Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1651: Qi Kong's decision!

Lu Chang looked cold, and a battle with Qin Zong was inevitable!

Both sides have their own considerations. Qin Zong must keep the Fenyan Palace. It is equal to the status of Tianzong and Qin Zong. They have always maintained a balanced situation. No one took advantage of the loss, and the grievances were deep.

This time, Fenyan Palace offended Li Tianzong and had to seek shelter from Qin Zong, which made Qin Zong see the hope of winning Li Tianzong. For a long time, the sects under the hands of both sides have not seen such betrayal by Fenyan Palace. As long as there is the first one, there will be a second and third. As long as Qin Zong keeps the Burning Flame Palace this time, it is equivalent to releasing a message to the sect under Li Tianzong’s hands. Qin Zong can protect everyone. If you want to betray Li Tianzong, just betray.

As long as the forces of Litianzong are slowly annexed, Qinzong will rise to the next level, and then there will be capital to bargain with the overlord Han Pozong on this site, at least the treatment will be greatly improved. .

There are more considerations from Tianzong than Qinzong, and the crisis is even greater. If Qinzong cannot be defeated and driven away today, and Fenyan Palace is brought to justice, the days of leaving Tianzong will be very sad. The sect under his staff will wait and see, and will be dissatisfied. If Fenyan Palace takes the lead, there will be a second Fenyan Palace and more people will vote for Qinzong!

Therefore, even if Li Tianzong pays a high price today, he must leave the Burning Flame Palace, otherwise there will be big troubles in the future!

Following the orders of Lu Chang and Xiao Xuan, both parties are ready to fight. As long as they give an order, this battle will be inevitable!

Lu Chang signaled that the people on his side were not in a hurry, but made a suggestion to Xiao Xuan: "Xiao Xuan, the old man has a suggestion. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties on both sides, it is better to make gestures. You win us. Go, you lose and you leave!"

Xiao Xuan's eyes dazzled, and he nodded and said, "Okay, according to what you said."

Both parties did have scruples in their hearts. Lu Chang's suggestion was in line with Xiao Xuan's intentions. Both sides were unwilling to have large-scale casualties. After all, everyone's enemies were not just each other. Other sects of the same level wished that they would lose both.

So heads-up is the best way to determine the outcome!

The so-called thunder is heavy and the rain is small, which is now the scene!

On the square, Lu Chang and Xiao Xuan were singled out, and the others retreated to a distance, not daring to approach them. Ordinary people could not bear the battle at their level, and they would become unjust dead if they were not careful.

Lu Chang was obviously more composed than Xiao Xuan. Xiao Xuan moved his hand without saying a word. Lu Chang calmly responded. The two sides fought together, and it was difficult to separate for a while.

Li Ming and Qi Kong stood together, and Li Ming said worriedly: "Qi Kong, who do you think will win?"

Qi Kong smiled and said, "Of course it is Sect Master Xiao! We have to have confidence in him!"

Li Ming nodded, the worries in his eyes did not go away, he suddenly felt very sad and pitiful, so small, his own sect needs someone to control it, and Lu Chang and Xiao Xuan's battle was for him. He couldn't be happy. When would he be able to reach such a realm and control the life and death of other people?

The battle between Xiao Xuan and Lu Chang lasted only half an hour, and the aftermath of the battle disappeared. On the square, Lu Chang and Xiao Xuan were suddenly separated. Lu Chang looked at Xiao Xuan solemnly, and Xiao Xuan had recovered from a scholarly scholar. appearance.

The people on both sides held their breath, not knowing how the battle was going, Li Ming looked at Xiao Xuan with hope in his eyes, and said to Qi Kong beside him, "Who did you say won?"

Qi Kong observed carefully, and believed himself: "Of course it is Sect Master Xiao, you see that he is calm and relaxed, like a okay person, he must have won!"

At this time, Lu Chang said: "I didn't expect you to improve again!"

As soon as his words came out, people on Qin Zong's side immediately cheered and kissed, and Li Ming and others from Fenyan Palace were so excited that tears were streaming out, and the crisis of extinction was finally over!

Xiao Xuan replied at this time: "Although I have improved, I am still not as good as you. I lost this game! Qin Zong will leave!"

