Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2008: War

He whispered in her ear: "Senior sister, you are not a problem. I can solve these problems. Don't think about anything else and rest peacefully."

"Don't worry, I will definitely avenge you today, and I will definitely make them pay the price!"

"I will definitely cure you from now on, so you don't need to worry at all!"

He suddenly stood up and stood in front of He Sixuan.

He turned around and said softly: "Senior sister, let me protect you now!"

Somehow, He Sixuan saw his tall back.

Suddenly I felt indescribably peaceful and comfortable in my heart.

She suddenly lost the fear and despair she felt before.

"Have you two talked about love enough? This is the stage of life and death, not a place for talking about love!"

The law enforcement hall elder next to him said coldly.

Ye Xinghe glanced at him lightly and said nothing.

He just straightened up and looked at the wretched man opposite.

There was a jealous and grudge expression on the wretched man's face.

He sneered: "I didn't expect that this little bitch actually likes someone like you!"

He looked at Ye Xinghe.

"You're unfamiliar, I've never seen him before, he must be a newcomer!"

"Haha, this little bitch has really bad taste. She likes such a useless newcomer!"

Ye Xinghe looked at him with calm eyes.

It was a look that looked like a dead person, which made the wretched man extremely unhappy.

He said viciously: "Boy, since you came up, you should die too!"

Ye Xinghe suddenly looked at him and asked lightly: "Your name is Zhang Haotian, right."

Just now he was in the audience and heard someone calling his name.

Zhang Haotian was stunned for a moment, nodded and said: "Yes, it's me!"

Full of provocation.

Ye Xinghe looked at the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall and said something simply and neatly.

"I want to challenge Zhang Haotian!"

The elder of the Law Enforcement Hall nodded.

"Yes, according to the sect's rules, low-level disciples challenge high-level disciples, and the weak fights the strong. The other party is not allowed to refuse!"

"Dare you challenge me, Zhang Haotian? I didn't expect you to be so arrogant!"

He sneered and looked at the people in the audience.

"You heard me right, this newcomer wants to challenge me!"

"Is he crazy to challenge me, a senior disciple who has been practicing for 190 years and whose strength has reached the peak of the seventh level of the outer world?"

But at this time, a voice suddenly sounded from the audience.

"Zhang Haotian, go down, his opponent is me!"

Then, someone came to the stage.

He was quite handsome, tall, and had a confident smile on his face.

Seeing him speak, Zhang Haotian seemed a little reluctant.

He said dissatisfiedly, "Li Hengguang, this is my opponent. With his little strength, you don't need to take action. I can just deal with him."

Li Hengguang said coldly: "Have you forgotten what the elder told you? A lion must do its best to fight a rabbit. This time, there is no room for failure!" Hearing him lift the elder out to suppress him.

Only then did Zhang Haotian snort angrily, not daring to argue any more, and walked off the stage.

Before going to the stage of life and death, he pointed at Ye Xinghe and said in a dark voice: "You are lucky, you didn't fall into my hands!"

Obviously, they didn't take Ye Xinghe seriously at all.

At this time, everyone is vying to choose Ye Xinghe as their opponent and use him to establish their authority!

Li Hengguang looked at Ye Xinghe with a relaxed expression and lowered his voice.

"Boy, you've provoked someone you shouldn't have provoked. Just accept your fate. Today will be your death anniversary next year!"

Zhang Haotian was in the audience, looking complacent and unconvinced, staring at Ye Xinghe sinisterly.

"It was only when Li Hengguang opened his mouth that I gave you to him."

"Little bastard, if I take action, you will definitely die in a miserable way!"

Everyone in the audience also burst into laughter.

These people are all new faces, basically they have never appeared in the sect before.

It turns out that they are basically senior disciples.

He usually practices with his elders and doesn't interfere much with the internal affairs of the sect.

Moreover, their levels are quite high, and they don’t bother to get to know these new disciples and ordinary disciples.

Therefore, they don’t know much about Ye Xinghe’s reputation.

They had only roughly heard that the sect had a new young talent.

But since he didn’t know it was Ye Xinghe, even if he knew, he wouldn’t care.

Ye Xinghe's heart suddenly brightened.

"It turns out that he came for me!"

The other party's behavior was clearly a trap set with He Sixuan as bait.

Waiting for him to go to the stage of life and death, waiting for him to challenge.

And the opponent's decisive blow is actually Li Hengguang!

Thinking of this, Ye Xinghe felt even more guilty towards He Sixuan.

I know that I have caused her trouble!

"Sister, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to save you!"

He thought to himself.

"But the most important thing now is"

He suddenly straightened up and stared at Li Hengguang in front of him, murderous intent surging!

Seeing Ye Xinghe's reaction, Li Hengguang sneered.

"It's useless to be angry. Your strength is too low. You are not on the same level as us at all!"

He held out a finger.

"With one move, I can kill you!"

Ye Xinghe spoke slowly at this time.

"Are you done talking nonsense? That's it!"

A roar suddenly burst out from his throat.

The long-suppressed murderous intention and fierce emotions burst out!

The nameless broken sword came out of the body, and the sword of annihilation suddenly activated!

Ye Xinghe was so full of murderous intent at this moment that he didn't even bother to take care of anything else.

He directly used his strongest move, a giant five-kilometer-long sword energy, and suppressed it hard!

Li Hengguang's ridicule just now was still frozen on his face.

At this moment, he shouted in horror: "This move, how can this move be so powerful!"

He tried his best to use all his trump cards, but to no avail.

The Sword of Annihilation destroyed all his defenses, and then slashed hard on his body.

Just smash it into a ball of minced meat!

Even the life-and-death platform was shaken by a burst of light as it was slashed by this giant sword!

This life and death platform was almost cut into two pieces!

Silence, deathly silence in the whole place.

At this moment, these arrogant senior disciples.

Finally saw Ye Xinghe's strength and fear.

At this time, Ye Xinghe pointed his finger at Zhang Haotian in the audience.

He said coldly: "Just now, we made a bet on the life and death table, but it hasn't been completed yet. Now it's your turn!"

Zhang Haotian suddenly came back to his senses and shivered violently.

Looking at Ye Xinghe's cold eyes, an unspeakable fear arose in his heart.

How could he not know at this moment that Ye Xinghe's strength was so terrifying!

She even thought about how seriously she had injured He Sixuan, and was afraid that he would hate her so much that he would kill her!

At this moment, he didn't have any arrogance at all. He let out a scream of terror and ran away.

Can you escape?

Ye Xinghe gritted his teeth and activated the Feiyun Divine Step, instantly increasing his speed by three times.

In the blink of an eye, he came behind Zhang Haotian and threw him onto the stage of life and death. Then his figure flashed and followed him.

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