Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1650: Lu Chang to Xiao Xuan!

In fact, the person most concerned about whether Fenyan Palace can get Qin Zong's support is Qikong besides Li Ming.

He is extremely afraid of leaving Tianzong. Such a good day in the Fenyan Palace can't be over because of this. He still has many goals to complete. He is still far away from the position of a confidant elder trusted by the Sect Master. If he can't be satisfied, he doesn't want to be just a dog forever. He used to be the Sovereign, and he will be treated the same in the future!

After Li Ming and the women agreed, the women charmingly looked back at Elder Qian, and then left the meeting, not knowing where they had gone.

He returned to the main table and respectfully said to Elder Qian: "Don’t blame Elder Qian, the subordinates don’t know that Elder Qian Gao Fengliangjie doesn’t like this kind of scene. It is really the negligence of the subordinates, so please don’t take it to heart. The subordinate arranged a quieter environment in another place, and asked Elder Qian to move!"

Elder Qian opened his eyes long ago, nodded to him satisfied, showing a wicked smile, and did not speak, stood up, Li Ming nodded hurriedly and bowed to lead the way, and the two walked outside the hall one after another.

Soon he walked to another quiet hall, the door was hidden, and from time to time a woman’s sweet laughter came from inside. Li Ming pointed at the hall door, bent over and said to Elder Qian: "Elder Qian, your subordinates will not bother you. , Please feel free! Your subordinates have made everyone not to walk around here! You can rest at ease!"

Elder Qian nodded with satisfaction and said: "Liming, you are good at doing things, and I am very satisfied. Regarding the Fenyan Palace joining my Qin Sect, this elder has sent a letter back to Qin Zong, and the clan has already discussed it tomorrow. People will come to perform a formal ceremony early in the morning and call the world. Starting from tomorrow, the Fenyan Palace will be the power of Qin Sect, so don't worry about leaving Tianzong!"

Li Ming was overjoyed, nodded in excitement, and wanted to say something grateful. Elder Qian's eyes had already penetrated into the concealed door, waved impatiently, and then strode towards the hall door, a little impatient!

Li Ming smiled awkwardly, and turned away, but after turning around, the smile on his face disappeared. Instead, his face was painful. These women are his heart, so he gave it to Elder Qian. Enjoy, his heart is not balanced!

In the hall behind him, elder Qian’s lewd, evil laughs and feminine cries of women screamed, making him tremble, gritted his teeth, walked back to the banquet hall, and the elders rushed to ask him for money. Whether the elder was satisfied, he said casually that Qin Zong would come to officially accept the Fenyan Palace tomorrow, and the elder Taishang was happy and relieved.

He was not in the mood to gossip with them, and asked Qi Kong to walk out of the hall, pointing at the hall on the side of Elder Qian, and said angrily: "Qi Kong, hurry up and find a few girls for me!"    Qi Kong understands his heart Feeling good, persuaded: "Sect Master, bear with the calm for a while, don't be angry! Women, there will be any time, the subordinates will do it for you!"

After speaking, he went down, and Li Ming returned to his Sect Master Hall. Soon Qi Kong brought twelve young women with enchanting looks and angry figures. Li Ming's eyes lit up, emitting a strong beast. , Desire, not wordy, told the twelve women to strip their clothes off, he rushed up like a wolf, Qi Kong turned around to leave, Li Ming lifted his head from a woman's chest and said, "Qi Kong, Don't go out, let's go together!"

Qi Kong was overjoyed in his eyes. This is the first time. It seems that Li Ming has completely regarded himself as a confidant. He had driven himself out before, but this time he was going to play women with him. As the saying goes, What is the most ironic relationship? Sleeping women together!

He's not polite. In fact, he wanted to get on these twelve women a long time ago. He just kept thinking about leaving it to Liming. He didn't dare to drink any soup for fear of making Liming unhappy. Now Liming let him be with him. On it, how could he be polite, and fight with Li Ming...

The next day’s dawn, Qin Zong’s people rushed to the Fenyan Palace. They seemed a little impatient. This is understandable. Qin Zong and Li Tianzong have always been in a hostile state, but there has never been a subordinate. Betrayed and changed to another faction, but today is a good start. The Fenyan Palace is the second largest sect under the Heavenly Sect. It is of great significance to admit them. This is equivalent to telling other sects that Qinzong has the upper hand. , Li Tianzong is no longer good, with the first one, naturally there will be a second and a third, and there will be more and more in the future.

