Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 2034 You look down on me

Ye Xinghe smiled and said nothing.

In fact, he just casually recorded this scene that day, thinking that he could use it one day.

But I didn't expect that it would come in handy now.

Then, Jiang Xiaoshan suddenly knelt down on the ground

"Bang bang bang", he kowtowed to Yan Tianxing repeatedly and begged for mercy.

"Master, please forgive me this time. I am obsessed with it. I will never dare to do it again!"

"You have taught me for two hundred years. Our two hundred years of friendship cannot match these few words!"

Yan Tianxing is the kind of person who has a bad temper, but is actually very soft-hearted.

He pondered for a long time, gritted his teeth, and said sternly: "Get out of here!"

Jiang Xiaoshan was overjoyed as if he had been granted amnesty.

With a look of gratitude on his face, he kowtowed a few more times.

He hugged Yan Tianxing's legs and wailed: "Master, I really know that I was wrong. You are truly kind to me. I will definitely be filial to you in the future!"

Yan Tianxing also softened in his heart, lowered his head and was about to speak.

At this time, Jiang Xiaoshan suddenly raised his eyes.

Those eyes were full of spite and ferocity.

He growled: "Go to hell!"

Ye Xinghe was beside him and yelled: "Be careful!"

At the same time, Yan Tianxing felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen.

Then a cold chill spread throughout his body.

The Xuanhuang divine power in the body was disappearing rapidly!

He felt that his aura instantly became extremely weak.

My heart was filled with shock and anger to the extreme, sadness to the extreme, and pain to the extreme!

He growled lowly and slapped his right palm downwards, intending to kill this beast.

But he was powerless, his palms drooped softly, and he fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Ye Xinghe could see clearly at this time.

A short sword was actually inserted into Yan Tianxing's lower abdomen, stabbing straight into his abdomen.

On the exposed sword blade, there was a blue color.

Obviously, it's coated with poison!

Ye Xinghe was shocked.

What kind of poison is this.

In an instant, the strength of this strong man in the Martial God Realm can be dissolved and he can be seriously injured!

Jiang Xiaoshan slowly stood up straight at this time and laughed happily.

"Old man, this God-breaking dagger is tempered with the most powerful God-breaking poison, which can dissolve the black and yellow divine power. This thing cost me a lot of money!"

"I didn't plan to use it now, but you forced me, you forced me to do this!"

He yelled repeatedly, venting his emotions.

At this time, Mei Yuyan finally came to her senses and screamed.

She actually broke away from Ye Xinghe and rushed towards Yan Tianxing.

Although she doesn't seem to care about Yan Tianxing, she actually cares about him very much.

This is flesh and blood!

Jiang Xiaoshan didn't even look back, and casually threw out another dagger.

Mei Yuyan couldn't avoid it and was directly stabbed by the black dagger.

Instantly, she shivered violently, and her whole body became pitch black!

At this time, only Ye Xinghe and Jiang Xiaoshan were left standing here.

Jiang Xiaoshan was afraid that the other Ten Thousand Beast Sect disciples would arrive, and he didn't want to cause any trouble, so he went straight towards Ye Xinghe.

He was in a hurry to capture Ye Xinghe and leave here quickly.

Look at him grabbing it casually and not caring.

Ye Xinghe shook his head lightly and said, "You look down on people."

Jiang Xiaoshan laughed wildly.

"Ye Xinghe, you were seriously injured by me just now. Now, you should still be seriously injured and on the verge of death. What are you going to fight with me for?"

Ye Xinghe roared loudly.

"Really? Then look, am I qualified to fight you now!"

After saying that, Wuming broke the front finger of the sword, the green lotus bloomed, and the green lotus was launched again to destroy the world.

The powerful force of destruction surges forward like an overwhelming force!

Jiang Xiaoshan said in horror: "How did you recover to your peak state? How long did it take!"

According to his knowledge, it was like Ye Xinghe's injury just now.

It takes at least half a month and a month to meditate quietly to recover.

This is true even if he swallowed the healing elixir.

You know, people's absorptive capacity is limited.

Even if there was a healing elixir, he didn't take effect that quickly.

But he didn't know that Ye Xinghe, a heaven-defying existence, possessed an even more heaven-defying Sky-Swallowing Divine Cauldron.

Just now, Ye Xinghe poured the elixir into the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Cauldron bottle by bottle.

The pure repairing medicine surged through his body, allowing him to quickly recover from his injuries.

Now in his prime, he is already superior to Jiang Xiaoshan who was seriously injured, and his strength is even better!

The nameless broken sword and Jiang Xiaoshan's fist collided hard.

With a soft sound of 'chi', his fist was cut off, and blood spurted out.

Jiang Xiaoshan screamed in pain.

Ye Xinghe took advantage of his illness to kill him.

Stepping forward, he used Qing Lian's Shi Shi Shi move again, directly cutting off his arm.

Ye Xinghe said coldly: "You broke my arm just now, now I'll give it back to you."

He was unreasonable and moved forward one after another, intending to kill Jiang Xiaoshan here.

But after all, Jiang Xiaoshan was extremely powerful and had profound knowledge. He used two trump cards in succession and fled far away.

He turned back fiercely, glared at Ye Xinghe, and in the blink of an eye, he had disappeared.

Ye Xinghe shook his head and did not catch up.

He glanced at Yan Tianxing and Mei Yuyan lying on the ground, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

What to do, these two guys suddenly appeared.

They were enemies who had fought to the death before, but now they were seriously injured, and they could not be ignored.

He could not leave these two people to those disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect.

Let alone other things, if these disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect were to protect them and return to the sect,

what would they do if they were attacked by Jiang Xiaoshan?

The two would definitely die!

And it was still unclear whether they could survive until they returned to the Ten Thousand Beast Sect with their injuries.

At this time, he heard a faint sound from Yan Tianxing, and hurried forward to check.

Yan Tianxing opened his eyes with difficulty, and his lips moved.

Although his face was pale, he had regained consciousness and seemed to be saying something with difficulty.

Ye Xinghe hurriedly listened, and Yan Tianxing's voice was intermittent.

"I, I, the ring on my left hand."

Ye Xinghe took off the ring on his left hand.

That was because the ring was made of ruby ​​and had an ancient shape, and the light and shadow flickered.

Ye Xinghe opened it, and the things inside were scattered all over the floor, with everything.

Yan Tianxing pointed to one of the jade bottles.

Ye Xinghe quickly took it, took out the pills inside and swallowed them for him.

After a while, Yan Tianxing suddenly cried out, "Wow."

He spat out more than a dozen mouthfuls of blue-black blood, with sparkling spots of light inside.

His face also turned slightly red, and some of his breath was slowly recovering.

But it was still very weak now.

Ye Xinghe asked curiously, "Can't this thing dissolve the Xuanhuang divine power? You recovered so quickly."

Yan Tianxing shook his head. "The Xuanhuang divine power is a gift from heaven, the original power of this Xuanhuang world, how can it be dissolved? It's just temporarily suppressing and decomposing it. It will naturally recover slowly after taking the pills."

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