Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1598: Old Dong!

Zhong Shan angered: "Nan Chong, you can't kill him! Back then, you caused me to lose my daughter in Jiu Ming Prison, so today you never want to kill my disciple again!"

"Haha, do you still remember what happened back then? It's a pity that your daughter died, such a beautiful beauty, how good would it be if she didn't die? She belongs to me as a slave girl!" Nan Chong smiled wryly.

Zhong Shanqiang's eyes glared with awe-inspiring murderous spirit.

Qin Fei could understand that the opponent Zhong Shanqiang said was Nan Chong!

Nan Chong seemed to have lost his patience. He rushed out of the Lingdong and shot at Zhong Shanqiang, ready to kill with one blow!

"Stop it!" A voice came out, and an old man appeared between the two.

The Lingdong shot by Nan Chong was immediately pushed back by the opponent waved his hand, but Nan Chong did not dare to get angry, and said respectfully: "So it's Old Dong!"

Zhong Shanqiang also hurried to bow.

The people present all looked at the so-called Dong Lao in surprise. Qin Fei recognized him as the first-level manager of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and the old man who had persuaded him not to practice spiritual cultivation.

Elder Dong glanced at the two of them faintly, and said, "Nan Chong, step back and take your people away. From now on, Qin Fei will be in my Jingang Pavilion. If you want revenge, you can come to the old man. Yes!"

Nan Chong was shocked, unwilling flashed in his eyes, but he did not dare to refute, and said anxiously: "Old Dong is serious, I will withdraw!"

After speaking, he rolled up the bodies of the people in the penalty hall on the ground, and then stared at Qin Fei fiercely before leaving unwillingly...

Zhong Shanqiang said to Dong Lao: "Thank you Dong Lao for the relief!"

Old Dong smiled, and said, "Zhong Shanqiang, you have a good disciple in Futang! Qin Fei will be both from my Buddhist Scripture Pavilion and your Futang. The old man is gone!"

After speaking, he left directly.

Qin Fei watched this scene inexplicably, Dong Lao's remarks were strange and puzzled him.

Cheng Qi leaned in front of him excitedly, and said, "Junior Brother Qin, congratulations, disciple of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, you can practice in it for unlimited time! You really have a treasure!"

Qin Fei realized that this kind of benefit was indeed very precious!

Others looked at Qin Fei enviously, more in awe. Qin Fei's strength conquered everyone, changed his life to build a spiritual cave, and there was no opponent in the same realm.

The news quickly spread throughout the outer door. Many people wanted to come to Futang to visit him, and try to establish a little relationship with him. Later, there will be capital to show off. However, Qin Fei returned to Futang and no one in the outer hall was seen. A meeting is being held. It was held by Hall Master Li himself, and the Deputy Hall Master Zhang and a group of disciples were all named to attend the meeting.

Hall Master Li asked Qin Fei to sit next to him and said: "Qin Fei's battle with Yu Sandao today proved his strength. Now he has also obtained the permission of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion Dong Lao and officially named the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Disciple! This hall master now announces that he will be accepted as a direct disciple, and you will all have to call him Senior Brother in the future!"

Everyone in Futang nodded, secretly saying that Qin Fei is really developed, and the future is boundless from now on.

Deputy Hall Master Zhang was in a cold sweat, wiping sweat constantly, and his heart was straightening.

He regretted his death after learning about Qin Fei's situation. He had known it a long time ago and would not help Yu Sandao. Now he is innocent inside and out, so troublesome!

He would come whatever he was worried about. Hall Master Li called his name, told him to stand up, and said, "Zhang Guangfu, as the deputy hall master of Futang, you can help outsiders deal with my Futang disciples. It is really unforgivable! The research decided that today, you will be relieved of your position as deputy hall master and go to the virtual talisman as a errand."

Zhang Guangfu was anxious, looked at Zhong Shanqiang, and said, "Hallmaster, your subordinates are loyal to you. You can punish me whatever you want, but don't let your subordinates serve him as a servant!"

Hall Master Li sneered: "You are not qualified to be an errand for him! Mr. Zhong is now officially taking over your position. In addition, the original people at the virtual talisman are transferred away, Zhang Guangfu, take your people to the virtual talisman!"

Zhang Guangfu froze, staring at Zhong Lao unwillingly, feeling that he had taken his place, and was very angry.

The people under his hand stopped doing it, and they begged for mercy, saying that this was all assigned by Zhang Guangfu. They couldn't help but listen. Now they are willing to clear their relationship with Zhang Guangfu, just begging not to go to the virtual talisman.

