Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2016 Who do you think you are?

"Of course, we got the news right away!"

Ye Xinghe nodded and glanced at the huge sword formation next to him.

"This sword formation is called the Sancai Sword Formation. I heard that the strongest of your Lingyun Sword Sect is the various sword formation techniques."

"And it depends on the person. Two people can form an array, three people can form an array, and ten people, a hundred people, and ten thousand people can form a sword array, right?"

"That's right!"

Zhao Kunjie proudly said: "Two people in the Two Yi Formation, three people in the Three Talents Formation, four people in the Four Elephant Formation, my Lingyun Sword Sect has thousands of sword formations, it has opened your horizons!"

Ye Xinghe's eyes flashed.

"In other words, there are only three of you here?"

"It seems that you three are all the men sent by Lingyun Sword Sect to keep an eye on me."

Ye Xinghe felt relieved.

It turns out that he said this just to find out the reality of the Lingyun Sword Sect here.

Hearing him say these words, Zhao Kunjie suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

He said sternly: "Go ahead, activate the sword array and kill him directly!"

The three of them each flew towards their own giant swords, intending to strengthen the sword array and kill Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe smiled coldly.

"That's too late!"

The nameless broken sword slashed out fiercely, and the Sword of Annihilation was activated.

What Xinghe has to do is to kill with one blow in the shortest possible time!

This way they can't spread the news back to Lingyun Sword Sect.

Let Lingyun Sword Sect not send new masters to deal with him in a short period of time.

At the same time, he can also get what Ye Xinghe wants more smoothly.

These two points are extremely important to Ye Xinghe!

So after confirming that there were only three of them here.

Ye Xinghe didn't test, didn't make progress, and didn't say anything.

Directly and silently, his strongest attack is the offensive!

When a giant five-kilometer-long sword energy appeared in the sky and slashed downwards.

Zhao Kunjie finally knew how wrong he was and how ridiculous he was.

He finally knew how Jiang Hanlong died!

They couldn't resist the power of Ye Xinghe's sword!

The giant sword energy fell and severely shattered their so-called Sancai Sword Formation.

Then he destroyed all the defenses of the three people and smashed them to the ground.

Wu Chuanzhe and Yan Daiyun, both of whom were slightly weaker, were killed with one blow.

Zhao Kunjie was a little stronger, and he was still breathing at this time. He fell to the ground seriously injured and let out a miserable howl.

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "Do you know why I took out those treasures in front of so many people at the entrance of Sihai Auction House?"

Zhao Kunjie had a look of surprise on his face.

"You, you did it on purpose!"

Ye Xinghe smiled.

"Correct answer, but unfortunately there is no reward."

"why why!"

Zhao Kunjie said sternly: "Is it to kill the three of us?"

"You three are nothing, you deserve to be killed by me!"

Ye Xinghe sneered: "In my eyes, although you are disciples of Lingyun Sword Sect, you are worthless."

"What I really want is this thing on you!"

After that, he opened Zhao Kunjie's space container and took out a treasure from it.

Zhao Kunjie had a sad smile on his face.

Who would have thought that three disciples of Lingyun Sword Sect would lose their lives because of this thing.

The three disciples couldn't even compare to the value of this thing!

Ye Xinghe smiled and said: "At certain times, this thing is much more useful than you three disciples!"

Zhao Kunjie suddenly thought of something, and he exclaimed in shock: "Could it be that you want to do it next?"

But Ye Xinghe no longer gave him a chance to speak.

One sword fell down and killed him directly!

Then, Ye Xinghe took away the space container from the three people.

Then he found a herd of beasts for their three corpses and threw them directly into it.

Presumably for a while, no one will be able to find their traces.

This can give Ye Xinghe a precious period of time!

Then, he did not choose to enter the Great Sumeru Mountains, but returned to Jianqi City.

When Ye Xinghe came back, it was already early morning the next day.

The morning light was dim and the sun was born. He took a deep breath of the cold and fresh air.

He stepped into Sihai Auction House with a calm expression.

It's like killing a few chickens.

Instead of killing several powerful disciples of the Lingyun Sword Sect, the number one sect in the nine southern realms.

Qian Zehai came forward.

He said with excitement on his face: "I have lived up to your trust, and finally found the approximate location of the three elixirs!"

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

He was prepared to wait a few more days, but he didn't expect the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce to be so powerful.

You know, these three elixirs are rare and precious.

There is no information about them even in the Divine Sword Sect.

Otherwise, Ye Xinghe would not turn to Qian Zehai for help.

As if seeing Ye Xinghe's surprise, Qian Zehai laughed.

He said with some pride: "Our Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, in terms of combat effectiveness, is far inferior to other major sects."

"But if you are well-informed, spread information, gather information, and find out the location of spiritual herbs and elixirs, you can be said to be one of the best within a radius of tens of millions of miles. No one can compare with us!"

"Yesterday, I used the secret method of communication unique to the Chamber of Commerce to notify the auction houses of more than 16,000 branch chambers of commerce near the Great Sumeru Mountains."

"About a hundred chambers of commerce have sent back the news, claiming to have seen these three treasures."

"We compared it carefully again and looked at the time they claimed to have seen these elixirs. After mutual confirmation, we finally confirmed it!"

As he spoke, he handed a red gem the size of half a fist into Ye Xinghe's hands.

"Sir, if you put the Xuanhuang Qi into it, you can see it."

Ye Xinghe raised his eyebrows, and a ray of black and yellow energy was poured into it.

Suddenly, light rays refracted between the various sections.

After a while, the light penetrated beyond the gem and formed a pattern in the sky.

It turned out to be a palm-sized elixir, with red flowers blooming all over its body.

Golden stamens, golden stem diameter.

There are lines like fish scales on it, making it look very noble and cherished.

There seems to be a strong spiritual energy inside.

Qian Zehai explained from the side: "This is the ten thousand-year golden scale stamen you want!"

Ye Xinghe nodded.

At this time, several lines of text appeared next to it.

It introduced the characteristics of this product and its specific place of origin.

Approximately where it is in the Great Meru Mountains and where is the nearest town.

Even what the route into the mountain should be.

Everything is explained very clearly, down to the smallest detail.

Ye Xinghe took a deep breath.

“It’s better for the Sihai Chamber of Commerce to do things safely!”

"I only knew such a name before. I didn't even know what it looked like, let alone where it was."

"If you can't find it, tell me otherwise. You might miss it even if you find it." Putting the gem away, he patted Qian Zehai heavily on the shoulder.

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