Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1597: Yu Sandao died!

"Qin Fei, you really have the courage to come!"

"Hey, it's a dead end when you come, but you are bold enough, buddies admire it!"

"Futang hasn't come here except for the virtual talisman. It seems that their own people know that he will lose, knowing that he will be ashamed, and he will not come!"

"Old man Zhong, can you prepare the coffin for this kid?"

"Prepare the coffin for a fart? You can chop him into dozens of pieces in one move. The coffin can't be put out. Let's throw it directly into the mountains and feed the beasts! Haha!"

People laughed at Qin Fei continuously and unscrupulously.

Cheng Qi and others glanced at these idiots. They were all blind. After a while, you will know who should prepare the coffin!

The people at the virtual talisman ignored the ridicule of these people, and walked straight towards Yu Sandao. In order to see a tragic tearing and killing earlier, everyone cooperated and separated and let Qin Fei and the others walk over.

Yu Sandao looked at Qin Fei arrogantly, and with only a glance, he withdrew his gaze. In his mind, Qin Fei was just an ant, so he didn't need to take it seriously.

He just wanted to kill Qin Fei with a single knife and avenge his brother, and the matter was over.

Qin Fei walked into the arena and looked at Yu Sandao faintly, Yu Sandao arrogantly [glanced at him, and said: "Qin Fei, you can make a move first, if I make a move, you will never have a chance!"

He is showing his master style, so that everyone can see his awesomeness!

Qin Fei shook his head and said, "You should take the knife first. I'm afraid I can take the first shot, so I won't be able to make you pretend!"

There was an uproar in the audience. I didn't expect Qin Fei to be so arrogant. He was still here to save face and let Yu Sandao take the first shot. Isn't this just looking for death?

Yu Sandao said angrily: "Boy, you are too arrogant, I will tell you how to write death words! Let me die!"

He shot it with one knife, accompanied by thousands of knife shadows, and a foot-high flame was ignited on each of the blades. Someone beside him exclaimed: "Oh my God, he actually made a flame knife! Progress is so fast! No wonder he can choose Enter the penalty hall!"

The flame knife is more powerful, and Yu Sandao at this time showed the strength that moved everyone.

Qin Fei faintly watched the opponent swing out with a knife, looked at the flames of swords in the sky, shook his head and sighed: "Fist embroidered legs, you have no future for the remaining three swords!"

"Haha, Qin Fei's crazy tone actually said that Yu Sandao's offense was a fist!"

"Arrogant! He'll know how good it is later!"

People mocked.

However, just when everyone thought that Qin Fei was about to be enveloped in flames, Qin Fei suddenly moved and appeared in another place, successfully avoiding Yu Sandao's blow.

Yu Sandao's eyes drenched, and he said coldly: "It's interesting, you actually avoided! Then look at my second knife! Hengshi Chino!"

His sword's momentum changed, and the blade's light once again increased into the dense world, with no gaps to be found, forming a net of swords, and fell towards Qin Fei.

At the same time, the flame burst out more than three feet high, and the momentum was pressing, and the people outside the court took a few steps backwards, their expressions were horrified, and they all praised Yu Sandao's sword for being so strong!

"Haha, it's still a small plan, haven't you eaten?"

Qin Fei's mocking voice sounded, and everyone saw him sway and successfully avoided again.

"Is this guy dry? Only dare to avoid? He has the ability to fight Yu Sandao!"

"That's right, this kid is so cunning. He doesn't have any abilities. He only knows to hide. Doesn't it mean farts to fight like this?"

People were dissatisfied and cursed.

Yu Sandao did not curse like them, his face became more and more solemn, his nirvana was avoided by Qin Fei both times. This was definitely not something that could be done by trick. He knew best about Qin Fei's strength. I am afraid it is not as simple as before!

Three swords!

His strongest combat skill is only three knives, but every time he deals with opponents of the same realm, only two knives are enough. Unless facing an opponent higher than himself, today, he has to break the routine and use the strongest. With a cut, Qin Fei was forced to rush!

"Boy, die! Watch my sword break through the sky!"

He shouted, his aura suddenly changed, the dark long knife in his hand spun around slowly, and then there was a strong wind from the sky and the earth, the air exploded, and the entire space was distorted, seeming to be overwhelmed by the sword.


