Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1489: Where did the rabbit go?

Catch a rabbit?

Qin Fei curled his lips. The conditions of these two monsters were very strange. One wanted to swim and it was already amazing, and now the other wanted to race to catch rabbits, which was even more funny.

Of course, he didn't think it would be easy to catch a rabbit, this flying eagle must have some conspiracy.

Okay, let's get started, go looking for rabbits by ourselves, and start now. Flying eagle dropped these words, a pair of wings, and disappeared in the sky.

Qin Fei couldn't help it. Just catch the rabbit. If he didn't limit his ability, it would be easy.

Divine consciousness spread and enveloped the entire mountain forest, Qin Fei was dumbfounded, Nima, where are some rabbits here, there are a lot of deer, foxes, snakes, insects, tigers and leopards, but there are no cute little rabbits.

I rummaged underground and didn't see a rabbit hole. The game couldn't be played. Flying Eagle must be cheating.

His eyes rolled, since the eagle dared to say that the game catches rabbits, then this guy must have a way, so he started looking for the eagle, but after searching for nearly half an hour, the eagle did not know where to hide, and there was no shadow at all. He didn't even have a breath, it just disappeared out of thin air.

This is the world of flying eagles, it wants to hide and others can't find it. This is a problem.

Qin Fei seemed to understand. Perhaps what Feiying tested was not the ability to catch rabbits, but peek-a-boo with himself. He needed to find a way to find Feiying.

As long as you find the flying eagle, you will know what method it will use to deal with the game. Since it is catching rabbits, you must use the rabbit to talk about it. Since there are no rabbits here, then the flying eagle must have a way to take out the rabbit, so Qin Fei wants All you do is find it and grab the rabbit.

After understanding this, Qin Fei raised his head and looked at the sky above the mountains and forests, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, the star knife appeared in his hand, and he flew high, slashing to the sky with a sharp knife.


A ten thousand zhang sword light shining with bright stars, across the world, the majestic sword light split the void and hit the sky fiercely.

The wind swept through the clouds, the void burst, the blade of the sword split the sky and the earth, and a huge crack appeared, followed by Qin Fei's finger at the crack, and the power of the chaos formed a black hole that swallowed the forest.


Everything on the earth was sucked up into the sky and submerged in the black hole. The strong swallowing force swallowed everything in, turning the mountain forest into a desert. Countless mountain beasts were running desperately, but they could not get rid of being swallowed. fate.

When the entire mountain forest became invisible, Qin Fei stood in a void, standing proudly, a flying eagle emerged from the void, watching him say that you react quickly, but the time is almost here, and there is still half a stick of incense. What's the use of these useless methods instead of catching rabbits?

Qin Fei sneered. Of course it worked. I don't catch rabbits, but you.

Flying Eagle laughed and said that you are only the Supreme Triple. What can I do?

It makes sense, it is the Supreme Five, and Qin Fei is obviously not its opponent.

Qin Fei was not afraid, and proudly said that I lost the game in the end, and the final result was eaten by you, so I might as well fight back! Take it!

When the words fell, he was like a cannonball, electric fired at the flying eagle, and the four holy beasts rushed out, forming an encirclement. They surrounded the flying eagle, each showing their magical powers, and fought with the flying eagle. Qin Fei took the opportunity to call. Sora prepares time and space transfer, this time it will be a big one.

The Four Sacred Beasts were not Feiying's opponents, and they were defeated in a moment. Feiying was about to kill, suddenly Qin Fei's voice came from behind it, and it had to save itself.

Qin Fei flashed out of the void, and Feiying shot down, disdainfully wanted to be invisible? Come out to me!

Its ferocious aura spreads out and envelopes the entire void, intending to force Qin Fei out. If Qin Fei really uses the Phantom Art, he really can’t hide, but this time it’s different. Under the power of the time and space, he is actually fundamentally different. Not in this time and space, even if Feiying is strong, it can't help him.

Without seeing Qin Fei, Feiying was taken aback. At this time, Qin Fei appeared from the left again and hit its left wing with a fierce punch.

Although Feiying easily resisted his punch, he was very depressed, because it had discovered that Qin Fei was not in this time and space, and there was nothing to do with him.

