Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2007 Do you dare to touch her?

Chu Qingqiu said calmly: "I checked it myself yesterday and there is no problem."

Next to him, Zhu Qingtan spoke in a deep voice.

"The scale of this beast wave is relatively large among the medium-sized ones."

"The total number of monsters is about 100,000, and there are more than 10,000 monsters in the outer world."

"Among them, there are about one or two hundred that have reached the ninth level of the outer world."

"And there are about ten monsters that have reached the Martial God realm."

Everyone was relieved when they heard that it was of medium size.

The medium scale means that the Divine Sword Sect can resist it.

And if it is the world-destroying level.

Then the nine major sects in the southern border must join forces to have any hope of resistance.

Even the nine major sects may not be opponents!

Chu Qingqiu said in a deep voice: "Although it is medium-sized, it is almost approaching the limit of medium-sized. It also puts great pressure on our Divine Sword Sect, so everyone must do your best and work together!"

Then, she made the arrangements.

This time Chu Qingqiu personally led the team, and there were also four red-robed elders and a total of ninety-six green-robed elders.

Each red-robed elder leads twenty-four green-robed elders.

After making the distribution, she faced everyone and said solemnly.

"Everyone, follow me and fight to the death!"

Everyone roared for a moment

"Fight to the death!"

After that, Chu Qingqiu took the lead and flew towards the northern mountains.

Everyone did not hesitate at all and followed her one after another, moving forward without hesitation.

Fighting against monsters and protecting the human race is the natural mission of cultivators like them, and they cannot be evaded!

But those who run away from the battle and avoid the battle will be killed without mercy!

This is an iron law in all human sects, and no one dares to violate it!

It's just that no one dares to violate it on the surface, but what happens in private is unknown.

Many people were silent and had their own secrets.

Many disciples in the Divine Sword Sect only know a little about these things.

After all, the upper echelons of the sect would not specifically tell them about this kind of thing, so as not to cause unnecessary panic.

Therefore, everything is still calm in the Divine Sword Sect.

Ye Xinghe knew a little more, and he was quite worried about He Zhihai

Instead, He Sixuan grinned and said, "The old man is very shrewd. He has never had any trouble in these years. Don't worry!"

"Besides, even if the sky falls, the sect leader and the red-robed elders are still holding it up, so it won't crush him!"

Ye Xinghe shook his head and smiled bitterly.

This girl has such a big heart!

However, he knew that it was useless to think about it, so he suppressed his mood.

In the next few days, Ye Xinghe practiced hard, solidified his foundation, and digested what he had gained before.

In his spare time, he took out the first form of the Qinglian Sword Technique, Qinglian Destroy the World, and studied it carefully.

Although he has made some progress, his current strength is still unable to withstand the huge pressure of the inheritance of the Qinglian Sword Art.

However, the time spent inside has changed from the previous ten breaths to twenty breaths.

On this day, Ye Xinghe was practicing.

Suddenly he raised his head and looked outside.

After a while, a figure came to the door of the cave.

But it was Zhang Hongyuan.

He looked panicked and said loudly: "Senior brother, something serious has happened!"

"What's up!"

Ye Xinghe was shocked and stood up suddenly.

Although Zhang Hongyuan has average talent, his strength is also relatively poor.

But Ye Xinghe was thinking about the past and always supported him.

He is now at the third level of the Outer World Realm.

Moreover, many of Ye Xinghe's chores were left to him, and Zhang Hongyuan handled them safely.

He knew that Zhang Hongyuan had a calm temper.

At this time, when he said something big was not going to happen, it must mean that something very important had happened.

Zhang Hongyuan took a deep breath and said loudly: "Senior brother, please go to the life and death platform quickly, Senior Sister He is afraid that it will not work!"


Ye Xinghe felt a pain in his heart.

The aura on his body exploded, and between his brows, a violent aura condensed and formed in an instant.

He said sternly: "What's going on? Why did Senior Sister suddenly come to the stage of life and death, and who seriously injured her!"

With that said, he strode out.

Zhang Hongyuan followed and explained hurriedly.

It turns out that someone came to challenge He Sixuan today.

He Sixuan originally didn't want to accept the challenge, but the man didn't know what he said, which greatly irritated her.

After He Sixuan went to the stage of life and death, she found that her opponent was surprisingly strong.

The man had actually hidden his realm before, and was accidentally injured directly, struggling to hold on.

Zhang Hongyuan knew about the deep relationship between Ye Xinghe and He Sixuan and hurriedly came to report to him.

Soon, Ye Xinghe and the two came to the stage of life and death.

And the moment he arrived.

Just when he saw a fiery red figure, he screamed.

Immediately afterwards, he was directly hit hard and fell towards the platform of life and death.

But her opponent was a short, thin man in black, who was particularly vulgar.

But it seemed that he didn't want to let her go and let her fall easily.

After the verdict, he can no longer kill!

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a huge suction force came and sucked He Sixuan back directly.

He sneered sinisterly and said: "Little bitch, it doesn't feel good to have your cultivation ruined!"

There was a lustful look in his eyes.

"Didn't you look down on me before? Didn't you mock me? Didn't you say that I wasn't worthy of you?"

"Now that your cultivation has been abolished, He Zhihai can't protect you anymore."

"Haha, let me see what you do in the future. I will turn you into my slave and humiliate you every day. I will make you endure the greatest humiliation in the world and live like a dog!"

"This is what you will get for treating me like that, you bitch!"

As he said that, he was actually on this stage of life and death, and directly grabbed He Sixuan with one hand.

It seems that my desire is so high that I can no longer hold it in!

"What! Senior sister has been deprived of her cultivation, and she is still being humiliated like this in public!"

When Ye Xinghe came here, he happened to see this scene.

In an instant, his eyes were like fire shooting out of his eyes, and murderous intent arose in the sky.

He roared violently: "Stop!"

Then the wretched man saw a figure, suddenly came to the stage of life and death, and directly knocked him away.

He took a dozen steps back and looked at this scene in horror.

At this time, Ye Xinghe was already holding He Sixuan in his arms.

He Sixuan's breath was weak at this time.

She looked at Ye Xinghe, and her face, which had always been cheerful and sunny, revealed unspeakable pain and despair.

Tears welled up in his eyes.

She said in a trembling voice: "Ye Xinghe, they insulted you. I was so angry that I went to the stage of life and death. I'm sorry, Junior Brother Ye, for causing you trouble." Ye Xinghe was even more heartbroken.

Only then did he realize that He Sixuan had already had feelings for him during such a long time together.

It occupies a very special place in his heart.

And her seemingly carefree temperament

At this time, they were all seriously injured, but they were thinking of nothing else but causing trouble for themselves. He gritted his teeth, but forced a smile on his face, and held her in his arms.

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