Hall Master Li didn't bother to listen to their nonsense, so he blasted them out and forcibly took them to the virtual talisman.

Zhang Guangfu saw that there was no way to recover things, his eyes were fierce, and he stood up and said, "Li Jiuyang, don't be proud of you! Lao Tzu is not in your Futang anymore! Qitang has long called me over, now I will go, today’s hatred, I will report it to Zhang Guangfu in the future! Especially you, Qin Fei, all of this is caused by you, wait!"

After speaking, he rushed out the door, very fast.

Hall Master Li Jiuyang sighed, then his face returned to normal, and said to everyone: "Okay, that's how it is decided. Everyone works hard. One month later, it will be time to open the Nine Underworld Prisons. Go for whatever you can. !"

When the crowd dispersed, Li Jiuyang left Qin Fei and Zhong Shanqiang behind, saying: "You must be careful of Zhang Guangfu in the future. This person is narrow-minded, extremely vengeful, and insidious. Beware of his revenge!"

Zhong Shanqiang nodded and said: "Thank you for the reminder, we will pay attention!"

Li Jiuyang looked at Qin Fei and said, "Qin Fei, you will be the first master of Futang from now on. You can learn all kinds of talisman making methods. You can think about it yourself. I will give you absolute freedom!"

Qin Fei nodded and said, "Hall Master, I have a request, I don't know if it should be said."

"Let's say, no matter what request, as long as I can do it, I can do it for you!" Li Jiuyang smiled.

"I have some friends in the Zaishitang, this month's big competition is coming soon, I want to bring them all to Futang, can I?"

Li Jiuyang thought for a while, and said, "Of course there is no problem. It is okay for me to find a few people in the Zaishitang. It doesn't matter if they don't pass the competition. This is my warrant. You can bring someone to the Zaishitang. !"

Qin Fei took it over and thanked him, and then left with Zhong Shanqiang.

As Li Jiuyang watched the two leave, the smile on his face grew thicker.

Zhou Tianfang appeared next to him, Li Jiuyang hurriedly saluted: "Elder Zhou!"

Zhou Tianfang nodded and said: "You are doing a good job, let him master all the talisman paper as soon as possible, in the sealed place in the Jiu Ming prison, it can't be done without talisman paper!"

Li Jiuyang nodded and said: "It must be done! It's just Elder Zhou, this time is too short, I am afraid that one month is not enough!"

Zhou Tianfang smiled and said: "Enough! He cultivated in seven days and became a spiritual refining guide that no one had dared to touch for hundreds of years. What else can you say to him?"

Li Jiuyang was surprised: "So fast?"

Zhou Tianfang nodded and said, "He still has many things that will surprise us, let's wait and see!"

Qin Fei left Futang with the warrant and went straight to the Miscellaneous Hall. He found Liu Xi and the others and explained the situation.

When Liu Xi heard that they could leave the Miscellaneous Hall and go to Futang, they all agreed.

This is a step-by-step rhythm, who would be too stupid?

Qin Fei took a look at everyone's progress by the way, and they were all pretty good, showing that they were very hardworking in cultivation.

He also found the master of the Zaishitang and explained what Li Jiuyang meant. The master of the Zaishitang happily agreed to let Liu Xi and the others go, and then made a small request, asking Qin Fei if he would have time to stay for a quick meal. What?

Of course Qin Fei wanted to give him face, he was also the hall master anyway, and his status was equal to Li Jiuyang.

This hall master wants to get closer to him, saying that he has been the hall master of the Miscellaneous Hall for almost 20 years, and would like to ask Qin Fei for a favor. If there is a chance, Mr. Xiang Dong will help him say a few good things, okay Transfer him from this miscellaneous hall.

Qin Fei was surprised and said that what happened to Old Dong?

The hall master bluntly said: "Qin Fei, you don't know what Dong Lao is capable of! Who knows he is the oldest in our outer door? Even the first elder Zhou Tianfang of the outer door has to be called when he sees him Uncle Master! Dong Lao is the Master’s Master, one of the people who has existed for the longest time since Tianzong. He stayed in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion purely for the sake of peace of mind. In a word from his old man, no matter what happened Can be solved!"

Qin Fei let out a cry and said that he can only try it, but it cannot be guaranteed.

The hall master said thank you very bluntly, then took out a ring and handed it to Qin Fei, saying that it was a trivial matter, and asked Qin Fei to accept it.

Qin Fei hurriedly said how could this be possible, resolutely not, the hall master had no choice, so he had to put it away, but he had a stronger affection for Qin Fei in his heart. This was the first time he encountered helping out without benefit, and it was worth dating!

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