After speaking, he spit out a mouthful of blood, his expression was instantly pale, and he said to Qin Zong's humanity: "Let's go! The inside of the Burning Flame Palace belongs to us again!"

The people of Qin Zong only knew that Xiao Xuan was defeated, and got up one after another. When Xiao Xuan turned around and looked at Lu Chang before leaving, he said coldly: "Lv Chang, this time you win, you will definitely change it next time!"

Lu Chang looked as usual and said: "Teach anytime!"

"Huh!" Xiao Xuan left with an angry expression. He actually lost this battle. He was full of confidence. He has improved. It shouldn't be a problem to defeat Lu Chang. Who knows that Lu Chang has made more progress than him. After I go back, I will practice hard, and I will find the face I lost today!

"Sect Master Xiao..." Liming was extremely anxious, Qin Zong actually lost. He was so happy just now, but now he is refreshing his heart, knowing that the painful day is coming!

Xiao Xuan glanced at him, then turned around, and quickly went away. The sadness and helplessness in Li Ming's heart, the other side looked at him like an ant, and was abandoned by the other side at will.

He was so angry, what is he? What are the tens of thousands of disciples in Fenyan Palace?

The weak are like ants, let the strong kill them!

He has the most profound understanding of this sentence at this moment!

As soon as Qin Zong’s people left, the people in Fenyan Palace exploded the pot. Everyone knew that their life and death are now in the hands of Li Tianzong. A word from Lu Chang can determine that they should continue to live. , Or die immediately!

Li Ming is also a man, knowing that he is bound to die, and he simply spared it. Since he is about to die, there is no need to respect the people of Li Tianzong as he did before. Today, he will be himself, one who dares to roar. People!

He pointed to Lu Chang and shouted: "Lu Chang, kill if you want to kill. I will never frown when I Liming. Even if my Fenyan Palace is dead today, I will drag many of you from the Heavenly Sect to bury you. !"

Lu Chang looked at him like an idiot, just about to give orders to the people of Li Tianzong, and suddenly Qi Kong said in a loud voice: "Sect Master Lu, please calm down, we Fenyan Palace never meant to fight Li Tianzong! Everything is a Liming idea! It has nothing to do with us!"

Li Ming looked at Qi Kong in anger. He never expected that the first person to oppose him would be the one he trusted the most!

At this time, the other people in the Fenyan Palace also screamed, asking Li Tianzong for forgiveness one by one, saying that all these were Li Ming's ideas and had nothing to do with him!

Lu Chang squinted his eyes, and the people in Fenyan Palace started a civil strife. He was watching a good show, but it was a pity that Fenyan Palace was actually destroyed.

He said coldly: "Liming, are you convicted?"

Li Ming is now rebelling against his relatives, and his heart is cold, and he sighs the impermanence of the world. Before, he still supported his own gangs, but now they are all responsible for their own faults and betrayed themselves without hesitation!

Especially Qi Kong, the hatred in his heart, if he had not listened to Qi Kong's slander, how could he end up like this?

Thinking of this, he ignored Lu Chang. Anyway, it was death. He didn't need to respect Lu Chang anymore. He just wanted to kill Qi Kong before he died to vent his hatred!

He suddenly rushed towards Qi Kong, his face was extremely savage, and his eyes were full of hatred!

Seeing him suddenly killing himself, Qi Kong didn't panic at all. It seemed that he was not afraid of Liming, but instead showed a sneer.

Li Mingzheng felt strange. Suddenly the aura in his body suddenly disappeared. He just leaped two meters in front of Qi Kong's body and threw himself to the ground. Looking inside the dantian, he found a green glow appeared in the sea of ​​qi. The ravages made his aura become depressed, and he couldn't burst out anyhow!

He looked at Qi Kong in anger and said, "What did you do to me?"

Qi Kong sneered and said: "I'm sorry, one of the women you had fun with has already been poisoned last night. You have absorbed her yin. As long as you run the aura, it will cause the poisonous gas to rebound! Now you and the waste person have nothing to do. What's the difference! And I did this for the survival of thousands of disciples of the Burning Flame Palace, I'm really sorry!"

Li Ming was furious, he never thought that Qi Kong was so insidious, he had already counted himself!

Qi Kong didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and slapped his head to pieces with a palm, and then bowed down to Lu Chang respectfully...

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