, you lost, now obediently be eaten by me.

Qin Fei curled his mouth and said that you come to eat me. It's dead anyway, but you'd better open your mouth and swallow me directly, don't bite me, I'm afraid of pain.

The whale laughed and said that as you wish, I won't bite you, swallow you in one bite, and slowly digest.

When the words fell, it opened its mouth and bit towards Qin Fei. As a result, the red coral stone in its mouth naturally fell into the water. Qin Fei was right next to him. With anxious eyes, he suddenly grabbed the red coral stone, raised his head high, and shouted. You can't eat me, I got the red coral stone!

The whale taunted what nonsense you were talking about. I got it. It just fell out of my mouth.

Qin Fei sneered. No matter what, the rules of the game for you and me are that if I get the red coral stone, even if I win, you have to take me to the second floor. Now the red coral stone is in my hands. You have to admit this.

The whale angered that you kid was cheating!

Qin Fei sneered, what about deceit? Who called you so stupid?

The whale is extremely depraved, I don't care what you say, eat it first, and then talk about it, you can't resist anyway!

When the words fell, it directly swallowed Qin Fei with the red coral stone into its stomach.

But soon it felt a tingling pain in its stomach, rolling in the sea, crying out pain.

Qin Fei's voice came from its stomach, saying that you will let me out immediately, otherwise I will use a green arrow to burst your stomach!

The whale vomited violently, Qin Fei was vomited out accompanied by a burst of sea water, holding the coral stone in his left hand and three green arrows in his right hand. The arrows were dripping with blood, which was the blood in the whale's belly.

Although Qin Fei can no longer use profound energy, the green arrow can be used without the use of profound energy. It is as easy as a pig.

The whale was furious, saying that I will bite you to death this time, so I won't give you a chance.

Qin Fei sneered and said that you have been poisoned. If you don't want to die, you will honestly take me to the second floor, otherwise you won't be detoxified.

The poison of chaos, even if the whale is a master of the Sixth Level of the Supreme Realm, it is completely powerless to resist. If it did not swallow Qin Fei into its stomach, it would be useless even if Qin Fei pierced its skin with a green arrow, relying on its defense. The strength can be easily blocked, but it should never eat Qin Fei, the meat in its stomach is soft, and it is not fortified, this is Qin Fei successfully pierced the internal organs, and the poison of chaos under.

The whale still didn't believe it, but then there was a numbness in the body, and then a severe pain soon came up in the sea again, screaming kid, quickly detoxify, or it will eat you.

Qin Fei sneered, this guy was so polite, he even dared to threaten him, too lazy to pay attention to it, and chatted with Kongzai.

Seeing that the whale couldn't threaten him, he didn't dare to really eat him, otherwise he would die without the cure. He immediately changed his tone and said, please, give me the cure. It hurts me. I will take you to the second floor immediately.

Qin Fei looked at it mockingly, saying that you treat me as stupid? Take me to the second floor first, and then detoxify you, otherwise, we will die here.

Whales are so busy crying that they can’t die. I still want mother whales. I have lived for millions of years. I have been guarding here for so many years. I have forgotten what the mother whale looks like. Don’t kill me. .

Then it compromised and asked Qin Fei to climb on its back. The waves rolled, leading him and Kong to disappear, and appeared in the stone tower. The whale statue flashed, and there was a creak on the second floor, and the door opened. , The whale really did not break its promise.

Qin Fei walked up to the second floor. The whale statue hurriedly made a human voice, saying that it had not been detoxified.

Qin Fei smiled and said don't worry, you can resist this poison temporarily, will you die for a while, you have to bless me in the next few floors, otherwise no one can save you.

After speaking, he was on the second floor, leaving the whale roaring.

In the lobby on the second floor, there stands a statue, the scene is similar to the first floor, but this time it looks like a flying eagle. As soon as Qin Fei stepped in, the flying eagle statue spread a golden light, and then the space in front of him changed and appeared. In the mountains and forests, the mountains and forests are boundless, even Qin Fei could not detect the boundaries with his spiritual knowledge, it was really broad.

Flying eagle appeared in front of Qin Fei. Qin Fei looked at its wings and said with a smile that you want to fly with me? Have to block the repair base?

Flying Eagle glanced at him, as if looking at an idiot, saying who is better than you with such a nutritious thing, it is too challenging. I let you have a pair of wings and you can't fly me. Let's compare with a rabbit. Whoever catches the most rabbits in the hour will win. If you lose, you have to be eaten by me.

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