Therefore, Qin Zong attaches great importance to this first ceremony to take refuge in Qin Zong. In order to express Qin Zong’s attitude, Qin Zong’s sovereign came personally this time, which made Li Ming feel flattered. While waiting for Qin Zong’s arrival, He gratefully looked at the elder Qian who stood a little forward next to him, thinking that the woman sent last night was worth it. He doesn't feel distressed anymore.

He thought those women were the most ecstasy for men in the world, but compared with the twelve women that Qi Kongxin brought last night, he felt that the first few women were nothing but this, and there were more women and more. The delicacy is waiting for him to enjoy. There is no grudge in his heart now, and the jealousy in his heart has long since become the aftertaste of the beautiful body of last night.

After receiving the people from Qin Zong, Li Ming welcomed everyone into the Sect Master Hall. Qin Zong's overlord was a middle-aged man who was not tall, dressed in Confucian robes, looked like a scholar, and had an extremely strong cultivation base. People dare not look directly.

As a traditional rule, Qinzong’s suzerain sat on the throne that originally belonged to Liming, and then the elders of Qinzong separated on both sides, while the people of Fenyan Palace stood on the temple under the throne under the leadership of Liming. There is a huge incense table in front of which is placed tributes such as incense candles dedicated to heaven and earth.

After the ceremony, even if the relationship was officially established, from then on, Fenyan Palace became a member of Qinzong's family. Qinzong's lord stood up, stepped off the throne, and came to Li Ming and the others with a calm expression: "Welcome everyone to join my Qin Sect, and guard each other in the future, and share the joys and sorrows together!"

The people in Liming and waiting for the Burning Yan Palace cheered, calling Qin Zong's mighty domineering!

The master of Qinzong gave an order to the elders of Qinzong, and Ma passed the Qinwang order of Qinzong and sent an edict to the world, and Fenyan Palace was attached to Qinzong.

This is the rule of the past. Any sect that belongs to a major sect will be told to the world so that everyone can know their relationship.

"Haha, Qin Zong stretched his hands too long, right? You dare to come and leave Tianzong to run wild!" At this moment, there was a cold drink in the sky, and everyone in the hall looked surprised. They were from Tianzong. When the people came, Li Ming was a little nervous. Although he had already belonged to Qinzong, his awe of Li Tianzong still made him unable to relax completely.

Sect Master Qin snorted coldly, and his bookishness disappeared in an instant. Taking a strong fighting spirit, he rushed out of the hall and stood on the square outside. The others also rushed out, Li Ming made a move. With a wink, the people of Fenyan Palace are hiding behind. This is a contest between Qin Sect and Li Tianzong. Fenyan Palace should not dare to be the first bird, otherwise there is no need to belong to Qin Sect, not just to find them. As a shield?

On the opposite side, the people from Li Tianzong walked over, and they were unblocked and unstoppable entering the Fenyan Palace.

The gray-robed old man walked in the forefront, looked at Sect Master Qin coldly, and said, "Xiao Xuan, you are not brave enough, dare to come and leave Tianzong to run wild!"

Qin Sect Sect Master Xiao Xuan sneered: "Lv Chang, what are you talking about? Now I officially tell you that Fenyan Palace has belonged to my Qin Sect. This is no longer where you left Tianzong, so I can't leave it! "

Lv Chang, the lord of Li Tianzong laughed, "Isn’t the place where I left Tianzong? Very good! Fenyan Palace is not uncommon. You Qinzong likes to pick up trash. Lu has no opinion, then we will come. Said, it’s a death crime for the Burning Palace under your door to dare to move my Li Tianzong people. If you want to protect him, then you will officially start a war with Li Tianzong. Qin Zong has to think carefully about whether it’s a rubbish. worth it!"

"It's worth it! Burning Yan Palace is not rubbish, but a member of Qin Zong. Since Qin Zong has accepted him, he must protect him. Otherwise, will there be other sects who dare to belong to Qin Zong in the future?"

Xiao Xuan sneered. This time he did not hesitate to fight Li Tianzong but also to protect the Fenyan Palace. This situation can only be solved by fighting!

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