Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2015 Ye Xinghe is nothing more than that

Qian Zehai said: "Inquiring about information is what I at the Sihai Chamber of Commerce are good at."

"Don't worry, sir, I will definitely bring you the exact news tomorrow!"

"As for whether to buy it or not, don't say such nonsense. Selling these two pieces of information to others may cost more than 100,000 Xuanhuang coins, but I'm giving it to you, so don't refuse!"

Ye Xinghe was not polite either.

Qian Zehai arranged for Ye Xinghe to rest in a quiet room and hurried out

In fact, Qian Zehai rushed over in the evening of that day without waiting until tomorrow.

He said with admiration on his face: "Young Master Ye, you are really amazing, you can even guess the traces of Lingyun Sword Sect!"

"You are right. According to the information given by our spies from the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce near Lingyun Sword Sect, the entire Lingyun Sword Sect was on alert about half a month ago."

"Most of the powerful elders and disciples all retreated to the Sword Sect, and then someone saw them heading in various directions deep into the Great Sumeru Mountains."

He paused.

"And during this period, the Lingyun Sword Party's demand for various spiritual herbs and elixirs has increased by 90%."

"The demand for elixirs, especially healing elixirs, has tripled!"

"But they gave the major chambers of commerce a large amount of monster skins, inner elixirs, meat, bones, etc. for sale."

"So the internal inference of the Chamber of Commerce is that the Lingyun Sword Sect must have encountered a large-scale beast tide, with heavy casualties, and most of the powerful disciples are in the sect!"

Ye Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sure enough, my inference was correct!"

"Even the Divine Sword Sect is facing such a huge crisis of beasts, and the Lingyun Sword Sect cannot be alone!"

When Chu Qingqiu and others went to fight against the beast tide, Ye Xinghe had some ideas in his mind.

The Lingyun Sword Sect is located closer to the Great Sumeru Mountains than the Divine Sword Sect.

To be precise, their mountain gate is deep in the Great Sumeru Mountains, and they can single-handedly suppress monsters within a million miles.

The Divine Sword Sect has all been affected by the beast tide, and it is impossible for the Lingyun Sword Sect not to be without it.

This inference is the premise for all his next actions!

If this inference is not true, then he will immediately return to the Divine Sword Sect and no longer go out to take risks.

Now the answer Qian Zehai gave him made him feel refreshed.

"If this is the case, then my plan can be implemented!"

He suddenly stood up and looked into the distance.

"I've given you so much time to prepare, don't let me down!"

After that, he turned around and walked out.

However, he left through the back door of the auction house.

He also put on a large black cloak to hide his face, as if he was afraid of being recognized by others, and quickly disappeared.

However, just a moment after he left, a figure quickly left on a street corner in the distance.

After a cup of tea, in a secluded residence nearby, several people were having a heated argument.

"Wu Chuanzhe, why are you becoming less and less courageous? You're just a Divine Sword Sect, what's there to be afraid of!"

A tall, fair-skinned man said disdainfully.

"There are only three of us near this Divine Sword Sect!"

Wu Chuanzhe said cautiously: "Senior Brother Zhao, should we be cautious and wait a moment?"

"Be careful, when did my disciples of Lingyun Sword Sect become so cowardly!"

Zhao Kunjie snorted coldly.

"Although there are only three of us, I am at the pinnacle of the eighth level. You two are both at the eighth level. If the three of us fight against one, why can't we still be his opponent?"

"As long as we kill him quickly and leave quickly, the Divine Sword Sect will not be able to catch us."

The disciple next to him, named Yan Daiyun, was also a little worried at this time.

"Senior Brother Zhao, even Jiang Hanlong, who was at the eighth level, was killed by him before!"

"Jiang Hanlong is nothing!"

Zhao Kunjie snorted disdainfully.

"He is famous because he is young and has this level of cultivation. In fact, he has only been at the peak of the eighth level for how long, three months?"

"I have been at the peak of the eighth level for five full years, and I am much stronger than him!"

Wu Chuanzhe and Yan Daiyun both nodded, admitting this.

Zhao Kunjie said again: "What's more, when he killed Jiang Hanlong, he didn't rely on his true skills at all, but a sneak attack."

He smiled coldly.

"If I were to confront him, I could easily kill him. What the hell!"

He was jealous and disdainful of Ye Xinghe's reputation at such a young age.

Wu Chuanzhe and Yan Daiyun looked at each other, nodded, and said nothing more.

They also felt that what Zhao Kunjie said made sense and that they might have been too cautious before.

It was already dark, and a figure in a black cloak was speeding towards the Great Sumeru Mountains, seemingly in a hurry to enter the mountains.

Suddenly, three sword lights shot out quickly.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of miles have been covered.

The three sword lights grew bigger and bigger in the air.

Each of them actually turned into a giant sword that was a hundred meters long, and was inserted into the hard rock.

A simple sword formation was formed directly, surrounding the man in black cloak.

Above the three long swords, the light shines brightly.

The tiny sword energy continuously circulated among the three giant swords, forming a huge cover.

The man in black cloak was trapped inside and unable to get out.

He rushed left and right, rushed inside several times, and then took out the long sword in his hand and slashed it down.

They are unable to break through this huge light shield.

He seemed to be extremely anxious, and the tattered half-sword in his hand kept cutting off.

But it's all in vain!

At this time, a disdainful sneer came from the darkness.

"They say Ye Xinghe is so powerful and he is the most powerful talent of the younger generation. I think he is nothing more than that!"

"We can't even break through the three-talented sword formation formed by the three of us. It's embarrassing!"

After the words fell, the three people slowly walked out.

Under the light of that sword, it was Zhao Kunjie and the other three!

They were wearing Lingyun Sword Sect robes and their faces were full of arrogance.

Zhao Kunjie proudly turned to Wu Chuanzhe beside him.

"Let me tell you, this guy is of average strength. Look, he can't even break through our Three Talents Sword Formation!"

Wu Chuanzhe nodded repeatedly.

"Senior Brother Zhao's prediction is indeed extremely accurate. This boy has indeed exaggerated."

Several people had expressions of contempt on their faces.

At this time, the man in the black cloak lowered his voice and said: "What are you going to do? I have no enmity or enmity with you, so you disciples of the Lingyun Sword Sect can do whatever you want!"

"Okay, stop pretending!"

Zhao Kunjie laughed and exposed him directly.

"Ye Xinghe, we know it's you."

Seeing that his identity was revealed, the man in black cloak seemed stunned for a moment.

Then he pulled off the cloak and revealed his face.

It's Ye Xinghe!

He looked at the three of them and said calmly: "How do you know I'm here?"

Zhao Kunjie snorted coldly. "You are so trusting that you openly took out the treasures from my Lingyun Sword Sect at the door of the auction house. Do you really think that my Lingyun Sword Sect is deaf and blind!"

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