Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2009 I don’t want to

The sword that breaks the soul and the sword that breaks the move were launched one after another.

Zhang Haotian's soul was severely damaged, and he covered his head and screamed miserably.

Ye Xinghe swung his sword and his head was directly cut off.

Ye Xinghe killed two people in an instant!

At this time, a green-robed elder suddenly arrived.

He was wearing the robe of the Law Enforcement Hall and looked very majestic.

When he arrived, he had a smug smile on his face and was very calm.

But when he saw the body of Li Hengguang, who died miserably under the high platform.

He was stunned for a moment.

"How is it possible? How could Li Hengguang die with such strength?"

"He is the sure-kill move I arranged!"

He looked up suddenly and saw.

At this moment on the life and death stage, the scene of Ye Xinghe's attack!

Under his hands, Zhang Haotian didn't even last a single move and was directly killed!

This kid's strength is so strong!

At this time, the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall came back to his senses.

Ye Xinghe killed two people in a flash.

When Ye Xinghe killed Li Hengguang, he was completely shocked.

After coming to his senses, he thought of the man's instructions and felt cold in his heart.

He shouted in shock: "Ye Xinghe, you dare to kill senior disciples of the sect and break the sect's rules. You are simply looking for death!"

Ye Xinghe sneered: "Why didn't you stop them when they humiliated and seriously injured my senior sister just now!"

"Why didn't you stop them when they thought they would win and killed me at will!"

"Now that I have won, you come out and say such things, right!"

The elder of the Law Enforcement Institute flushed red and was angry.

He shouted: "Boy, you dare to talk to me like this, you are looking for death!"

After that, he flew out like a big eagle.

From top to bottom, he slapped Ye Xinghe fiercely.

In addition to the mighty power, the strength of the peak of the eighth level of the outer world realm was fully revealed.

Moreover, he did not hold back, this move was actually to kill Ye Xinghe directly!

Ye Xinghe laughed loudly, and the sword in his hand pointed forward.

The elder of the Law Enforcement Hall was even more furious.

"I am the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, you dare to attack the elder of the sect!"

Ye Xinghe's laughter resounded between heaven and earth.

"Even if it is an elder, if you dare to stop me, I will kill you!"

The next moment, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and he was seriously injured and directly used the sword of annihilation again!

The huge sword energy fell fiercely.

The elder of the Law Enforcement Hall did not expect that Ye Xinghe could still use a move.

Such a powerful magical power!

He exclaimed and shouted: "You, you still have spare energy!"

Ye Xinghe was obviously under a heavy burden at this time.

He vomited blood repeatedly, felt the power in his body rapidly fading, and his eyes went black.

The feeling of dying actually surged up.

He knew very well that using the sword of annihilation twice in a row had greatly consumed his essence.

But he had no regrets!

Ye Xinghe gritted his teeth and continued to wield the sword fiercely.

Amid the shrill screams, the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall was also chopped to pieces!

Killing three people in a row!

At this time, the senior disciples who saw this scene were dumbfounded.

"My God, is this still a newcomer!"

"This is too violent and too strong!"

"Not only did he kill Senior Brother Zhang Haotian and Li Hengguang, but he also killed the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall!"

"What a strong character and what a terrifying strength!"

"Among our senior disciples, there are only ten who can beat him!"

Seeing this scene, the green-robed elder who came later was not angry but happy.

He flew up and roared.

"I am Xie Yuanqiao, a senior elder of the Law Enforcement Hall. Ye Xinghe, you dared to kill your fellow disciples and the elders of the Law Enforcement Hall. You are unforgivable!"

"I will now announce that you will be expelled from the sect and killed on the spot!"

As he said this, he came directly in front of Ye Xinghe and slapped him with one palm.

He didn't even give Ye Xinghe time to react, and was about to kill him on the spot!

Ye Xinghe felt that after this palm strike, there seemed to be nothing else in front of him.

In the whole world, there was only himself and this majestic middle-aged man with a sinister smile.

He suddenly felt that the other party had assimilated part of the world with himself.

This is the power of heaven and earth.

This man was actually a master of the Martial God Mirror!

Ye Xinghe was completely powerless to resist this master of the Martial God Realm.

Not to mention, he was now seriously injured and could only close his eyes and wait for death!

Ye Xinghe gritted his teeth and instantly grasped an object in the withered vine bracelet.

He was ready to use one of his trump cards!

But at this moment, suddenly a green light shot from the distant sky like a meteor.

Instantly crossed a distance of tens of thousands of meters and killed Xie Yuanqiao's eyebrows.

Xie Yuanqiao's whole body was instantly cold, and a sense of death enveloped him.

He felt that if he didn't dodge or retreat, this blow would cost him his life!

"Who is this guy who is so terrible!"

This thought flashed through his mind, and he retreated quickly.

Ye Xinghe stood there unharmed.

Then he saw that the green light was a jade hairpin.

It was floating a hundred meters in front of him, floating up and down.

This jade hairpin looked very familiar to Ye Xinghe.

After a while, Chu Qingqiu and others arrived.

When they set out, there were more than a hundred people.

And only thirty or forty came back this time.

Moreover, everyone is injured, looks ugly, and is obviously in a very bad mood. What is going on?

Chu Qingqiu glanced at him and asked coldly.

Ye Xinghe explained the incident lightly.

Chu Qingqiu looked at Xie Yuanqiao, murderous intent suddenly flashed in his eyes.

She said coldly.

"Your people attacked He Sixuan. He Sixuan is the orphan adopted by He Zhihai. You know it."

Xie Yuanqiao hurriedly defended: "Sir, the whole story is like this."

"I won't listen to your excuses. Everyone knows what's going on!"

Chu Qingqiu interrupted him directly.

"I'm just asking you, did your people attack He Sixuan?"

"Did you beat her seriously and destroy her cultivation?"

Xie Yuanqiao was silent for a moment and nodded.

"It's exactly what the sect master said!"

Everyone is a sensible person, but his excuses are more likely to offend others.

Chu Qingqiu turned to look at Ye Xinghe.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

The sect leader asked calmly.

Ye Xinghe gritted his teeth, looked calmly, and slowly said five words.

"I want his life!"

The scene suddenly burst into low jeers.

"This Ye Xinghe is so naive. Who does he think he is? He just wants to thank Yuan Qiao for his life!"

But soon, his laughter died down.

They could feel that there was thunder brewing and erupting under Ye Xinghe's flat lake!

And it seems that the sect leader is seriously considering this matter.

After a moment, Chu Qingqiu said softly: "I will punish him by breaking off one of his arms and facing the wall for three years. Are you willing?"

"I don't want to!" Two "I don't want to!" sounded almost at the same time.

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