Damn it! Dare to be so arrogant in my place! Now I am going to change the rules of space, and the power of time and space is not allowed in my world! Fei Ying suddenly roared loudly, and then a mysterious power rippled in the void, Kong and Qin Fei fell out of the time and space shuttle at the same time, their expressions changed greatly.

Kong yelled: "I explode your yummy chrysanthemum, you are such a rascal."

Flying Eagle sneered, what about the rogue? My world is in charge, whatever you want, you bite me?

If you bite you if you bite you, who is afraid of whom?

The air rushes towards the flying eagle, the tail of the turtle is constantly swiping, the space is split, and the power is amazing, but there is no way to take the flying eagle. This is the world of others. You can do whatever you want. It is invincible. , This battle has no chance of winning at all.

Qin Fei joined the battle, and the four sacred beasts recovered at this time, and went into battle together. Even if the flying eagle could control this space as he wanted, it couldn’t turn his mind fast, because Qin Fei and the others accelerated the attack speed and let it. No time to change the rules of space.

Soon the prescribed time of an hour passed, Feiying stepped back, saying no to fight, willing to accept the bet, now to see who catches more rabbits, Qin Fei curses more than a fart, you must win, I am at odds If you talk about the rules, bet your life.

The attack was more rapid and Feiying had no choice but to fight. It discovered the fact that although Qin Fei and the sacred beasts were not its opponents, it was really hard to get it all at once, especially when it found a very depressed one. The phenomenon of the Four Holy Beasts will always recover quickly after being injured. It carefully observes and finds that Qin Fei’s body is full of vitality, which can help them recover at any time. If it is consumed, even if it is exhausted, it cannot be killed. Qin Fei and the others would be dragged down to death.

Of course, in a short period of time, it is impossible to be dragged to death, but it is possible.

Even if there is only one in ten thousand possibility, it is reluctant to take risks and decided to find a helper to help.

It stepped back for a few miles and yelled at Qin Fei. Don't think that you have the inexhaustible vitality to force you, I will immediately ask my brother to help and kill you!

When the words fell through a huge hole in the void, the whale rushed out from above, and the flying eagle hurriedly called brothers to help me kill them.

The whale responded and slammed into it with one head, but instead of hitting Qin Fei, it knocked over the flying eagle, who was completely unprepared, and hit the other party to vomit blood.

Brother, what are you doing? Flying Eagle was panting and perplexed.

Brother Whale said dumbly, there is no way, I was threatened by him, and he won't give an antidote if you don't deal with you, you can put them up to the third floor, otherwise the brother will be sorry for you.

Flying Eagle was furious, and the feeling of being betrayed was really uncomfortable. Regardless of brotherhood, he rushed towards the whale.

The whale gave a wry smile and swayed, and an ocean appeared, submerging the flying eagle. The flying eagle was the overlord in the sky, but when in the sea, it was restricted by the whale.

Flying eagle is in a big hurry. It is controlled by the ocean. Its power can't reach 50%. Whale persuades brother, you can do your brother a favor, let them go, otherwise the poison in the brother's body will happen, and we will have no chance. Be a brother again.

Damn it, hate it...

Feiying roared three times in a row, and Qin Fei thought it was going to fight to the end. Who knows that its tone changed and bowed its head and said okay, for the sake of you and my brother, let them forgive this time, but it was on the third floor. They are bound to die, and that pervert is not as easy to talk as I am.

Then it looked at Qin Fei and said, "Hurry up and give the antidote to my brother, or if you go to the third floor and die, my brother will save you in vain."

Qin Fei said how to ensure that you will not go back after giving the medicine to you?

Flying eagle, as if humiliated, said that I speak upright, without falsehood, and can swear by life!

Qin Fei swore when he saw it, so he was relieved, released some blood, and said that if you drink it, your toxicity will be solved.

Drink blood?

The whale was puzzled, saying you didn't play tricks, did you?

Qin Fei curled his lips, what tricks am I playing? My blood is the antidote, believe it or not.

Brother Feiyingdao, don't worry, let me try it for you first!

It was the eldest brother who was loyal, and took the lead in eating the blood. After a while, he was relieved, brother, eat it, the blood is fine.

The whale was so moved that he said that my eldest brother was very good to me. I was wrong before. This time, I will report it to you later.

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