Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2017 The Great Enlightenment Pill

"I owe you a favor!"

Qian Zehai laughed.

"Young master, don't say anything to anyone else. We all treat you as half a young master!"

After killing these three people and getting what he wanted, Ye Xinghe was ready to say goodbye and leave.

As for the Xuanhuang coins obtained from the auction of the treasures handed over to Qian Zehai.

Ye Xinghe planned to store it with him first, and he would naturally pick it up later. Qian Zehai said: "Master Ye, if you are not in a hurry, why not wait for half a day? The auction will be held this afternoon." "We have spent a few days preparing various things and spreading the news. Now all parties are strong. Gathered

. "

"There will be a lot of treasures in this auction. If you are not in a hurry, just take a look."

Ye Xinghe pondered for a moment and nodded.

With Chu Qingqiu taking care of He Sixuan, there won't be any problems, so it really doesn't matter if he is half a day late.

After he waited for about half an hour, the auction began.

It's still the same auction hall as last time, but there are more than ten times more people than last time!

The auction hall was packed with people.

Even the corridors were filled with people.

Ye Xinghe still occupies the best box.

The place is very lively, just like the market outside.

Ye Xinghe sighed, what Qian Zehai said was true.

This time they released the news and spent another day preparing.

He should have invited all the qualified and wealthy people around him.

"I wonder what surprises this auction will bring me!"

Soon, the auctioneer appeared and announced the start of the auction.

Then the first treasure he took out shocked the whole audience.

This was one of the treasures that Ye Xinghe took out. In an instant, the whole place was boiling.

Everyone is a person who knows the goods and started to fight for them one after another.

After a full quarter of an hour, after fierce bidding.

In the end, the object was sold for 270,000 Xuanhuang coins!

This price is definitely not low, and even exceeds Ye Xinghe's psychological bottom line.

But everyone is still not satisfied.

Someone shouted: "Is there any more?"

The auctioneer smiled and said: "Dear guests, don't worry, if we only have this one, our Sihai Auction House will not dare to call everyone here."

"There are eleven more treasures like this!"

This sentence shocked the whole audience!

Many people were amazed.

"Sihai Auction House is very lucky this time. Where did they get so many treasures?"

But there are also people who are doubtful.

But when the auctioneer took out the next treasure, their doubts became smaller.

Everyone entered into fierce bidding again!

Finally, all twelve treasures were photographed!

The total value far exceeded Ye Xinghe's estimate, reaching 4.5 million Xuanhuang coins!

Even after deducting the commission from the Sihai Chamber of Commerce, the amount in Ye Xinghe's hands was more than four million Xuanhuang coins!

Soon, Qian Zehai arrived and gave all 4.5 million Xuanhuang coins to Ye Xinghe.

He smiled and said: "Young master is a distinguished guest of our Four Seas Chamber of Commerce. These things you brought are also very important to the auction house. The other benefits they bring are far more than the commission!"

Ye Xinghe was not polite to him either. He was in urgent need of money now.

The Four Seas Chamber of Commerce is really quite scheming.

All the twelve treasures that Ye Xinghe took out were arranged in front.

Same is better than same.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the auction was filled.

It aroused everyone's emotions to an extremely high level!

And since there were only twelve pieces, most people didn’t take pictures.

There was a bit of regret in my heart, and I wanted to make up for it from the things behind.

This also made the things that were shot later, even though they were not as good, still fetch far higher prices than usual.

Ye Xinghe also made some moves during the process and bought several interesting magic weapons.

The levels are not high, but each has its own role. If used properly, it can work wonders!

Suddenly, a boy came over and whispered a few words in the auctioneer's ear.

The auctioneer's face was full of excitement and he left in a hurry.

When she came back, she already had a jade box in her hand.

She was very excited and said: "Everyone, we have just received a treasure. This treasure is quite precious, so we will make an exception and add it directly. Let's start the auction of this treasure now!"

Everyone immediately became quiet and looked at the auction table curiously.

I don’t know what kind of treasure can be temporarily added, it must be extraordinary!

The auctioneer opened the jade box, and immediately, a pill the size of a dragon's eye popped out and floated in the air.

The entire body of this object is purple, with fine clouds and mist in it.

The clouds and mist are very mysterious, giving people the feeling that one look at them will make their minds clear.

Many problems that have been bothering me for a long time were suddenly solved.

Ye Xinghe slowly sat up straight.

“This thing can actually make people’s minds clear, which is interesting!”

The auctioneer smiled and said: "This object is called the Great Enlightenment Pill, a sixth-grade elixir. Although the grade is not particularly high, it is very rare and rare. There are very few spiritual masters who can refine this object!"

"The base price of this item is 50,000 Xuanhuang coins. Each increase in price must not be less than 5,000 Xuanhuang coins. The auction begins!"

Hearing the words "Great Enlightenment Pill", some people showed excitement on their faces, but others didn't take it seriously.

"I thought it was something good, but it's useless to me!"

"That's right, my time is not that valuable!"

But this Great Enlightenment Pill also depends on the person.

If a genius has this thing, it will certainly be like a tiger with wings, and his comprehension will become stronger.

Maybe, it can solve the bottleneck of cultivation that has troubled him for many years.

But if it's a mediocre person, it's useless to give it to him.

What he originally took a year to learn, now it takes ten months, so what?

For him, the value of a Great Enlightenment Pill is far higher than his two months.

But geniuses are a minority after all. This thing, in the eyes of those who know the goods, can be said to be very useful and valuable.

But for most people, it is useless.

Ye Xinghe suddenly sat up straight, with a look of desire in his eyes.

"This thing is very useful to me!"

"I am now getting better at understanding the Azure Lotus Sword Technique. When I just understood it, I could last for fifty breaths."

"If I use this Great Enlightenment Pill, I might be able to make a breakthrough. I must get this thing!"

However, he did not rush to make a move.

It was only after the price of the level soared to 90,000 Xuanhuang coins that fewer people bid, and then he participated.

"Ninety-five thousand Xuanhuang coins."

Ye Xinghe reported his first price.

He was not arrogant, and added a minimum price according to the rules.

At this time, a man's voice sounded, very domineering.

"One hundred and ten thousand Xuanhuang coins!" He directly added fifteen thousand Xuanhuang coins.

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