He held the sword in both hands, leaped high, and slashed towards Qin Fei with one sword. In people's eyes, he was like a **** of war descending from the nine heavens, falling from the sky, and the whole world seemed about to be cut in half by him. , Breaking the sky and powerful for nine days!

Everyone was horrified, and felt that this knife enveloped the sky, and it seemed that they had become the target of attack. Some timid people were scared to pee, and there was a commotion.

Qin Fei curled his lips. This knife was really a good one, a bit of a master demeanor. It seemed that he had to resort to a trick!

He stood there and didn’t retreat. People thought he was scared and silly. Some people were amazed: “Look, this is Yu Sandao’s strongest trick. I have it in the world with a single shot! The state of Qin Fei must be a legend. Zhong is suppressed by the sword and can't move!"

Just when the words fell, a fist-sized spiritual hole appeared on Qin Fei's head, and a terrifying aura radiated from it. There was an exclamation in the hall. Someone screamed like a ghost: "What? Possibly? Lingdong! That's actually Lingdong, are my eyes okay?"

"He's so amazing, he changed his life to build a spiritual cave!"

"Could it be..."

Someone thought of the legend that whoever cultivates will die. The first level of the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion has been sealed for hundreds of years!

As soon as the spirit cave came out, the terrifying aura caused by Yu Sandao suddenly disappeared. Yu Sandao looked at the spirit cave floating towards him in horror, his face pale and screamed in horror: "This is can you cultivate? Out of the cave? I don't believe it!"

He got up fiercely, and raised the knife straightly and slashed towards the spirit hole, intending to split. As soon as the long knife touched the spirit knife, it broke into dregs instantly, followed by the spirit hole and hit him directly through the hole. He lost his body, leaving a big hole in his fist with blood.


Yu Sandao fell to the ground and died of anger. He couldn't bear to close his eyes when he died, still with panic and unwillingness.

The audience is silent, and the needle drop can be heard!

The powerful Yu Sandao died. What surprised everyone was that Qin Fei, who was regarded as a weak person, had cultivated a spiritual cave!

In the change of fate, he is the first person who deserves it! No one can reach!

The duel ended in this way. After the panic, people were excited and excited. Qin Fei cultivated out of the spiritual cave. This is a topic that is more powerful than Yusandao. Everyone saw it with their own eyes today. After returning, they had ostentatious talks, envious. Those brothers who didn't have time to watch the battle, think about it and feel more face.

When Yu Sandao died, some people were unhappy. People in the penalty hall glared at Qin Fei and shouted, "Bold! Dare to kill my penalty hall, and die!"

This swarm rushed to more than a dozen people. Everyone knows that the people in the penalty hall are unreasonable. Qin Fei is also not welcome. Since these people want to die, let them be satisfied!

The appearance of the two spiritual caves was even more shocking to the people around them shouting that it was impossible. The change of fate has two spiritual caves, absolutely invincible in the same realm!

The people in the penalty hall wanted to retreat when they saw it, but it was too late. As soon as Qin Fei came up fiercely, no one could run away. Since these people wanted to kill him, they had to be prepared to be killed. The spirit cave shot at everyone quickly. In the blink of an eye, he pierced through, and there was nothing left lying on the ground.


A burst of shout came from the sky, and only one person flew towards Qin Fei with a punch!

Qin Fei was shocked, with such a strong aura, the person who came was a master of the God-Telling Realm, and he reached the triple level!

He hurriedly urged Lingdong to greet him, and the other party also burst out Lingdong, and the number was more than Qin Fei, reaching three.

Qin Fei was defeated, and the Lingdong was forced to close. The other party sneered and slapped him.

"Qin Fei, go back!" Zhong Shan Qiang shouted, and slammed up, urging a spiritual cave, and slammed into the opponent's palm!


Zhong Shanqiang retreated, his face flushed, he took a big breath, and his chest rose and fell sharply. He was obviously no match for the opponent. He stared at the opponent fiercely, as if there was a deep hatred!

The other party stopped, looked at Zhong Lao with disdain, and said, "Zhong Shanqiang, are you still alive? How are you doing in Futang? Do you miss the old man?"

This is a person about the same age as Zhong Shanqiang.

Zhong Shanqiang said coldly: "Nan Chong, you are not dead yet, how could the old man die first!"

"Hehe, your disciple killed the people in my penalty hall. As the hall master, I should take him to blame, you should get out of the way, otherwise you will kill me!" Nan Chong sneered.

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